[🍬] eighteen

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jeongguk has been turned on before and so he's embarrassed to have reacted the way he did. and quite frankly, his actions didn't necessarily feel like his own.

as he's seated in the kitchen a few days after their steamy interaction and after school, playing with his fingers anxiously in his lap, this is one of the things he ponders over excessively as he sits across from his mother who awaits an explanation. she isn't eager or pressing him to speak but the curious shape of her eyes are enough to make him shift uncomfortably on his stool - something he's gotten extremely good at in his bashful nature.

"you don't have to tell me yet if you're not ready," she says sympathetically.

jeongguk looks up and frowns. she ditched work for this very reason - he isn't going to let her down. "no, it's okay. i'll tell you. i'm just trying to figure out how i should explain it..."

"how long has it been?" she asks.

the brunette cranks his neck slightly in thought. "um, i think it started around freshman year? i only really figured it out when i first saw jimin," he admits shyly.

myung-hee smiles. "when did you first see him?" she asks, noticing how the mention of jimin seems to ease his nerves.

jeongguk runs his hand along his nape, staring at the island counter. he hesitates for but a moment as he feels slightly embarrassed. "i first saw him on the football field. he was on the cheerleading team. had the uniform on and everything, but... he was wearing a skirt... god, he just took my breath away. he always does," he replies passionately, so wrapped up in his admiration for the blond boy he nearly forgets who he's talking to and what about.

he peers up with blazing cheeks to find myung-hee grinning at him. he ducks his head down, away from her glimmering eyes and stares at his lap.

"that's explanation enough, my sweet boy. if he makes you happy, i'm happy."

jeongguk pouts cutely as his brown hair is ruffled and shifted into a state of disarray on his head. as his mother pulls her hand away, he runs his palm along his locks, flattening them.

"you're not angry with me?" he murmurs shyly.

"why would i be angry at something you can't control? the fact that you thought you had to hide this from me is heartbreaking, koo bear. i will always be proud of you," she affirms, reaching for one of his hands.

jeongguk blinks at her. "momma, you know you didn't have to hide from me, either? you do what you can to make sure my teenage years are good. that's all i can ask of you," he states while reflecting the solemnity in her eyes.

she sighs quietly. "...i thought you would be ashamed of me." her face falls at those words.

jeongguk jumps off of his stool and rounds the small island, pulling her into his arms from her side. he rests his cheek on her shoulder. "i could never be ashamed of who you are. you're the strongest woman that i know. you've been through so much hell and yet you're still here," he points out with a sense of reverence.

myung-hee sighs, pivoting on her heel so she can wrap her arms around her precious boy, cradling the back of his head with her hand. "and i could never leave you behind, koo bear."

it isn't until a couple minutes later that they part from their hug. jeongguk's mother runs her fingers over her cheeks, staring up at the ceiling while blinking rapidly. "it's too sad in here," she mutters and both her and the brunette chuckle.

"you have the day off now, right? how about we do something?" jeongguk suggests, messing with one of myung-hee's curls distractedly.

his mother appears in thought, nose crinkling in resemblance to jeongguk's. she gasps loudly with exciting revelation, pointing her finger into the air. "i haven't made you a home cooked meal in awhile. how about i make you something nice to eat?" she suggests.

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