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[[ this one is short, but fluffy yyeye
also!!!! would u guys like it if i did a kinda 20 facts chapter abt me??? this is getting a lot more popular than i could ever expect and i love seeing those kinds of things, so yeah!! comment if you'd like that!!!]]
word count: 986
You know it's wrong. You know you shouldn't be drinking down your feelings. You know that the only thing that could ever possibly come out of you drinking this is bad. Right? Right, Dan? You know how you get when you're drunk. Angry. Jealous. Bad.

"Another round!" Dan calls to the bartender, surely tired by now.

"Enjoying this party?" She asks, carrying the three shots of vodka blended with some strange cherry flavour. The boys nod, each taking their own glass. The hostess takes the empty glasses already on the table, more than 10 per person.

Dan can't tell what he's doing, he can barely even breathe properly. He can't tell his right hand from his left. He takes another swig.

"Dan, can you please stop drinking?" Phil pleads, though his voice is sugar coated with alcohol, too.

"Just one more beer? Please?" Dan begs. "Then we can go home."

Phil shoots a glare at the two boys countering he and Dan. "I told you not to invite him. He can't handle alcohol."

"Shut up. It's all in good fun, right, Dan?" The darker one pokes. Phil went up north to visit, and brought Dan to introduce him to his Northern friends. And of course, they wanted to go drinking.

"Yeah, Phil." The scrawny one adds.

Phil groans, and calls to the bartender.

"Two beers?" She nods, and within minutes, the crafts are set on the table.

"Two?" Dan asks.

"I'm thirsty."

They're both clearly drunk, though Dan is definitely more so. He drinks the pint fast, and runs to the bathroom faster. Phil sighs.

"See?" He says, gesturing to the closing door. "I didn't want to bring him."

He gets up, grabbing Dan's phone and leaving a few notes for the hostess and lets his friends pay the tab.

"Dan?" He steps in cautiously.

"I'm fine." He calls, small and hidden in the far stall.

Phil goes and looks in, finding Dan kneeling over the toilet. Phil rubs his back. "I told you not to drink that much."

"Can we go home?" Dan asks, now groggy.

"Of course." Phil pulls the younger up and Dan puts his arm around his shoulder. They hobble out of the bathroom, passing Phil's friends. They jeer at him, teasing about him putting Dan in first priority.

In the dark car, Dan keeps leaning into Phil. Phil keeps Dan steady and awake as he babbles on about the football game that Manchester lost.

"They should've won!" Dan repeats as Phil tugs him into the hotel room. Phil laughs, pulling him onto the couch. He goes and gets a mug for tea, telling Dan to stay put.

Of course, he ignores the request and walks into the kitchen where Phil is pouring hot water into a cup. "Go sit down!"

"Tea?" Phil nods, giving Dan the mug and leading him to the couch again. He sips it, and hugs Phil. "Thank you so much."

"Huh? Why?"

"I love you, AmazingPhil."

"I know, we live together, of course you do."

"I'm drunk." Dan laughs.

"You are."

"You're pretty." He murmurs, putting the tea down, mesmerized by Phil.

"Thanks?" Phil chuckles nervously, setting his mug behind him, the younger getting closer and closer to him.

"I'm not going to remember this tomorrow, am I?"

"Probably not."

"Will you?"

"I don't know, probably."

Before Phil can process what's happening, Dan is pushing his lips against Phil's. The kiss is drunken and sloppy, Dan tasting of beer and alcohols. Dan wraps his arms around the elder, tracing his fingers across his collarbones.

"Dan," Phil stops him.

"Hey..." He says, continuing to be entranced by Phil's collarbones and running his fingertips across them.

"Dan, you just kissed me."

"I know." He giggles. "I wanted to know if you would kiss back. You did."

"You're so drunk." Phil blushes.

"I'm tired." He slurs.

"I'll take you to your bed." Phil pulls him up, Dan leaning on Phil's shoulder as they walk to the other room with two beds. Dan climbs into bed, Phil puts his blankets over him.

"Wait, Phil." Dan whispers as Phil turns away. He turns back. "I don't want to sleep alone."

"You kiss me, then ask me to sleep with you."


Phil is soon under the covers as well, Dan snuggling into Phil. He laughs, and relaxes. It's fine. Dan likes him.

In the morning, when Phil rolls out of bed, Dan wakes, too. And he almost screams when he notices his arms wrapped around Phil.

"Good morning." Phil yawns, hugging the confused Dan.

Dan rubs his temples, shaking his head. "I don't remember a thing past the third shot, Phil."

"Oh, God." That felt like a century ago.

"What happened?"

"You got sick, and we came back here." Phil stands up, pacing the room. "And you kept saying stuff about a football game." He laughs to himself. "You called me pretty, then..."

"Fuck." Dan whispers. "I have a headache, sorry. I didn't do something bad, did I?"

"No, no, uh, you kissed me."

Dan turns red. "I... kissed... you?" Phil nods. "You're not mad, are you? I'm sorry, I was drunk."

"I'm not mad, definitely not."

"I wanted to tell you sober, fuck."

"That you love me?"

"Yes." Dan says shyly.

"You can still say it, sober, I mean. I love you, too, Dan."

Dan goes and stands near Phil. He has to look down a little too see his eyes. "I love you." Phil stands up on his tiptoes and kisses him, softly and slowly, not sloppy and rushed.

"I think I like this better." Phil whispers into Dan's neck.

"You have really nice, uh, lips." Dan grins to himself.

"You still have a headache?" Dan nods. "You want an aspirin?" He nods again. "Do you want a movie and cuddles?" Dan nods, again, a huge grin spreading across his face. He was going to like having Phil like this.

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