High School Sweethearts

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also: s m uuu t warning aye>>
word count: 6233
End of semester, again. Which meant that Mr. Hill would reassign seats. It was the fucking worst, because once that person was your lab partner, guess what? You got to do every single fucking project with them! I was either completely fucked or in the best situation. And with my luck before that, the former seemed more likely.
Especially since fucking Lester was in that class. I had so many periods with him, it was almost as though Headmaster Jones was trying to mess with me. See, Phil and I never quite got along. Even in primary school, we would pick fights over a game of recess football. It usually ended in getting sent to the headmaster.
"Good morning, Mr. Howell." Mr. Hill said, without a smile, peering over his glasses as I walked in, with my head low and backpack slung over one shoulder. I nodded, and stood near my one friend that bell.
"Good luck." He whispered.
"You too."
Three minutes until the bell rung. One last student rushed in, and Mr. Hill, or as Aaron and I preferred, Mr. Hell, coughed, getting our attention. As though we weren't already paying attention. Talk in Hell's class, you won't be without a detention for months.
"Good morning, students." He droned.
"Good morning." We droned back. "Sir."
"As you know, today is the start of semester two." How the fuck could Hell make that sound unexciting? It was just a few months until summer break. "And we will be changing seating. All are present, good." He was so boring, white hair and ties that were all far too proper. "I will assign your seat one at a time, and as you know, your deskmate will be your lab partner for the rest of your 11th year." The class looked nervously at one another. "First desk - Jamison Michaels and Sarah Richards." I tuned out. "Aaron Jacobs and Haily Wells." Aaron smiled at me. Haily was hot. He hit me on the arm, and sat happily. "Eighth - Philip Lester and..." He skimmed the list. Christian Marks, Lei Fang, anyone but me. Please. "Daniel Howell." Aaron shot me a look. I dragged myself to the seat and sat down sourly.
"Fucking fag." I murmur.
"Shut the fuck up, Howell. Hill will fuck you up." He whispers.
"Now if you're unhappy with your seating, please contact me after class." No one would, not even me. I had heard horror stories of those who did. "Your first project with your partner will be one on plant and animal cells. You will create a presentation with them explaining the difference and functions of the two. You may begin brainstorming with the last ten minutes."
The class broke out into murmurs, Hell pulling out an ancient book, the same age as him probably. Aaron turned to me.
"Sorry, mate. I got Hails, though!"
"Yeah." I turn to Lester, who is doodling on his notebook. "Don't think I'm happy about this."
"I'm not. Just, can we put the differences aside, for this one class?"
"I don't fucking care, fag."
"Can you please stop calling me that? It's kinda annoying. Anyways," He tears out a paper. "How will we present?"
"Yeah, because you like my art, right? I saw you watching me doodle."
"Whatever. I hate Mr. Hill."
"You aren't the only one." Phil sighs, sketching an eye shape. "We'll need to meet at a house."
"Don't remind me."
We started the project the next day, Hell rushes everything. Phil told me we could go to his, since his mum wouldn't be home. The faggot.
He didn't live far from school, only a few blocks. We walked in silence.
"I fucking hate you." I whispered.
"Mmhmm, that's what the last guy to suck my dick said, too." He smirked.
"I'm not gay, you wish I was. You just can't stand the idea of being able to kiss me, right?" I said sarcastically. "Or have your hand wrapped around my cock? Oh, you must hate thinking about me leaving you here with a hickey on your neck, right?"
"Shut up." He stammered, blushing. We fought through words. "Just shut up. We're here, by the way." He turned to a small two story.
I walked in, throwing my backpack down. "We can go to my room, I have a computer to research things with."
"Yeah, sure." I pulled out a blank piece of poster paper.
"You just automatically say yes to a gay boy asking you to his room? Who's the fag now?"
"We're here for school." He led the way to a blue and green room, covered with Muse posters. "Nice." I said.
