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word count: 1985
I opened the link, confused as to why I had been sent it. My breathing slowed. I gasped for air, the lump in my throat feverishly growing. Millions of thoughts flittered through my mind, the main of which being "Oh God." "Awrf!" The voice on the screen began. I paused the video, and quickly clicked the button on the side to private it completely again. I didn't wake Dan up, why bother?
I dialed the number for YouTube services. "Hello?" I asked.
"Hello, who are you and why are you calling?" A kind female voice answered.
"I'm AmazingPhil and I think something happened last night." A door creaked open from behind me. Dan walked over and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, kissing me on the cheek. I shrugged him off, signaling him to "shh"
"Oh, yes. A bunch of privated videos were released. We are sorry if this caused any inconveniences, Mr. Lester. We are working very hard to find the bug, and private the videos again."
"Okay. Thank you, anyways." I hung up. I sighed heavily.
"Phil? What's wrong, babe?" Dan asked, nibbling my ear.
"Stop-" I laughed, poking my tongue out. Then, in a more serious tone, "Sit down."
"Do you remember last Valentine's Day?" I asked.
"Yeah." Dan blushed. "My first with you."
"You know the video I sent you? The memories one?"
"Yeah, that was really sweet of you!" Dan pecked me on the cheek.
"YouTube glitched. Everyone saw it."
His face drained of colour.
"The one-" He mouthed the words "I love you." I nodded solemnly. "Oh my God."
"I'm sorry, Dan." I tried sheepishly.
"Sorry? You can't just be sorry! They all fucking know!" He stood up, anger rising in his voice.
"Please don't yell." I said innocently.
"Oh my God, you idiot!" I hid my face away into the pillows on the couch.
"Stop yelling, I don't like it, Dan!"
"You're so fucking stupid, Phil. I told you to delete it after last year."
"I know. Please please please stop yelling." I pleaded. "I just wanted you to be able to see it anytime."
"I have you! In person! Right there! God, you idiot, you fucking idiot!"
"Stop swearing and yelling!" I sniffled. I sat back up. "It's not my fault! YouTube glitched, okay?"
Dan nodded, collecting himself. "We can just say it's a prank. An April Fools day thing."
"In February?" I asked.
"It released early. I'm still mad at you. Delete that video." He looked at me. "Now." He barked.
I grabbed my laptop quickly and deleted the file forever.


I took another swig, swallowing fast enough to avoid the sour taste. Two and a half bottles had been drank by now. Just one more drink, I kept saying to myself. As each drink flowed down, I regretted it more and more.
"D-Dan?" A timid voice spoke quietly. Phil walked into the kitchen. "Not again, Dan! You swore you would stop."
"You swore we would tell them together." I spat back.
"Stop, Dan. This isn't you." He came towards me and started reaching for the bottle. Rage bubbled inside me. I slapped him across the face. "Dan!" He yelped, jumping backwards. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't want to do that. The vodka forced it into me.
"Don't talk to me." I said bitterly.
"D-Dan." He lost his words.
"No 'I love you' shit. Get out of here. Fuck you." I wasn't angry at him, I swear. I loved him so much. But the alcohol overtook my thoughts, dazing me into a state of just watching.
Phil stormed out and slammed his bedroom door.
I felt guiltier as I finished off the third bottle.
Pain seared through my forehead as I awoke. "Phil?" I started to call, stopping, remembering he would probably hate me. I hobbled to the bathroom and poured 2 aspirin into my hand. I washed both down with a swish of water.
I knocked on Phil's door.
"Go away, you don't love me anymore." I heard almost sobbing.
"Phil, listen to me-"
"Shut up!" He yelled, a hard thud hitting the door, probably a stuffed animal. I tried opening it, to no prevail, as expected.
I sighed.
I couldn't go on Tumblr. Or Twitter. Or Instagram. Or anything.
I sat quietly in the living room and watched a black television screen for hours, falling asleep.
I woke up in Phil's bed. I looked around for him, to find nothing.
"Phil?" I called.
"Go to bed!" He yelled from the kitchen.
I was awake, though. Wide awake, and I wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. I lunged forward out of bed, and headed towards the kitchen.
Phil was over a saucepan on the stove. He looked so damn beautiful.
"I'm sorry." I choked out.
"You hit me, Dan." He replied calmly.
"I know. I don't know what happened, I am so sorry." I tried.
"I can't just forgive you, Dan. You hurt me. I'm not going to just say 'it's fine' and be done with it. You'll need a lot more than a sorry." He turned around. I looked up at him sheepishly, taking into account what anger was hiding in his crystal eyes.
"I know, I just-" I stopped. "I really over reacted."
"I know you did."
"D-Does this mean we aren't-"
"Dating?" I nodded at his question. "I still like you a lot, but you scared me. I don't know if we can be as close as we were."
"Mhm." I swallowed the lump growing in my throat. "Yeah, thanks."

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