[🍬] thirteen

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as soon as jimin finished calming and collecting himself successfully, he had gone home and jeongguk made sure of it. the brunette is now sitting across from his mother once again however he's much more rigid. he figured out who touched jimin and he can't stop glaring at him just two booths down and across the way.

"jeongguk, is everything alright? you shouldn't be staring," myung-hee chides tamely before slipping a fork full of strawberry goodness into her mouth.

the brunette forces himself to look away from the man most likely breaching his late twenties. "i'm fine," he says and cuts into his pancakes, taking a bite.

however no longer than a minute later, a young boy walks by their booth and jeongguk's eyes narrow as he recognizes the handsome asshole to be none other than jin. but what truly has his blood running cold is the fact that he hugs the man responsible for jimin's distress and sits down across from him.

there's no fucking way that's jin's dad.

and now he can't help but to stare once again and focus in on their mouths - their body language. jin begins to look around the small diner and the brunette manages to duck down just in time. he lifts his head soon after and finds the older man supposedly explaining something. the teenager nods but with evident disappointment.

"koo bear, eat your food," his mother stresses and this time her tone thickens.

"sorry, momma," jeongguk murmurs and looks away, stabbing at his pancakes.

he wanted this to be a nice little date with his mom but now it's ruined for him for the most part. however he isn't going to talk about it for the sake of myung-hee - if she's enjoying herself then that's all that matters to him.

but how can somebody be so disrespectful? so vile and deplorable? jimin must have known who the man was and if being touched by somebody in the first place isn't bad enough, he can understand why the blond was so worked up with tears if it's committed by someone of familiarity.

and then he begins to wonder. has he had issues like this in the past while at jin's house? jin probably doesn't even know otherwise he'd probably be just as pissed off at the revelation.

"...so how is football going?" his mother asks.

jeongguk perks up and smiles softly. "it's going good. we have a game on monday," he tells her.

myung-hee takes a sip of her water and frowns at her son. "i never get to attend any of your games, my baby bear. i'm sorry and i'll make it up to you, i promise," she says and reaches a hand out to envelope one of his own.

jeongguk blinks at her and nods his head. he's used to hearing this. but he's thankful because she does what she can to make sure he can play football. she's selfless and oftentimes it feels like she gives up too much of herself for work. as long as she makes it home at the end of the night.

"it's okay. if we make it to the championships they should be held on the weekend. maybe then you'll be able to watch," he assures, smiling at her.

"of course you'll make it to the championships. i know you have a good team. taehyung and namjoon - you can always count on them," she brings up with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"you're right," jeongguk agrees.

however it's been awhile seen he's seen taehyung, and in fact it's roughly been a day? he skipped last block and practice. it's not usually like him to bail like that but there's no telling just exactly what's going on in his life. family issues was what he said but that's all he said. the brunette just wishes taehyung could confide in him.

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