"What, Muse? Yeah, I love them."
"Your room is so young looking." I laughed, sitting on his bed. "Wallpaper?"
"Shut up, Howell."
"Make me, Lester."
He walked to the bed and jumped on top of me, his face inches from mine, all in a second.
"What the fuck, fag?" I asked.
"As if you're not the slightest bit turned on by having another boy on top of you, pressed so close, so near your face, your lips? You're not at all wanting to kiss me right now?" I bit back my lip. And Phil pressed his lips into mine, his hair hitting my forehead. I returned, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer. "You're totally not into guys?"
"Not you." I replied, pulling him in for another. Our lips crash in anger and passion, having been pent up for years.
"Of course not." He bit my bottom lip.
"F-Fuck." I whispered into him. "I hate you."
"I hate you, too." He pulled himself off of me.
"Don't tell another soul about this." I whispered.
"As long as you don't."
"So, what do plant cells do that animal cells can't?" I asked, eyeing Phil up and down, noticing the bulge in his pants.
"Uh, they photosynthesize, right?" He stammered. "Fuck, I can't do this. Dan, we need to talk."
"How about 15 minutes, then we can do this shit?"
I reached and grabbed my phone, setting a timer for 15 minutes later.
"Go." I said.
"We just made out. You just kissed me." He spoke carefully, stunned.
"And I liked it." I replied, even more stunned.
"Dan? Are you actually, really straight?"
I shook my head. "I don't know. I mean, I say I am. I can't say I'm gay or bi or at all into boys, I'll get bullied. Sorry for calling you a fag, by the way."
"Yeah, I know. And it's alright."
"Can I kiss you again?" I asked, the words spilling out.
"Mmhmm." Phil nodded, leaning forward. I placed my hand on his neck and shoulder, then kissed him quickly and softly and sweetly. Somehow that two second long kiss had been so much better than the minutes long one prior to it.
"Fuck." I whispered.
"I'm not gay. Jesus, I'm not. I don't even like boys. I mean- Fuck." He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "I don't like you, I'm sorry. I hated you just twenty minutes ago. I don't know what's gotten into me."
"Dan, it's okay to not know. We don't have to do anything other than the project ever again."
"But the thing is, ugh, I actually liked kissing you."
"Me too."
We just looked at each other for a second. In the eyes. And holy fuck, he had great eyes. They were a really bright blue, the kind that really stood out. They were so beautiful. He bit his lip and looked down, sighing. And he looked so damn attractive. He giggled a little to himself, shaking his head and his laugh was the most precious thing I had ever heard.
Fuck, Dan. You're not gay.
"I hate you, you know." I sighed.
"I know. I hate you, too."
My phone beeped. 15 minutes.
"Project." I pointed to the blank white page.
"Listen, Aaron, I hate working with Phil." I repeated to the boy leaning back in his chair, twirling his hair. Why did he all of a sudden look so hot?
You're not gay, Howell.
"I know, mate." He said, smacking his gum.
"He's so gay."
"I know, mate."
"I hate him."
"I know, mate."
"Okay, stop now." I laughed.
"Okay." He giggled.
"What the fuck do I do?" I rested my head in my hands.
"I don't know. Make him do it all alone?"
"Nah, that's too cruel." I said.
"Right." He pointed. He sighed. "I don't know. Wanna go somewhere tonight?"
Somewhere meant a party. "Who?"
"Haily, she said she's gonna throw a killer party. Starts at 11, if you're interested."
"Hell yeah, I am." I was the most giddy I'd been in weeks. Since I had kissed Phil.
"There's gonna be tons of hot girls, mate." He elbowed me.
I faked a smile. "Thanks, Aaron."
"Of course, Dan."
I walked through French doors to loud noise of music and chatter. Drinks were splashing, people kissing.
Aaron already left. He was probably in the bedroom with Haily. Lucky bastard. He got someone who he actually was attracted to and didn't make him question his entire sexuality.
