I'm Straight

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word count: 1579
Dan had met such a nice person. Phil was his name, and they were such good friends. They liked a lot of the same things and lived not so far away from one another.
So they decided to meet up. For the first time in real life. Phil got a train ticket and came down south. The day of, he was itching with excitement. Phil had developed a crush on Dan, alas, he was hopeless. Dan was straight, and had told Phil that more than once. He had girlfriends and liked girls. Not boys. Foolish Phil.
Still, he was excited. Maybe meeting Dan in person could get rid of that stupid crush.
~~ two hours later, train station ~~
Phil got out of the car he occupied timidly. He looked around, carrying his suitcase that had money and clothes. He would stay in a hotel. He searched the crowd for a minute or so, until someone tapped him on the shoulder. "Phil?" asked the person. It was Dan. Phil turned and saw him. Shit. This wasn't going to help him get rid of any crush on Dan. He was still as beautiful as ever, wearing that adorably stupid hat.
"H-Hi!" Phil said, all of a sudden being pulled into a tight embrace by the other. It was a friendly hug, Phil reminded himself. It took a second or two for Phil to fully reciprocate the hug, and it was awkward. Then the two left the station, and Dan got into the cab he had held. He was going to drop him off at the hotel, so Phil could put his stuff away, then they would go somewhere and hang out.
At the hotel, Phil paid for a room for one week and got the keys. Dan came upstairs with him, and Phil used the excuse of needing to use the bathroom so he could calm himself before being with Dan for the next few hours. He splashed water in his face, telling himself that he didn't really like Dan. He came back out, grabbed his phone and they left.
"So, do you want to get something to eat first or do something else?" Dan asked.
"Um, could we just walk around for a little bit? Maybe go shopping?" Phil suggested.
"You're such a stereotype for a gay guy, Phil." Dan laughed and Phil blushed. "But that sounds fine. I know this one place with some really cool clothes."
~~ an hour and a half later ~~
"Where do you want to go for dinner? There's a sushi place, a diner, or we could just get a pizza and eat at the hotel."
"Pizza sounds good." Phil said. Great, now he was inviting his crush over to where he was staying for who knows how long. He had held it together for pretty long, he could hold it together for one night.
They went to get a pizza, and ordered a cheese one with thick crust. Dan called a cab, and they were on their way to the hotel.
Phil swallowed the lump in his throat. "D-Dan?" He asked.
"What's your sexuality? I'm just wondering, you know I'm gay, so.."
"I'm straight."
That settled it. He felt terrible. He was in love with someone who could never like him back. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
"Here, take the pizza upstairs, I'll be up in a few minutes." Phil said, giving Dan an extra set of keys.
He felt like he was going to be sick. He took out his phone and called his friend Pj. After two beeps, he answered.
"Hey, Peej, can we talk?"
"Of course, Phil. What's up?" Pj said, in a more serious tone.
"Oh no. What happened?"
"Make me stop loving him. He's straight."
"Oh God, Phil." Phil could hear Pj's pacing.
As Phil talked to Pj, Dan listened. He had the wrong keys, and was going to tell Phil, but he was on the phone. He hadn't heard much. Just "Dan." and "loving him." and something about "help." He was trying to piece it together, and Phil hung up. Dan ran back upstairs, and pretended to fumble with the keys. Phil came up through the lift, and saw Dan.
"Sorry, Dan. I think I gave you the wrong keys. Here," Phil said, tired sounding, as he unlocked the door.
"Thanks." Dan said, walking in. The room was nice. One couch, one king sized bed, a wall-mounted T.V., and a bathroom of his own. There was a window that overlooked the city. Dan sat the food down on the coffee table and went over to the window. "Wow." He said, and Phil came over to where he was standing.
"You look so adorable right now." He didn't realize that the words were slipping out until they were out. Floating in the air for all to hear.
It was finally piecing together. Phil had a crush on him, and Dan was straight. Or he had said so.
