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word count: 1064
I snuggle up closer to his warm chest, soothing myself with the rhythms of his steady breathing. I wrap my arms around his waist as I do this. His smell is sweet, just like his personality, and I can't ever get enough of it. The blankets are too large for the scarce amount of room Phil and I are taking up in his bed. My eyelids flutter open, then close calmly again, fighting resiliently against the force of sleep.
I don't want to return to that world.
It scares me. Some nights, I won't have dreams, few I'll have good ones, but mostly, nightmares occur. Sleeping terrifies me. Phil knows this, so he will sleep in the same bed as me so I don't get as scared.
I no longer need him, now it's just want. At first, when they were bad, I would ask for him to help as a solution to the problem. He would let me sleep in the same bed, but I wasn't in love with him then. Over the course of the past few months, since I started sleeping with him, I've fallen deeper and deeper into this pit of hopelessness. It doesn't help that Phil and I have a flirty friendship, either. It's a daily battle in my own mind, debating whether Phil was serious about that statement.
I move as close as possible to Phil, and he puts his arm around me, noticing subconsciously that I was getting closer. I like this. His breathing is still steady, and I can hear his heart. It's beating at a normal pace, and I can't imagine what mine sounds like. I release the tension in my muscles and relax, feeling safe in the comfort of Phil. He could clearly take his arm away, but he doesn't. In fact, he takes the other arm and wraps it around me. I smile contently, inhaling his scent. I glance up at his shadowy face. A smart smile spreads across his face, his eyes closed.
I give in to the darkness and let it overflow me. Warmth overtakes me, and a light shines on the ground. Not a nightmare, I'm clear. I like this dream. It's kind to me.
Before I know it, red shines. My eyelids flash open, and I'm still attached to Phil. I look at the clock. 10:23. I cough, trying to wake Phil. His eyes appear quickly, and upon realisation of where his arms are, he pulls them away. I frown, but don't let him notice.
He yawns. "Good morning." He says, sitting up and stretching. "Anything last night?" He asks, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"At first, but I woke up and remembered you were there and I went back to sleep. I had a good dream for the rest."
"Good?" Phil asks, surprised. "What happened in it?" He smiles.
"I don't remember." I fib, smiling back. Phil looks kindly into my eyes, and pulls me into a hug.
"I'm happy." He whispers, embracing me in his warm arms. I return the hug awkwardly, my heartbeat going twice the normal. "You deserve that every night, Dan."
"Thanks." I whisper, readjusting myself so that my face hides in his neck. I don't want to stop hugging him, he's warm and safe. He's home.
"You don't remember any of it?" He asks, pulling away from me. I shake my head, and he looks at me. He takes his hand and moves my chocolate coloured fringe to the correct side, looking at me with a smile on his face. "Have you noticed any patterns about when good dreams happen versus bad ones? Like sleeping places, or something?"
"Um," I think. "Well, when I'm really close to you and you're close to me, it feels safer and I'm happier. And when it's warmer, I think."
Phil nods. "So, turn up the heat and get closer. Okay." He smiles, poking his tongue out.
I smile. "I'd like that." He hugs me again, my face turning reddish. "Thank you, by the way."
"For what?"
"Everything." I find his hand and hold it. "I love you, Phil." Our fingers interlace, his warm hand against my cold.
"I love you, too. You're my best friend." I hug him closer, knowing he thinks of me solely as his friend. He looks at me after stopping the hug again. Our hands stay together.
The kiss is a short one on my forehead, hardly brushing it. That can't be friendly. I blush and Phil smiles warmly.
He brushes me again on the cheek once. I turn my head to look at him as he is in the middle of giving another.
Our lips meet in a sudden movement, both of us shocked and confused. We peck and pull apart. He leans into another short kiss, and two more follow.
I follow his lead, but my kiss isn't a mere second. I give him a slow kiss, wanting to soak up every bit of his soft lips as I can.
Soft and smooth, his lips are partially wetted, making me feel as if my own are too dry. He's a good kisser. Our lips hug one another, myself not wanting to forget a bit.
I lean my forehead against his, the tips of our noses barely touching. I put my hand on his jaw, then stare into his beautiful eyes. They sparkle into mine, making me blush.
"I love you." He tells me.
"I love you more." I level up his statement.
"Shut up." He teases.
"Make me." I daunt, my lips parted slightly. He slips into my mouth with his tongue after kissing me for a few minutes. I try to think of how many people he must've kissed before to be able to kiss this well.
"How many people have you been with before?" I ask, moving my lips to his soft neck. He blushes, and laughs.
"Not many. Two, three, maybe."
I'm surprised. "Wow."
"I know, embarrassing. I'm probably really bad at this."
"No, no, no!" I exclaim quickly. He raises one eyebrow, cocking his head to the right adorably. "You're great, that's why I'm asking."
"Anyways..." Phil starts, biting his lip. "What was the dream about?"
Phil hugs me tight, making me smile. "Do you still need me to sleep with you?" He questions.
I nod. "I don't want you to ever stop."

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