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***okay okay okay this is really short and kinda stupid its fluff filled though so yay!!!***
word count: 391
Dan searched his pockets for keys to the flat, then knocked. "It's open, unless your a murderer." Dan sauntered in. He went into the lounge, where he heard the voice.
He noticed that he was on his laptop, probably on Tumblr. He walked in and wrapped his arms around Phil's shoulder. "What're you on, ba-" He started, then Phil stopped him.
"Um, Dan, we're on the liveshow right now." Phil said uncomfortably.
"Oh." Dan quickly removed himself from his boyfriend and slid next to him. "Hello!" He smiled, waving. The comments were flooding with questions.
"Sarah says: Dan, did you just call Phil 'babe?'" Phil laughed awkwardly. "I don't know, did he?"
"N-No... I was about to say-um, bacon.... Yeah, there's a sale on it downtown." Phil looked at him, stifling laughter. "Shut up!" Dan pushed Phil playfully.
"Make me." He taunted, forgetting there were hundreds of thousands of people watching. Dan kissed Phil, quickly but nicely. The laptop lit up with noise as soon as he did that.
Dan's face went tomato red, as did Phil's. Comments were flooding in again. "Explain that, then Dan." "Umm??" "why r there 2 guys kissing im confused"
"We can explain." Dan stuttered out.
"Dan, stop." Phil pleaded with large eyes.
"Stop what?"
"The act, Dan. Stop pretending that we aren't anything. You know we are, they all do now." He gestured towards the screen. "You can't hide anymore, Dan."
"You look really cute when your angry and in glasses."
"Be quiet!" Phil laughed.
"Ginny says: so are you two a thing now?" Dan said. "You just watch for a video tonight, Ginny." He winked.
"Video." Dan tried to get Phil to play along.
"Oh yeah." Phil said. "Okay, Dan you can leave now. Bye, guys! Dan and I have to go do... work... stuff... I love you all!" He made a hand heart and turned off the camera. He exhaled heavily.
"Dan?" He called.
"Yeah?" Dan asked shyly.
"I hate you so much." He said, pulling Dan into a hug. "A video?"
"Yeah, maybe on DanandPhilGames. Announcing us. There are already going to be hundreds of gifs on Tumblr of us kissing."
"Oh yeah, okay. Fine."
"I love you so much, Phillip Michael Lester."
"I love you so much more, Daniel James Howell." He kissed him again, then hugged him.

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