"I'm-I'm sorry, I-I meant you are adorable in the way of... As a friend, I mean." Phil struggled to recover.
"Do you like me, Phil?" Dan asked.
"What? N-No. Of course not. You're my friend!" He said. One... Two... Three... Fou- "Yes." He admitted shyly. "I do. I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry?" Dan laughed.
"I don't know, I just am."
"You're hilarious, Phil."
"It's hopeless, and I'm trying really hard to stop having a crush on you because your straight and would never ever date me or even anyone like me for that matter and I'm just so stupid and I like you too much and I shouldn't have even came down here be-" Phil's words were stopped by Dan's finger.
"Shut up, Phil. It's fine." He told him.
"No it's not. You're straight and I'm gay an-" Phil was stopped again, but now by Dan's lips. His eyes were wide open as Dan's lips slammed against his. He closed them, realizing what was happening, and started embracing it. Dan pulled Phil closer, suddenly, then began running his fingers through his hair and cradling his neck with his hand.
Phil broke the kiss apart, shocked. "B-But you're straight, and I'm not a girl, and you just kissed me."
"Shut up and kiss me, you dork."
Phil gladly obliged, pulling Dan even closer to him. Dan retaliated by pushing Phil up against the double-paned window glass. Phil slid down to the ledge area and sat, arms wrapped lazily around Dan's neck, still kissing him passionately. Phil stopped the kiss to take a breath, and Dan continued kissing him, moving from the cheek to the neck, where he started to nibble. Lightly at first, and gaining speed and power as he continued. He started sucking on his neck, to Phil's pleasure. "Oh, God, Dan." He moaned lightly. Dan moved back up to Phil's face and began kissing him again, lightly tugging at his bottom lip with his teeth. Phil thought it was his turn, so he got up off the ledge. Taking power, he pushed Dan against the wall and began to give him a hickey on his neck. After succeeding, Phil kept Dan still for a minute, then pushed him onto the large bed. Phil was over Dan now, kissing him, starting to let his tongue slide into Dan's mouth. He worked it around, then let Dan do the same. They started to slow the pace, and Dan pulled apart.
"What?" Phil asked, innocently, as though he hadn't just given Dan a hickey.
"Oh my God, Phil."
"What? What's wrong?" Phil said, getting off of him and sitting next to him.
"Nothing, nothing at all. Just... damn, Phil. You're so... innocent." Phil smiled.
"I know." He whispered slyly. "You're good, too. I'm still confused, though. You said you were straight."
"My mistake." Dan said, pulling Phil in for more.
"What's wrong, babe?" Dan asked, looking into Phil's bright blue eyes. Phil blushed at his new nickname, "babe." He had longed to be called that for so long.
"The pizza."
Dan laughed. "Just one more kiss? Please?" Dan said, using his huge chocolate brown eyes to his advantage.
"Fine, but only because you're cute." Phil said, giving Dan another kiss. "Pizza now."
Dan rolled his eyes. "Can we watch a movie, babe? While we eat?" He asked, and Phil said yes. They found a good movie on Netflix, and started watching it on Phil's laptop. They ate in bed, laptop on their legs, Phil's arm around Dan's shoulder, and Dan's around Phil's lower back.
"Hey, babe?"
"Yeah?" Phil said, looking over at Dan.
"I heard you on the phone earlier."
"Shit. How much did you hear?"
"Only something about loving a straight boy. I also heard my name. Was I that straight boy?"
"Maybe..." Phil said shyly.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
"I love you more."
"I don't think so, straight boy."
Dan laughed. "Can I stay here tonight? I don't want to go back to my dorm, it doesn't have you there."
"Of course."
A few minutes of silence occurred, them both eating and watching.
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
"No." He said, to Phil's shock. A lump returned in his throat and his lip started quivering. "Oh my God, don't cry. I'm joking, silly. Of course I'll be your boyfriend, I love you."
"I love you, too." Phil said, kissing Dan again.
"I'm not straight, you know."
"I know."

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