"Dan?" A hand tapped me on the shoulder, and I spun around quickly.
"Phil? Jesus fuck, Phil." I said, both relieved and frightened. "I can't be seen talking to you, meet me in the backyard in five." I don't know where the plan came from, but he started snaking his way through the crowd and I did the same.
When I saw him in the garden, face half illuminated by lantern, I sighed.
"You've still not told anyone, right?" I asked, grabbing his arm firmly.
"Of course not, you?"
"Definitely not."
"Dan, it's been weeks. We need to talk about it at some poi-"
I cut him off, covering his mouth with mine, slamming my lips into his with the lust built up over the few weeks we'd done nothing.
"Jesus, Dan!" He pushed me off.
"Sorry." I whispered, though I was lying.
"Not out here. Not where they could see us."
"Okay, it's just- fuck, you're good looking."
"You're still not gay, huh?"
"Shut up." I pushed him lightly. He giggled.
"Not that again." He groaned. "At least wait until the bedroom."
"You wish, fag."
"As if you haven't pictured yourself sucking my dick?"
"Fuck you."
"Nah, I'd much rather fuck you, if I'm honest."
We were back at it, the teasing and flirting.
"Mmhmm." I raised an eyebrow. "And just how would you do that?"
"Well, first I'd push you into the wall and kiss you hard." He looked up, as if recalling the steps. "Maybe give you some hickeys on the way down to your-"
"Okay, shut up now." I said urgently.
"What? Is 'No Homo Howell' getting hard because of a boy? Again?"
"Jesus Christ, Phil."
"Huh?" He stepped closer to me, the tip of his nose touching mine.
"Are there any rooms in the house?" I breathed.
He backed off, surprised. "You're suggesting- Seriously? Oh my God."
"Just get us one, gay boy."
"Okay." He fled quickly and ran upstairs, navigating through light bursts under doors.
I trailed behind him, until he found an empty room. He opened it, and pulled me inside. I locked the door and stared at Phil. His eyes were wide and his mouth, half open.
"So, Howell." He sighed, inching me into the door. "What's so important you made us get a room?"
I kissed him hard. It was so fucking amazing. And again. I could tell he was already getting hard, just by the ferocity of his return kisses.
I threw all care to the wind, who the fuck cared? No one would ever know about it. Tons of people were getting drunk and fucking anyways, so I could use that as an excuse.
I trailed my hands down from his dark and fluffy hair to his neck, shoulders, and then back. I inched each finger, one by one, down to his waist, and finally, resting on his hips. He stopped kissing me, to my displeasure, until he moved his lips to my neck, my most sensitive part. I fumbled with my fingers, unlatching the belt that sat low on his hips.
"You okay with this?" I asked, assuring.
He nodded, kissing a line back up to my lips. I flung the belt off of him, and decided we should probably move somewhere other than the door. I pushed him onto the bed, a twin size with white everything. I slid his pants off, exposing his boxers, printed with Sonic.
"Seriously?" I giggled, looking up to his face. He looked down and laughed.
"If I knew I would be getting something tonight, I would've worn something different, I mean-"
"Shut up." I said, making Phil scowl. I pulled down the Sonic print boxers, too, and saw that his dick was already hard. Duh.
I wrapped my hand around it, making short, smooth strokes, looking up every so often to see him. He looked so good there. He was crumpling his shirt in his hands at the ends, his mouth forming a soft smile, half open. He looked so good, me pleasuring him and barely even touching him.
"Dan." He moaned softly, as I began moving my hand faster, then placing small kisses on his hips. "Fuck, Dan, just suck me." He breathed.
I started at the bottom of the shaft, moving closer and closer to the tip. He was already dripping with precum, salty and wet. And I'd barely started.
"Eager one, aren't you?" I smiled, kissing his cock again.
