[🍬] eight

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as soon as jeongguk gets home he lands face first into his pillow and releases a disgruntled groan. he's being bombarded by thoughts and a variety of them, at that.

he feels like a total asshole for just running away from jimin like that, especially considering the pretty thing has a sprained ankle. if he had any control over his emotions he would have stayed despite their near moment of intimacy and drove him home.

jeongguk rolls onto his back and stares up at the ceiling, pressing two fingers to his lips. they were so close to kissing one another. he could feel the small exhales falling from jimin's nose as they ghosted his face like a gentle paintbrush with smooth bristles against a bare canvas. the only issue here being is that the cheerleader is the real masterpiece.

and then he begins to think about that other tall standing boy from a few days ago, staring at him and jimin without even trying to hide it. he was definitely shameless but he seemed kind of pissed off - at least frustrated by the way his otherwise big eyes narrowed in recession. he seemed almost territorial in a sense, like he was sizing up his prey. jeongguk shudders at the thought. he's a football player with a decent build but that doesn't mean he's confrontational and brute.

jeongguk seems to be on a roll because his mind also wanders to the topic of his mother. he's used to her working late and on the occasion being home in the evening to cook up some supper but she's been gone more frequently - at least more than he's used to. however of course it doesn't faze him much. she's a bartender and has bills to pay. he'll support her the best way he knows that he can and if that means not asking questions then so be it.

however things would still be much simpler if his father were still around. but he had to leave for some ungodly reason. jeongguk barely knew the guy, though, so he doesn't really care enough to dig up a meaningless past. as long as he has his mother and as long as she's okay, that's all that matters.

jeongguk sighs and dresses into something much simpler. as he's pulling a hoodie over his head his phone begins to run. he picks it up off of his bed and presses it to his ear.

"hey, tae, what's up?" jeongguks asks.

"nothing much, but hey. wanna hang out for a little bit? i'm stuck at home and my mom is droning on about the latest episode of gossip girl. i need out."

the desperation in taehyung's voice is comical. jeongguk chuckles.

"yeah, sure. i can order pizza once you get here," jeongguk suggests.

"sick. i'll be there in a few."

jeongguk smiles softly and pulls his phone away from his face once the line dies. this works perfectly for him because he needs the company - needs a distraction.

he ambles to the living room and that's where he stays until he hears a knock on the door. jeongguk removes himself from the couch and allows taehyung to enter, watching the miscreant boy as he immediately helps himself to the fridge.

jeongguk closes the door and rolls his eyes. "don't tell me you wanted to come over just for the food? we don't really have much right now," the brunette states as he seats himself at the island; however still entertained as taehyung maneuvers through the kitchen as if he lives there.

"even if it's not a lot, you guys have the good stuff. my mom buys all of the low calorie shit for her keto dieting or whatever. i swear she forgets she has a son sometimes," the boy mumbles with an oreo cookie secured between his lips.

jeongguk presses his chin into his palm as he watches taehyung munch on the cookie. he knows the boy is handsome, he's acknowledged the fact before and so has everyone else. but he never really paid attention to just how attractive he is. his shoulders are perfectly broad and his jawline is present however not overbearing. in contrast he has soft bread cheeks yet a defined nose and soft eyebrows. not to mention the charming uneven eyelids that each and every human being at their high school is aware of.

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