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word count: 1032
Dan Howell was a normal boy. He went to secondary school, and wore dark clothes. He had chocolate brown eyes, just a few shades lighter than his hair. He was regarded as "emo" but other than that, normal. Completely normal.
Well, not really. Dan wasn't born a boy. He wasn't born as a he. He was originally a she. He used to be called Danielle.
Dan was bullied in school, so he often would turn to the internet for reassurance. There, people would call him masculine and handsome and a guy. He was not treated differently. He told no one he was trans. They all accepted him as a guy anyway.
Online, Dan met someone. Someone very nice. This someone was named Phil, or AmazingPhil, which was his screenname. Phil was a few years older than Dan, and they got along quite well. Dan liked Phil. He wasn't quite sure if it was platonic liking, either. He liked how Phil's eyes were such a beautiful shade of blue. He liked how his hair was so dark and shimmery. Phil was very nice.
They had talked for a few months, and exchanged phone numbers. Dan recognized the area code, as he often went to a place with it during the summer. Manchester. Phil lived not too far away from Dan, so they decided to meet up at Phil's. Dan's cousins lived there, so it would be easy to stay there. He booked a train and left in July. His suitcase was full of the essentials: a toothbrush, clothes, and his devices. He almost grabbed a binder, but remembered that he didn't need it anymore. The entire ride there, Dan texted Phil. Upon arrival, he called him.
"I'm here!"
"I'm outside the station. I have some donuts for you." Phil knew Dan loved donuts.
Dan exited the station and saw Phil standing there. He was beautiful. Tall, lanky, his black hair shimmering and blue eyes sparkling. He wore a shirt with cats on it paired with black skinny jeans.
Dan knew his liking wasn't platonic. He walked over to Phil, and greeted him.
"Welcome to Manchester. My home."
Dan smiled.
Later, after a dozen donuts were eaten, they sat at Phil's cheap flat. It had one bedroom and one bath, but hey, it had wifi. Dan was going to sleep over there that night and his cousins were aware.
"It's crazy, isn't it?" Dan asked.
"Us meeting in real life. That's so rare that internet friends can meet."
"We're just friends?" Phil joked, with a mocking sad face.
"Yeah..." Dan trailed off. "Sadly." He whispered.
"What was that?"
"Does little Howell want to be more than my friend?" Phil teased, seeing Dan turn red.
"S-Stop." Dan stuttered out, Phil moving closer to him.
"Okay." Phil replied, backing away to his original position.
They continued to browse the internet for a little bit, until Dan croaked up again.
"Yes." He answered.
"Yes? Yes what?" Phil asked, proceeding to close his laptop.
"To your question. Yes." Dan felt brave for some reason. His heart was beating fast, and his face was turning red.
"Oh." Phil replied. "You're kidding me, right?"
"No." Dan said, as Phil inched closer.
"Can I kiss you?" Phil said, hand near Dan's. Dan closed his laptop and set it aside, taking Phil's hand.
"Yes." He said, near silent.
They locked lips, awkwardly at first, but naturalizing it after a little.
They kissed for a while before Phil moved on top of Dan, grabbing his face closer. The kiss was turning into more of a make out session. Phil's tongue started to try to invite itself into Dan's mouth, and it succeeded. Dan returned the favour and did the same, adding some gentle nibbling on Phil's lower lip afterwards. "Oh no, you didn't." Phil breathed, biting Dan's lip. He moved the kiss from the mouth to his cheek, then the neck. He began kissing Dan's neck, sucking lightly.
Dan could barely breathe, but he tried to catch as much breath as possible as he was being given a hickey. He let out a small moan, and Phil moved back to Dan's mouth. "Ph-Phil..." Dan tried, but he stopped, continuing the kiss. Dan flipped the kiss, and their positions, relocating himself on top. Whilst doing so, Dan noticed a slight bulge in Phil's pants. He kissed Phil, and grabbed Phil's crotch while at it. "Little Phil isn't so innocent after all, huh?"
"O-Oh..." Phil moaned in exasperation, the bulge growing.
"You're really hot." Dan breathed.
"Not as hot as you." Dan smirked, taking Phil's pants off. "Not on the couch." Phil stopped him, and they quickly relocated to Phil's bedroom. Phil took off his shirt as soon as he went in there, and started to take off Dan's. He pinned the shirtless Dan against the wall, not taking any notice to the minor scarring on his chest.
"Phil?" Dan spoke up.
"I think you should know something before we go any further." Dan told him.
"That is?" Phil inquired.
"I-I don't have a dick..." He said, and Phil moved off of him.
"What do you mean?"
"I have a vagina, so no penis..." Dan explained.
"But you're a guy..." Phil replied, confused.
"I'm trans."
"You are?"
"Yeah..." Dan scratched the back of his head.
"I really like you, Dan." Phil said, staring Dan dead in the eyes. "I don't care if you have a dick or not. Do you feel comfortable with having sex?"
"N-not really. I want to, but I don't want to with a... you know..." Dan said, looking down.
"When are you getting surgery?" Phil asked.
"Um, I don't have enough money to, really. This," Dan motioned towards his chest. "Cost me a lot. I'm broke."
"This isn't even about me being horny anymore. This is about me wanting you to be happy. I can pay for it. I'll use some money out of my savings."
"Don't. You don't have to."
"But I want to. I love you, Dan. I want what's best for you."
"I love you, too." Dan said as Phil came in for a kiss. "Thank you so much." He beamed.

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