"Mmhmm." He gripped the comforter, pulling back both his lips and trying to constrain a loud moan, though some got out. I teased him more, playing around with his dick and my tongue, before I finally gave in and wrapped both lips around it. Phil groaned as I began bobbing up and down on his cock. He grabbed my hair, playing with it, pulling it back, and fuck, did it feel good. I felt the back of his cock touch my throat, and heard his low moan.
"Fuck," He drawled out, gasping for air. "Fuck, Dan, I'm going to-" He drew in a tight breath, then exploded into my mouth. I swallowed, ignoring the taste and licked up and down his shaft.
He looked at me as I licked my lips and pulled his boxers back up and sighed. "What?" I asked, pulling his pants on next, then tossing him the belt.
"I-uh? Dan? You just, ah, you just blew me." He kinda laughed, his eyes still clouded with the daze of orgasm.
"So I did." I chuckled, heading towards the en suite bathroom and washing my hands. I splashed water on my face and drank a handful. When I turned around, Phil was standing in the doorway.
"You're so straight." He rolled his eyes.
"Listen, Phil. No one can know about our little encounter. Okay? If you want more where that came from, at least, you won't say anything."
"I won't, I promise!" He grabbed my face by the cheeks and kissed me.
He wasn't ridden with lust, rather some romantic type of thing. I could tell just by the way he played with my hair carefully as he kissed me softly. But Phil and I weren't romantic. We were strictly lab partners.
"I wanna cuddle." He breathed into my neck. I sighed.
"Door locked?" He nodded. "Fine." He smiled with a huge smile, and I thought how that smile had previously been the shape of an "o", him moaning in pleasure.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bed, scrambling under the covers. When he laid down, I looked over at him. His hair was messy, though I couldn't understand why. He hadn't just given his strictly business lab partner a blow job. But it looked great on him. He yawned, pulling the classic arm around the shoulder in a theatre kinda move. I snuggled into him, Phil resting his chin on my head.
He kissed my forehead, and started playing with my hair. Brushing it back and just lacing his fingers through it. I tried to find his hand with mine, spider-walking my fingers over to it.
Not gay, Howell. Not gay at all. You just, ah, you just were horny, right?
Fuck it.
"I love you." I whispered, looking up at him.
His eyes registered shock and confusion. He locked his bluer than anything eyes with my drab old brown ones. He laughed nervously, as though shaking it off.
No one would know about this night, right? No one.
"I want to spend my whole life with you."
"Are you okay?" He asked, thumb on my cheek.
"Of course, I'm with you." He smiled. "No one is going to know about tonight, right?" He nodded. "So, fuck it. I really like you. Have for a while."
"How long is a while?"
"Does 11 years count?"
"Wow." Phil shook his head. "So the person I had the biggest crush on in middle school had one on me?"
"I guess." I blushed.
"Huh." He looked away, showing me his profile.
God, was he perfect. He had a nose with a specific shape, you saw it and thought "Lester". His mouth was the perfect shape, it was even more perfect to kiss. Everything was perfect to me. Not a flaw in the design.
"What are we, then?"
"Humans, lab partners," I started, making Phil laugh.
"No, us. Me and you. Dan and Phil. Lester and Howell."
"Boyfriends." I stated, though my tone didn't sound as certain and confident as I wanted it to.
"Boyfriends?" He asked, pushing back his black hair.
"Yep." I nodded decisively. "We don't need to tell anyone. We can just, you know, keep it to ourselves."
"People will think we're too friendly."
"Well, then, guess at school it'll have to be the same." I rest my forehead on his shoulder. "Dork." I throw in.
"Okay, bitch." He teased, rubbing circles into my hand with his thumb.
It was late, it was a Friday. And God, was I comfortable there, leaning into Phil. Leaning into my boyfriend. He pulled the covers up more, almost covering my face. Phil turned his body to be lying on his side, facing me, our bodies intertwining.
