[🍬] Twenty-three

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There's this fine line between momentary peace and vanquish.

Jeongguk hasn't been able to think clearly the last few days that Jimin suddenly hasn't been showing up to school. He's wondering if the blond has given up on him completely or if he simply needs some space. Either or, the silence and undisclosed is killing him slowly.

The last moment they saw each other was after school, confrontational in the vacant classroom. It's getting harder to imagine Jimin in his pretty skirts when all he can picture is black from head to toe along with his cracked bottom lip. The heavy purple beneath his eyes and mangled blond hair. It's so disorienting to the point it almost makes him sick to his stomach.

Jeongguk sighs heavily into his cold bowl of soup, pushing it away. He runs his hands down his face, fingers stopping just below his eyes. He stays like this for some time until he decides to pull out his phone, deciding to text Yoongi.

Hey. I was just wondering
if you've heard from Jimin
anytime soon? He isn't
answering my texts or picking
up my calls. I'm worried about him.

Jeongguk dips his finger into his mouth, nibbling anxiously on his nail. He stares at his screen religiously, adrenaline spiking as a speech bubble forms.

Hi, Jeongguk. Uh... Jimin
is at my house right now
but he isn't doing too good.
I think you should maybe stop
by. He said he doesn't want to
see anyone right now but he
keeps replaying your voicemails.

Jeongguk can feel his eyes brim with tears. He pulls his finger out of his mouth and texts Yoongi back.

Okay. Text me your address.
I'll be over as soon as possible.

Jeongguk waits impatiently for another text from Yoongi. Very soon he's being sent the boy's address and he grabs his car keys, leaving his house.

The drive is only five minutes away and yet it feels like an eternity as his fingers pale around the steering wheel. Jeongguk tries damn hard to keep in the speed limit as he trusts Yoongi. But even then, the need to see him is so strong to the point it's scary.

Soon he pulls up in front of Yoongi's small home and jumps out of his car, running up to the mint haired boy's front porch. He knocks on the door with clear lack of patience, shifting uneasily on his feet. Soon it's pulled open and Yoongi is standing still, body draped with a large, pale green sweatshirt. Whether or not he's wearing any pants underneath is a mystery but nonetheless, he looks very tired as he rubs at his eyes.

"He's upstairs. First room to the left-"

Jeongguk doesn't necessarily let Yoongi continue as he runs up the stairs, taking a very sharp turn to his left. The door busts open and his eyes land on the blond's melancholic figure sitting on the center of the bed.

Jimin looks up and their eyes meet. The only thing audible is the sound of Jeongguk's voice as the cheerleader replays another one of his voicemails. He has tears streaming down his splotchy cheeks, rolling down his neck to meet the black of his hoodie.

"Bun?" Jimin rasps quietly, red lips parted.

Jeongguk doesn't say anything. He walks toward the bed and sits down, immediately pulling Jimin into his arms. He sinks his face into the crook of the blond's neck, carding his fingers through his hair. He begins to hum quietly into his ear, met with the heartbreaking sound of quiet whimpers.

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