[🍬] Thirty-three

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Jeongguk probably shouldn't be as nervous as he is. Hell, Jimin doesn't even look to be as antsy. But there's just something about sitting in the silence of his living room alongside Jimin, waiting for his mother to return home from her confrontation with In-Su.

It's probably because he's afraid to lose Jimin. It's already been established that he's staying yet somehow, he can't help but think of the worst possible outcomes. He's become so impossibly smitten with the blond's entirety, that the thought of losing him makes him sick to his stomach. His throat burns while he thinks it over unwillingly. Apparently he likes to torture himself even though he doesn't intend to.

"Bun." Jimin snuggles in closer to Jeongguk's side on the couch, peering up at him through long lashes. "You don't have to be so nervous. I trust your mom. I trust her more than I trust my father. She won't disappoint us. Just take a deep breath, okay?"

Jeongguk peers after Jimin, feeling his heart soften in his chest. Such the simplest and dulcet of touches and words always seem to ebb away the fear constantly melding with his skin. It's truly a blessing. Jimin is a blessing.

And so he listens. He inhales deeply with Jimin's fingers moving through his hair, tugging gently at the roots. A weighted exhale falls to brush the blond's mouth. Jimin smiles sweetly and leans in, pressing his lips to Jeongguk's.

Jeongguk hums contentedly and whimpers as Jimin pulls away. He pouts at him while batting his lashes playfully.

Jimin chuckles, sending his hand forward to smack his boyfriend on the shoulder. "You're like a bunny in heat," he mumbles.

Jeongguk blushes. "Well have you seen what you look like?" And then he sinks into the cushion slowly because Jimin is looking at him in such a way that draws intrigue but also worry.

Jimin's hand moves to flatten along his cheek. "Have I ever told you how proud I am of you, Jeongguk? You used to be so insecure. You were shy - not to say that you still aren't - but you've definitely been coming out of your shell. You're being yourself and you haven't been afraid to explore your sexuality with me. You're trying new things and that makes me happy. Are you happy, Bun?" he asks.

Jeongguk is blinking at Jimin, pulling on his bottom lip. His cheeks dust over with shell-pink as he sinks deeper into the boy's palm. Everything he speaks is true. And maybe he hasn't really acknowledged it himself because he's been intimidated by the fact that he's still changing. But that's the beautiful part about it, isn't it? Jeongguk parts his mouth to talk but Jimin beats him to it.

"Despite the odds, you still managed to crawl your way into my heart and you stayed there," Jimin continues endearingly.

Jeongguk scrunches his nose shyly. "But you let me in, and that's the difference. You never made fun of me. You never laughed at me if I did something wrong and you still never do. I can't think of anybody else I'd let carry me through this phase of learning and hardships. It means so much to me. You mean so much to me," he replies quietly.

Jimin's smile reaches his waning eyes. He plants a kiss against Jeongguk's forehead and snuggles into the crook of his neck, breathing in his calming aroma. "But you mean the most to me," he replies.

Jeongguk grumbles. "That isn't true," he argues while lifting Jimin's shirt slightly, drawing circles into his bare back.

The blond whines softly in response to the solace such a subtle gesture brings him. "I'm sure we'll be at this all day if we keep going at it," he humours.

"We definitely will." Jeongguk plants a chaste kiss against Jimin's cheek and for the remainder of their wait, they turn the TV on and watch some cartoons to pass the time by.

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