I was happy. I was happy and I felt all fuzzy inside and I felt, ah, I felt safe. Phil made me feel like not a single person could hurt me. I was sleepy, too. Which might've been why I fell asleep with my forehead pressed against his and everywhere that could be touching him touching him. I was happy, and I didn't care what Aaron would think on Monday. I didn't care. Phil was with me, and I was content.
I woke up to an unfamiliar brightness, still pressed close to Phil. And banging on a door. Lots of it.
"Get the fuck out!" A feminine voice called. I groaned.
"Wait a minute..." She fiddled with the door handle, before barging in. Haily entered, her face in a soft smile. "Dan?" She paused, noticing the tufts of black hair coming out of the blanket. "Who's with yo-"
Phil yawned. Fuck.
"Phil?" Haily almost yelled. "Wait, what the fuck? Are you two-"
"Haily, listen." I crawled out of bed. "One, shut the door." She did. "Two, don't tell anyone about what you saw. Okay?"
"Yeah, but are you? I mean, that'd be so adorable!" She exclaimed.
"Can you leave? We'll get out, okay?"
She left. I turned to Phil.
"So, Dan." He sighed. "Boyfriends?" I nodded. "Thank God, it wasn't just a dream."
"I hate you." I muttered.
"Totally..." He rolled his eyes and got up. "Can you, uh, drive me home? I don't have a car."
"Fine." I said, shaking my head. I assured I had everything, and by everything I meant my phone and keys. "C'mon."
He followed me downstairs, then to the outside. We had to walk a little to go to my car, and I thanked God I didn't go with Aaron, because explaining to him why he'd need to take home me and my lab partner was the last thing I wanted to do. I got into the car, Phil doing the same.
"Good morning, by the way." He pushed his hair back, messy from sleeping.
"You too." I muttered, putting the car in drive and starting to go. "You need me to drop you off at yours?"
"Uh, actually..." He started. "Could you take me to yours? If that's not too much. My mum would kill me if she knew I was at a party, and I may have said I was staying at yours for the project..."
"Yeah, sure." I turned down a street. Why he couldn't just lie and say he was at my house, I didn't know. I went with it.
We walked in the house. "Mum?" I called. No answer. I led Phil in, heading towards our kitchen. A note caught my eye.
Good morning! Did you and Aaron have fun? Your brother, dad and I went out last night. We tried calling you, Grandma is sick again. We'll be back next weekend. Food is in the refrigerator, and I left money in your credit account. You can have friends over, just not too many at once. We are going to try to call you tonight. Hope to talk to you!
She signed it with a small heart, and "Mum, Dad, Adrian." I smiled.
"You wanna call your mum?" I asked.
"My family isn't home this week." I smiled. "And I, uh, don't really like staying alone."
"Yeah, of course!" He got out his phone and dialed a number. I heard faint rings. "Yeah, hi!....Good.... Mmhmm..... Yeah, uh, mum?..... Can I stay at Dan's again tonight? He asked me over again..... Uh," He covered the speaker. "Project or not?" I shook my head for no. "No, just because..... Yeah.... Okay.... Thanks, bye..... Love you, too." Hung up.
"You allowed?"
He nodded.
"What'd she say?"
"She just asked what we're gonna do. 'Are you going to be safe?' Always that question with her." He smiled.
"Yeah. I, uh, have money, if you want something to eat. What time is it?"
He checked his phone. "Almost 2."
"Wow. Already?" I laughed. "You hungry?"
"Not really."
"I have games in my room. I heard you liked those."
"What kinds?"
"Just come on." I led him into my room, a very dark and seemingly dreary place. He looked around. Then saw my games.
"MarioKart? Yes, please." He smiled, grabbing the case and putting the disc in.
I tossed him a control. "I'm going to beat your ass."
"You wish you could see my ass." He joked, as we selected characters and vehicles.
"Shut up."
"It's not a lie."
"Shut. Up." I insisted.
"What're you gonna do, kiss me?"
