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word count: 943
It wasn't Dan's first party at uni, of course. But he was very nervous for this one. All of the past ones, his friend Pj went as well. Tonight, Pj was sick in bed, throwing up. Dan wanted to join him, but he still went, because it was Friday, and he had nothing else to do. His pacing was loud as he went to find an outfit. He didn't have many options, most of the ones he had were black. Dan ended up wearing a black tee and dark skinny jeans. It was a casual party.

He walked slowly across campus to the dorm area where the party was being held. He kept pulling out his phone, checking the time, unlocking it, locking it, and repeating. It was dorm 37c, as Pj had told him. Dan just followed the noise. There were obviously a lot of people in there. As Dan reached out to the handle, the door opened. A black haired boy greeted him, motioning him in. "Hey! I don't know if I know you!" he said, and Dan shook his head.

"I'm friends with Pj."

The other boy nodded, smiling.

"Is this your place?" Dan asked.

"Kinda. I didn't want to have a party, but Chris insisted." He said. "Chris is my roommate."

"Kendall?" Dan asked and the boy nodded. "I think he's friends with Pj."

"Is it the Pj with the really weird Italian sounding name?"

"Yeah! He's my roommate, he's sick."

As a girl, clearly wasted, passed by, racing to the toilet, Dan suggested drinks.

"I usually don't drink much, no more than two beers, and I haven't had any yet, so sure." Dan left to grab two bottles of beer. He returned and handed one to the boy. "Do you mind if we go outside? It's getting kinda stuffy in here."

"Sure," Dan said and started out, the other following close behind. When outside, Dan took a sip, so did the other boy.

"Hey, I never asked, what's your name?"

"I'm Dan. You?"

"Phil. If you don't mind, what's your sexual orientation?"

Dan started to feel awkward and rather blushy. "Um, I'm bi." He waited. "And you?"

"Gay." Phil said, sitting down on the steps leading to his dorm building.

"Why do you ask? I mean, that's a pretty personal question."

"Why do you answer? It is a pretty personal question." Phil retorted. "But if I'm being honest, it's because I needed to know if I stood a chance. Looks like I do."

Dan felt his face turn red with blush as he finished off the beer. "I don't do one-night-stands, just saying."

"I didn't think so. Who said I wanted that?" Dan didn't answer. "Dan, you're really red, wanna go on a walk?" Dan nodded as they set off into the gorgeous campus. The moon was fresh, it lit Phil's face beautifully. His blue eyes sparkled as he flirted with Dan.

"Dan, are you single?" Phil said, as he sat on the grass with Dan.


"Can I change that?" They both lied down on the ground.

"Yeah," Dan replied, staring at the stars.

"You are wonderful, did you know that?" Dan blushed and laughed. "You are wonderful and beautiful and you are so great."

"Why are you saying this to me?"

"I saw your scars, Dan. But it's true. I hope you don't think of yourself that way anymore."

"Thanks," Dan muttered sheepishly.

As they lay there, gazing up, Phil reached out his hand to Dan, in reference to wanting to hold his hand. Dan took it and squeezed. He never wanted to let go.

"Dan?" Phil said, breaking the silence. Dan looked over at him. "I don't know if this is too sudden, but can, can I kiss you? Or is that too early?"

"You are so cute, Phil." Dan said as he leaned towards Phil and captured his lips. It was a short kiss, but a great one. After breaking apart, Dan suggested, "Do you want to go over to my dorm? There aren't a bunch of drunk people there."

"That sounds wonderful. Can I stay the night?"

"Only if you sleep in my bed with me." Dan flirted.

"Well, I can only do that with my boyfriend."

"Consider me your boyfriend then." Dan smirked.

Phil smiled, sticking his tongue out slightly. "That's so cute."


"Your smile, Phil."

"Oh." Phil said, taking Dan's hand as they walked to the dorm.


"Peej, I'm back!" Dan called.

"Okay!" Pj said, sick.

"And I have a friend, so don't come in my room!"

"Friend?" Pj asked suggestively.


Pj got out of bed, sickly but energized suddenly. "Who is it? Do I know him?"

"He's Chris' roommate, Phil."

"Hi, Phil!" Pj said, then in a stage whisper, "You better treat him right."

Phil blushed. He felt like he was meeting Dan's parents. "I will." He said, leaning over to Dan and planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Okay, Peej. Can we get to bed?"

"As long as you don't be too loud."

Phil laughed, Dan blushed. "Pj, we aren't-" but it was too late, Pj was already back in bed. "Sorry about him."

"He's fine. Can we please get to bed? I want to taste your mouth for a little longer." He flirted as they went to bed.

As soon as they entered the room, Phil pushed himself into Dan, grabbing his back of his neck and kissing him. Dan put his hands on Phil's face and back of his head.

"Wow." Dan said, taking a breath.

Phil smiled. "I love the taste of your lips."

"I yours" Dan replied, leaning into another kiss.

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