ice cream

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idk man this ones kinda short but super fluffy and ahhhhhh its super sweet
word count: 1370
Dan found him beautiful. Him being the mysterious guy who worked at the ice cream place every Saturday. He had the most beautiful blue eyes with jet black hair. Dan might have had a crush on him. A big one. He had ice cream every Saturday night, just to try to talk to him. It was this most recent Saturday that was something, though.

Dan walked up to the counter, bills in hand, prepared to order and pay. He got his normal chocolate chip double dip in a big cone. The boy took his order, and stopped him from paying.

"You come here so often, let me pay for this one. My shift is almost over, we can talk, you know, don't let a stranger buy you ice cream." He said and Dan blushed.

"Th-th-thanks." He stuttered out and took his ice cream to a two person table. After about ten minutes, the boy came over, untying his apron.

"Hey." He started. "I'm Phil, you?"

"Hey, I'm Dan." Dan spoke to his ice cream until he noticed Phil's hand out for.... a shake? Yeah. Dan took it and felt Phil's grasp. His hand was soft, his grasp firm, but not squeezing. Dan liked it.

"You must really like ice cream or something, I mean, you're here so often." Phil laughed. Yeah, or something. Dan blushed again. It was actually kinda hot, so he took off his jacket, showing a Muse shirt. "Oh my God, do you like them?" Phil pointed towards the shirt.

"Yeah, I love them!"

"Me too! They're amazing!" They carried on a conversation about Muse, which turned to one about music, and tastes, and Dan found that Phil had really good music tastes.

"So," Dan said, eating some more soft serve.

"So," Phil replied.



A few more "so"s ensued, ending with an eruption of laughter.

Dan stopped laughing, because he wanted to see Phil. His face was gorgeous the way the light was hitting it at that moment, his smile huge. The large blue eyes sparkled and shined and Dan thought, "You're breathtaking."

"Um, thanks?" Phil stopped laughing, his smile slowly fading.

"Did I just- did I say that out loud? I thought that only happened in movies! I'm such an idiot, Phil, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Dan! You're fine!"

"I really am sorry, though. You probably know why I come here so much now, and you probably think I'm a loser. God, I never stood any chance with someone like you."

This time, it was Phil blushing. "Yeah, I noticed a pattern. I've actually been trying to get you to notice me. I don't think you're a loser, either. If you were, you'd be a very cute one." He told Dan. "And you do... You know, stand a chance."

"Then, Phil, will you go out with me? You know, like be my boyfriend? You are into guys, right, I'm not getting mixed signals here?"

"Yes," Phil blushed. "Yes to being your boyfriend, yes to liking guys."

They hugged and Phil started leaning into a kiss.

"I'm sorry, Phil." Dan stopped him. "I don't kiss on the first date." Phil laughed.

"It's okay. I just really like you." He reached out a hand. "Do you hold hands on the first date?"

Dan nodded, squeezing Phil's hand.

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