[🍬] Twenty-nine

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Jeongguk doubles over, flattening his hands against his knees the moment he finishes up with his football drills. From the corner of his eyes he can see Jimin approaching with a cool water bottle in hand.

"Here, tough guy." Jimin smiles and it reaches his eyes.

Jeongguk reaches for the water bottle. "Thank you." He stands up straight and untwists the cap, tilting his head back. The water hits his mouth and it feels like heaven, especially in the way it runs down his parched throat smoothly. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and looks at Jimin. More specifically the soft curve of his pink lips.

"You guys should be practicing inside. It's too cold out here for you to be wearing your cheer uniforms." Jeongguk scrunches his nose.

And as he says this, the light breeze dances directly through Jimin's blond hair, shifting a few golden locks against his forehead. The apple's of his cheeks are red and his ears just the same. And yet his smile is just as warm as it's always been.

"It's okay, really. It gets too hot in the gym. It's better out here." Jimin tugs on the sleeve of Jeongguk's football jersey, running his thumb over the thin fabric.

Suddenly the sound of a whistle pierces through the wind. Both Jeongguk and Jimin look over their shoulders to find a few football players as they watch the interaction from afar. It doesn't matter how close they are when it comes to actual games, they always manage to find the time to tease Jeongguk. Whether it be about his sexuality, his boyfriend, his gameplay - whatever. There's always a reason.

"Hey." Jimin cups Jeongguk's face, aligning it with his own. "Don't listen to anything they say, alright? I'm so proud of how far you've come. Don't let them suck you back in. You don't owe them the gratification."

Jeongguk hones in on the haven Jimin's sweet eyes offer. He melts into his hands, even if they're chilly. "It's not me that I'm worried about, Jimin," he admits.

Jimin's mouth falls into a slight frown. "If they have any issues to address then they can come talk to us personally. But as far as I'm concerned, they're too wimpy to actually say anything. Try not to worry so much about me, okay?"

Jeongguk sighs quietly. It's definitely easier said than done. He's well aware what most of his teammates are like. They're childish and gross, as teenage boys typically will be. But it isn't charming and it's most definitely a deterrent. They just don't realize it because they're popular. That's how it goes.

"I'll tell you what. I'll tag along with the rest of the cheerleaders and get dressed in the changerooms. Then we can go home, take a shower and have dinner with Taehyung and Yoongi. Does that sound nice?" Jimin suggests.

It does sound nice. Especially the part where they get to shower together. But he won't admit to that much. He smiles and nods his head. "Yeah, sure."

Jimin perks up at this. "Okay! I'll meet you in the student parking lot?"

"Sure, baby," Jeongguk agrees.

He's met with a pair of soft lips against his cheek. He blushes while he watches Jimin meet the rest of the cheerleaders halfway down the football field, headed toward the school.

And it seems like not even a few seconds later, three other football players are surrounding him. Most of them have already left, even Taehyung and Namjoon have already disappeared from the field.

"Damn, Gguk. I've definitely been hearing some things but never really thought it'd be true. The captain is really into dudes, huh?"

Jeongguk doesn't entertain any of them. They nudge him softly while he simply stares at the grass. Jimin is right. They don't deserve the attention. But evidently it's something they crave for because Jeongguk is pushed to the ground. He's peering up at them through his wet strands of hair, keeping silent.

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