[🍬] fifteen

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jeongguk among very few people has never really been so disliking of mondays. but as he walks lazily into the school with his shoulders being exceptionally heavy, he understands just how excruciatingly painful they can be.

he can feel eyes following him as he wanders the hallways to his locker. he hangs his backpack up and begins to gather his things. however before he can get very far, small white sneakers creep into his peripheral. he cranes his neck and unintentionally he finds himself admiring the pretty blond's bare, clean legs. his gaze then wanders over his cute skirt to the adorable, oversized hoodie swallowing him whole. his attention then lands on the boy's face and he can see an immeasurable amount of worry in his waning eyes.

jeongguk gulps and stands to his feet, rubbing at his neck. last they spoke was at the diner and their interaction was rather intimate - intimate in the sense that it was raw and real. jimin was upset and vulnerable.

"what happened to your nose?" jimin asks and reaches his hand out, running his fingertips along the brunette's jaw.

for a moment jeongguk finds pure bliss in the simple action and his eyes nearly fall closed. but he remembers that they're in the hallway, standing before prying eyes. he pushes the blond's hand away daintily and clears his throat.

"i, um... ran into a door," jeongguk panics. he really should have said it had something to do with football.

jimin's ample, kissable lips part in confusion. "a... door did that to your nose?" he questions.

jeongguk fiddles with his nape, feeling uncomfortable knowing that people are watching the exchange openly. "y-yeah... a door," he murmurs lamely with no given explanation.

the blond boy juts his bottom lip out and jeongguk has to contain the need to gush at how adorable the action is.

"okay, um... well, i just wanted to thank you for helping me at the diner... you know... being there for me," jimin projects bashfully.

jeongguk smiles at him softly, but it soon dissolves as he recalls the reasoning behind their close cornered interaction in the bathroom. "...it was no problem, really. you know... i go there all the time. are you a new hire?" he asks.

jimin nods his head, smiling. "i work there with my best friend, yoongi," he announces.

jeongguk purses his lips. "does he go to school with us?"

the blond hums and leans against the locker, holding his books close to his chest. "today is his first day. i told him not to worry about it and stay at school in daegu but he wants to graduate with me," he explains.

jeongguk's lips separate in awe. "but you didn't live in daegu. how do you guys know each other?" he questions.

jimin giggles and the brunette's heart melts. "we met online at a pretty young age. we've visited before but we mainly talk online. i thought he was crazy for wanting to come with me but it's hard to find a friendship like that. i lost all of mine back in busan and he was there for me when i was at my lowest point."

talk about jimin's past has jeongguk's face falling. he doesn't realize the blond has taken a step forward until some of his brown hair is being tucked behind his ear.

"hey, don't worry too much about it. things have changed. i have new friends and... well, you," jimin smiles.

jeongguk is too focused on the blond's words to realize their close proximity, and in front of so many people.

"...am i not considered your friend?" the brunette murmurs in pout.

jimin giggles softly, pulling his hand away from jeongguk's face. he looks down at his sneakers and smiles shyly. "...working on turning you into something a little more," he whispers.

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