[🍬] Twenty

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It wasn't Jeongguk's intention to spend the night, but he supposes it wasn't Jimin's either as the boy is tucked so tightly into his side it almost feels as though they're bound by glue.

He spends an impossible amount of time admiring the blond's soft complexion. How his nose twitches faintly and how his cheek doubles in size, pressed up against the pillow. He looks every part of an ethereal angel.

Jeongguk pushes some of Jimin's hair behind his ear and then moves onto his back, staring at the ceiling. So much has happened in the last few days and yet what seems to occupy every inch of his mind is what happened just before sleep took them over.

There's just something in the way Jimin is so patient with him. How he's willing to take control because of the little experience Jeongguk has. These thoughts are dangerous as he can feel the undulating of Jimin against him. Pressing into his groin, deep and with pedantic calculation. How his small hips fit so perfectly in his large hands during the process. His sweet little mumbles of rapture and swollen lips.

Jeongguk exhales heavily, squeezing his thigh. He tries to distract himself from the unfaithful thoughts going off in his head. It almost feels disrespectful in a way as he promised he isn't using Jimin for his body (which he isn't), but that's all he can seem to think about as he stares at the ceiling dumbly.

Now what typically seems to happen is going under process as he appears to be so distracted by his thoughts that he fails to realize Jimin is awake. Small fingers ghost his hand beneath the blanket, sending a jolt of electricity throughout his pulsating veins. He tilts his head to the left and freezes the moment his fingers on his thigh are completely replaced by Jimin's.

And yet instead of the blond helping his pitiful cause, he begins to dimple his inner thigh with deft movements in a massaging motion, prompting Jeongguk's breath to hitch in his throat. His cheeks go ablaze with hot red as he's staring into Jimin's sweet eyes, feeling build up between his legs.

"What are you thinking about, Bun?" Jimin asks quietly, seemingly knowing exactly what he's doing.

Jeongguk sweeps his tongue over his lips impossibly fast, attention flitting back up to the ceiling. "N-nothing," he stutters.

Jimin's fingers move away from the inside of his thigh. He's frozen in place, unable to to twist his head, straining. As the presence of the blond's hand is lost, everything feels frigid. His heart hammers against his ribs in anticipation and perhaps some fear. He can see the cheerleader shifting around in his peripheral and it isn't too long before he's against him.

"You're thinking about me, aren't you, Bun?" Jimin whispers.

With each painfully slow movement of his lips, they graze the shell of Jeongguk's ear. The brunette inhales a sharp intake of breath while curling his fists. They shouldn't do this again, not while in Taehyung's house. Last night was bad enough and although a small sense of guilt tauts his chest, it was just as fucking good.

It's easy to get an adrenaline rush off of the things you shouldn't be doing. Jeongguk is currently undergoing that in clear anticipation as Jimin's hand lands on his upper thigh once again, much closer to his now throbbing length.

Jimin begins to move his fingers slowly, lips grazing the brunette's ear, teeth sinking down gently on his lobe to release it in a trained tug. He hates that this makes him seem so easy, but relishes in the fact that Jimin can make him feel this way. That although the blond is shy sometimes and dresses up prettily in his skirts and cute sweatshirts, just as much destruction is channeled not only in the palms of his hands but also his sharp eyes.

There's just something so satisfying about this dynamic of being a built football player, submitting to the perfect touch of a pretty cheerleader. He loves nothing more than to fall apart in his soft hands and bend and break simply by perfect, little touches. It's yet another high that's inexplicable. The thrill of being big and bad, tainted by small and sweet. The perfect contrast.

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