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word count: 1303
As soon as my eyes open, a roaring pain singes through my brain. My vision is blurred, so I paw around for my glasses, unable to find them. I sit up, causing the headache to grow even larger, and notice a frame peeking out under the covers. I don't recognize them as my own, but they seem fairly familiar. They're different shades of black and the room is dimly lit.
"Shit." I breathe. "Where the hell-" I mutter as a figure shifts beside me. I shut up immediately.
I get out of bed slowly, quietly, so I don't wake up my sleeping neighbour. I feel a wave of cold as soon as the covers go off me, and I notice I'm only wearing boxers. I rub my head, trying to recall what happened last night.
Flashes and blurs run through my mind, attempting to piece together a puzzle that doesn't want to be finished. Excited chatter, blurs of dark brown eyes, more chatter, a scream, of which I cannot tell is in pleasure or in pain, and a muttering of "sorry".
I look around the room, and notice a hint of light peeking through a door. I go towards it, and find it's a bathroom. There's a mirror in it, and I look at myself. My fringe is messy, as it is when I wake up, so I adjust it. Dark circles surround my eyes, and dark spots scatter on my neck.
I shouldn't have gone to that party.
I shouldn't have gotten that drunk.
A deep voice approaches me. "Phil?" It asks, and the door creaks open. I turn to see who it is.
"Dan?" I ask, confused.
"Thank God." He says, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.
"Thank God? For what? What happened? Where are we?" I ask, not objecting to his closeness.
"You're here. It's you, and not someone else. Not some nobody." He says, kissing my cheek softly.
Now I object. I raise my hand to his and brush them off. "What happened last night? Did we- Did we-" I stutter.
"Have sex?" Dan laughs. I blush. "Yes." He smiles slyly, and I blush even more.
"Look, Dan. I don't remember much of last night. I'm not saying I don't want to have sex with you- I do, believe me-"
"You sure acted like it last night." Dan interrupts.
"But what happened? Where am I?" I ask again.
"You're in my room, silly." He ruffles my hair. "And fuck, a lot happened last night." He almost moans.
"I'm not going to ask you to explain how we fucked-How drunk was I?"
"You- You weren't." He says. I cock my head to the side. "You were sober, we did breathalyzers before we could leave the party. You were completely sober and we don't own any alcohol."
"B-But... I blacked out."
"Fuck." He whispers. "What's the last thing you can remember?"
I think back. "Well, I know I arrived at a house." I laugh. "The house had a lot of faerie lights. I think I saw you."
It's actually a lot clearer now, since I've been up for a few minutes. I got to the house and saw Dan. I talked to him for a while, and he started getting closer to me.I didn't know if he wanted sex or if he was just teasing. So in the heat of the moment, I grabbed him by his collar and smashed his lips into mine. It probably wasn't a great decision, but hey, I liked him a lot. And he knew I did.
"Don't tease me." I said, after releasing him, as he searched for words.
"I-I- Okay." He tried. I wanted more of him, more of his kisses, more of his everything. "I didn't mean to tease you, I'm sorry." He hid his face behind a chocolate fringe.
"You're so hot." I said, moving closer to him again. I took two fingers and pushed his head up, forcing him to look at me. "Damn, I love you." I said, reaching for another kiss.
He pushed me away. "Not here, Phil." He warned. "I-I'm..." He pointed to his lower half, and I apologized.
"You're just- irresistible. I can't stay away."
"There are people, Phil."
I groaned. "I love you so much."
He offered to go home. I remembered a breathalyzer on my way out, a man took it as I gripped Dan's hand tight.
We called a taxi, and it was nearly impossible the entire ride to stay off of Dan. I just wanted him so badly.
"Then we came home, right?" I ask.
"And we-"
"Yes." Dan smiles. "You're kinda out of cherry stuff..." I smile, poking out my tongue.
"You're so cute." I kiss him.
"You are." Dan begins to move himself closer to me, parting his lips.
"Wait." I stop him.
"Goddamnit, Phil, just let me kiss you."
"Why do I still forget some things?"
"You went out again, after we... well, fucked. I heard you come home at around 5 am, and you were crying. You told me that you did something bad. Very bad. You said you thought I'd hate you."
"Oh God." I breathe. I remember now. "Did I tell you?"
"No; you passed out."
"I won't hate you, Phil. I love you." He laces his fingers between mine.
"You weren't the only person I had sex with last night."
"Oh." He lets go of my hand slowly.
"I'm sorry, I really am." I try.
"Yes, I don't even know the girl, I love you, Dan!"
"No." He repeats, his eyes growing red and wet.
"I was drunk and stupid. I love you so much." I try to touch him, but he moves away, out of the bathroom. He sits back on his bed.
"You can't be sorry, Phil. You-You- You fucked someone else, Phil! And you didn't even know her! How the fuck am I supposed to feel about that? If you can just fuck random girls but somehow it's different for me?"
I try to apologize again.
"Dan-" He gets up.
"No. You know what? Fuck this. Fuck you. Fuck you and your twisted ideas of love." Tears are running down his cheeks, tinted bright red, as he storms out.
"Dan..." I try again, crying silently. "I messed up, Dan." I call.
The other bathroom door slams shut, the one we both use. I knock on it. The knocks are drowned out by running water.
"Fuck you, Phil." He says.
"Dan, what are you doing? Please come out, I can explain!"
"No you can't." He says bitterly, streams shutting off.
"Dan." I try, moving close to the door. "What are you doing?"
"It doesn't matter, you found a new fuck buddy. You don't need me." I hear sobs escape his mouth.
"No, Dan." I try the handle, and it doesn't work. "Please, just unlock the door."
Silence, then a click. I try the handle again. The door opens.
Dan is on the ground, leaning against the wall. Tear tracks cover his face.
"Listen, Dan." I close the door and slide down next to him. "I love you." He scoffs. "That girl means nothing to me, she was one night. I had so much to drink. Dan, you are my every night. I love you. I love you I love you I love you Iloveyou Iloveyou IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou." I repeat the words, trying to show him how true they are. I kiss his cheek and taste salt.
"I'm sorry, Phil. We aren't even an official thing, I overreacted. I don't deserve you. I'm stupid." He wipes his face with his hand. I move closer to him, my arms wrapped around him.
"You make me happy." I say, snuggling up to him. He's warm, even without a shirt.

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