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hey guys!
ok. so its been a while since i did an update.
my life is ok right now, i guess. i have this guy and we platonically cuddle like every day and its so nice and warm and wow ok
anyways, i havent really done much to do with phan as of late, and i hope you all accept that.
im not leaving the phandom, im just going to not write as much phan as i did before.
i am, however starting a band fanfic, its gonna be called "nicotine" and its going to be ryden, frerard, and peterick, so if yall like that shiz get in on it. ((first chapter will be posted by next week))
also, exams are going on and i have 3 more days of school.
chris, your friendly neighbourhood gay
(also my dad keeps calling me mo heLP)

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