[🍬] Twenty-one

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Just as quickly as the weekend comes, it ends. Today is Monday and by the looks of it, nobody is happy to be at school. Jeongguk - who usually doesn't seem to mind it - is a little on edge. He knows that Taehyung won't tell anybody but even though they discussed things during Sunday and cleared the air, it's still nerving that somebody else besides his mother knows.

He's sitting at his usual spot in the cafeteria, along with the rest of his team. However rather than eating his food or conversing with his friends, he's zoned out on the main corridor.

Jeongguk suddenly feels a nudge in his side and blinks, looking over at Namjoon. "You alright, Gguk? You seem out of it," the boy says and his dimples show.

The brunette sends him a weak smile, nodding. "I'm okay. Just thinking," he states, which in reality isn't all that much of a lie.

Namjoon hums and quickly ruffles his hair, returning to his conversation with the rest of the boys.

Jeongguk sighs quietly yet it's masked by the boisterous environment. He begins to wonder where Jin is in all of this but happens to spot him just outside of the school. It appears as though he's talking to somebody - more so forcing conversation. It doesn't seem civil in the slightest and the brunette can't really find himself caring until he spots Jimin slightly emerging from behind the wall.

It requires an impossible amount of restraint to keep himself seated. But as soon as Jin's hand comes down against the blond's cheek, he can't just sit back and watch. He stands abruptly, knocking his chair down. All eyes are on him now but his attention is selective at this moment. Rational thoughts depart from his mind and all colour leaves his knuckles as he curls his fingers in tight, walking toward the entrance of the school.

Both Taehyung and Namjoon are calling out to him, wondering what's up with the drastic shift in his behavior. Just seconds ago he was calm and collected, focusing on nothing in particular but nobody else. And now he's seething with rage.

Jeongguk can't see anything in front of him as a destination is clear in mind. If he needs to shove people out of his way, he does. Right up until he's outside of the school, visible to all students in the cafeteria, pushing Jin back by his shoulders.

"Put your fucking hand on him again. I dare you," Jeongguk grits, eyes tapering with deep hatred toward the arrogant football player.

"Jeongguk, please don't—"

"Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it you fucking priss?" Jin retorts.

Jimin - with a blazing red handprint on his cheek - darts his attention between both boys. He can feel people's eyes on them from inside of the school and it isn't long before some of them trickle into the front to watch.

Jeongguk trembles with rage. His jaw tenses with muscle coherency. He has never been this livid before. The fact that Jin thinks he can hit Jimin and get away with it is ridiculous.

"I'm gonna bust your teeth in for touching him, you pig," the brunette intones.

All Jin does is simply let out a thin laugh. His lips are upturned with mirth and he places his hands on his hips. "I'd like to see you try."

The temptation to walk up and punch him square in the face is unparalleled. His fists curl in tighter and his nose flares with the angry inhales as well as exhales leaving his body. But as soon as he looks into Jimin's pleading eyes, his what seemed to be ungovernable condition of anger ebbs away.

"What's wrong, Jeon? All bark and no bite?" Jin tests while crossing his arms, raising a brow.

Jeongguk does everything that he can to ignore Jin's pesky persistence. He doesn't want to make a scene and can't ruin his potential for a scholarship. And so he leans over to Jimin quickly and grabs him by his wrist. He begins to walk away from the scene but Jin says something that has him stopping dead in his tracks.

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