"Maybe." I winked, but the round was starting. The game gave us the countdown, then we were off.
There were screams from both of us, "Fuck you!" "No, shit!" "Goddamnit." "Noooo, I was in front of you!", and most of those were directly followed with a slamming of a controller. I glanced over at him in frustration, as he had just won in first place with me in second.
He was smiling, his face lit up in the most beautiful way. He looked over at me, and stopped. "What?" He asked, more serious.
I pushed him lightly on the shoulder. "Fuck you."
"Fuck you." He pushed back, harder.
"Hey!" I exclaimed, shoving him now.
"Sorry." He said, condescending. He pushed me almost over.
"I hate you." I giggled as I tackled him into the mattress.
"Sure doesn't seem like it." He smiled, leaning up to kiss me quickly.
I kissed him back. "Whatever, kiss me." He nodded, then grabbed my hair. He sure liked grabbing my hair, and I liked kissing him.
He started nibbling on my lip when we heard the door downstairs open. Someone was there.
"Shit." I whispered, jumping off of Phil. "Stay." I walked downstairs cautiously.
I heard keys and a bag being set down. "Hello?" I walked in the kitchen. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Dan? You're home?" Anna asked, surprised. Why was my sister here?
"Yeah, why are you here? Aren't you busy with some Irish thing?"
"Don't tell mum and dad I came here. I heard they weren't home and I need a place to stay. I thought you were gonna be at Aaron's or something."
"He's not... Aaron isn't really my friend anymore."
"So you're here alone?"
"No." I hid my hands in my pockets. I heard the upstairs door creak open, Phil was listening.
"Who's here? Hello?" She called upstairs.
"Come on, it's okay." I yelled.
I heard his careful footsteps down the stairs and he entered shyly.
"Who the fuck is-"
"I'm Phil." He introduced, putting a hand out.
"Anna." She took his hand.
"Phil is, uh, he's my b-" I stopped.
"What's a 'buh' exactly?"
I cleared my throat, but Phil interjected. "Boyfriend."
"Boyfriend, huh?" She shrugged. "You're gay?"
"No, uh, I think I'm bi. I don't know. I like Phil though." I bit my lip.
"I'm gay." Phil added, making Anna smile.
"Is he here all week?"
I nodded.
"Is it okay if I stay here, too?"
I nodded.
"Want some beer?"
I nodded. She reached into her bag and pulled out a six pack. She handed me one, and got one for herself. She offered one to Phil, he denied.
"Come on, just one?" She insisted. I silently urged him on.
"Fine." He took one.
Anna pulled me aside after we talked for a while over beers.
"Isn't he that Lester boy?" She asked in a hush.
"The one you hated?"
"And you're dating him."
"How long?"
"Well, technically, a day. But we've had this kinda thing going on for a month or so. We're lab partners. He kissed me."
She smiled. "Y'know, I'm fine with this. I just don't want you two to annoy me. I'm gonna sleep in the basement, so unless you're super loud when you're banging, you'll be fine." I blushed.
"Straightforward much?"
"You're here for a week, alone, with someone who you like and who likes you. You're saying you weren't planning on fucking?"
"I never said-"
"He wants you." She looked over my shoulder to him. "He looks like a lost puppy."
Anna sat on the recliner in the living room, normally our dad's seat. Phil and I sat next to each other on the couch, close but not nearly close enough. Anna was chewing her popcorn rather loudly as we watched the film on the television.
I moved a little closer to Phil, and did the little thing where I put my hand in the middle for him to take. How stupid it was, but it worked. And got a goofy smile out of him.
By the next scene, I was resting my head on his shoulder and we were under a blanket. Anna hadn't even noticed.
"I'm going to bed, guys." She yawned, standing. "Jesus Christ." She muttered, seeing us. "I'll leave, you two can cuddle here."
I laugh. "Night." She shrugs me off, walking downstairs.

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