[🍬] eleven

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jeongguk is lagging behind as he walks to the football field, his bag ridden over his shoulder. he has difficulty in deciphering whether or not it feels lighter or heavier taking into account the 'conversation' he had with jimin a mere five minutes ago.

he can still feel the blush as it reaches the dips of his collarbones. his skin is hot in spite of the chilling breeze feathering through his brown curls.

this isn't good. jeongguk shouldn't be distracted during his practice sessions. football means a lot to him and if the sport can not only help him get into post secondary but also offer some financial aid, he'd be an absolute fool to mess up the opportunity.

jeongguk gets to the field and drops his bag on the grass. he begins to change his clothes meanwhile the other boys are already starting their drills. he's beginning to look a lot worse than those he refered to with disappointment. but jimin is running through his mind on repeat like a broken record.

his soft whines and mewls engrave themselves in the back of his mind. the way the pretty blond's body felt against his own... fuck. jeongguk shakes his head, giving it his all to push those thoughts aside despite how persistent they are.

once he's finished changing, he jogs up to the rest of the boys. teams are being split up for practice and he notices two things currently. one that frustrates him and one that has a look of skepticism brushing his face.

jimin's handsome friend is standing on the side by the benches, observing the other boys as they practice. taehyung isn't here even though he was in last block. it makes sense considering he's been off ever since this morning but it isn't like him to skip despite how childish he can act sometimes. it's just in his nature.

"you gonna actually start participating, tough guy?"

jeongguk looks over his shoulder and meets the handsome boy's eyes. one of his brows are lifted and his arms are crossed over his chest as he clearly tries to assert some form of dominance - and the brunette can only assume that this hostile confrontation has everything to do with jimin.

"i was just about to. i was just thinking," jeongguk tells him and begins to walk away but he's stopped as soon as his wrist is grabbed.

he looks down where the boy has grabbed him and then back into his eyes. he doesn't let jeongguk go and he waits for something - anything.

"what's going on with you and jimin?" he asks.

jeongguk's brows furrow. he pulls his wrist out of the boy's hold and rubs it, glaring at him. "nothing. it's none of your business. i have to start practice--"

the boy advances, close enough to make the brunette uncomfortable. "whatever it is, you need to make it stop," he demands sharply.

jeongguk doesn't know what to say. yeah, he's strong but he isn't super brave. he ignores the boy and obeys his coach's beckon, jogging to the center of the field where he finally begins to practice.

and needless to say, it could have gone much smoother than it did. he's known for being fluid on the field but his performance today proved otherwise. it's without a doubt that jimin's friend - who he still has yet to learn the name of - kept staring him down, scrutinizing his gameplay.

they have a game coming up soon and he's finding it harder to practice what he preaches. he can't be distracted this far into the season. it's not a risk he can take, but let's see how easy it is to follow his own words of wisdom.

the guys on the field begin to pack their things up and take off. jeongguk stays for an extra fifteen minutes running through the drills he missed or performed poorly at. thankfully the invasive boy is now gone and the field is empty. well, that's what he thinks before his eyes land on the pretty blond across the way, gathering cheer equipment.

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