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<This is 100000% fluff ok ay 2009 phan hurts my heart so yeaH>
word count: 1022
I fell on him clumsily, laughing.
"Christ, Phil, keep your balance!" The dark toned boy exclaimed as he helped me up from the floor. "How much did you drink?" He giggled, holding my arms.
"Only about two and a half bottles." I explained. It was Halloween of 2009, and late at night. "Beer." I added, so not to confuse him. "I'm just tired."
"Mhm." He nodded, pulling his lips back into his mouth. We were now in a park of sorts, with a large fountain in the middle. I looked down at him, as he was still shorter than me, though not by much. He was adorable.
I tackled him to the grass, and rolled over him. He was taken aback by this, as I sat on his waist.
"Stop biting your lips." I whispered, my arms laced around the back of his neck. He hated people touching his neck.
"Or?" He tempted.
"I'll bite them for you." I flirted, inching closer to his lips.
"If I bite my lips one more time, you'll bite my lips? That's what you're saying right?" He checked. I nodded, staring at him. I was with the love of my life, he was right there. Dan bit his lips.
"Oh, you're gonna get it." I teased playfully, planting my lips on his. He wrapped his arms around my back, stealing me closer and kissing me passionately. I bit his bottom lip, as promised, to Dan's satisfaction. He let out a small moan, forcing blush onto my face. I rolled him to his side, hugging him. His face was lit perfectly by the moonlight, shadows contouring in just the right places, whilst highlights hit perfectly in everywhere else. That was the exact moment I fell in love with him. I kissed him again, softly and slowly. His lips were soft and plump, and completely irresistible.
He breathed softly, yet heavily. "I love you." He whispered, and I knew he wanted only I to hear it.
"I love you." I repeated him.
He lied down on his back, and I cuddled up to him. His heart beat at a faster pace than normal at first, but slowed as he looked at the stars and moon. He traced circles in my hair, twirling some strands nervously. I dug my face into him, wanting to smell more of his wonderfulness.
We were at peace, gazing up at the stars, so beautiful flickering in and out of the sky. No one walked by, the only noise made was our breathing, the flow of the nearby fountain, and crickets chirping. Dan's hand held mine tightly.
"You know, I'm going to sound so fucking cheesy, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Dan." I rarely cursed, only doing so on certain and special occasions.
"I'd like that." He whispered, resting his chin on my head.
"I don't just want to be able to talk to you for my whole life, I want you to be with me through my entire life." My mind was partially dimmed, thanks to the few bottles of beer I drank. "I want to have my happy memories with you, my sad ones, my funny ones, I want to have you in every part of my life from here until I die."
"You're drunk." He giggled.
"Even if I am, it's still the truth. I love you more than life itself."
"You're making me blush."
"Good." I kissed him on the cheek. "I want to make you blush every day I can."
"You're such an idiot." He pushed me away, laughing. I cuddled back into him.
"Just you wait and see. In five years, we'll be living together. We'll be together and I will remind you everyday how much I love you. In five years, I won't be able to stand being away from you for more than a minute, I barely can now. Dan Howell, I love you a lot."
"Shut up, Phil." He laughed, kissing my head.
"No, no, no! It's true!"
"What happens if we get into a fight?" He asked, his arm closely around me.
"Well, I'll have to forgive you because I love you so much."
"You're a dork." He snickered.
"I'm your dork." I retorted.
I planted another kiss on his cheek, and he responded with one on the lips again.
"This is what I want every day," I said between short kisses.
"Me too." He added, kissing me again.
Laying next to him was pure bliss. I kissed his neck, his most sensitive part. He made a small noise, forcing a grin onto my face.
I dug my nose into him, wanting to be as close as I could. He hugged both of his arms around me.
Buzz. My phone went off.
"Really?" He whined.
"I don't have to get it." I replied.
"Get it."
I pulled my phone out, greeting me on the screen was a familiar name.
"Who is it?"
"Just someone from the party." I replied. "Hello?"
"Phil?" A voice spoke.
"Is Dan with you?"
"Yeah." I blushed. "Why?"
"Can I talk to him?"
I handed the phone to Dan.
"Hey!...Yeah?...Oh....Yeah, I can be there....We aren't far, just at the park....Okay, bye." He hung up the phone.
"What happened?" I asked, concerned. I kissed his neck again.
"Fuck, Phil." He breathed. "I just left my jacket there, someone apparently threw up on it. That'll be great to explain to my mum when I get home."
"I love you." I said, holding his hand tight.
"I love you, too." I rested my head on his shoulder when we stood up.
"When do you need to go home?" I asked.
"Soon. That's not my real home, though, Phil." I raised an eyebrow. "You are."
"You can still spend the night tonight, right?" I asked, hopeful.
"Of course."
I smiled. "We'll just have to fit the most we can into tonight, then."
"Your parents won't be home, will they?" I shook my head. "Good."
"I can't wait until we won't need to worry about that. We'll live by ourselves."
"I hope."

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