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//i havent updated in a while bc i was working on this. i really like it, and id appreciate if you guys gave me feedback. its kinda long, so idk//
word count: 6402
Last night, what a night it was. Phil and I talked, as always, and... he gave me his Skype. He said we couldn't Skype that night, but the next day we could. I pace nervously about my room, surely annoying my mum and dad, who I can barely hear waking up. My computer sits propped open, volume turned on low, just in case my parents come in.
A sudden beep pulls me out of my pacing virtuality. On the screen flashes a name with a positive connotation. Phil.
I smile, and sit down on my bed, my laptop on my lap. I click the small green button, and a noisy crackle of feedback forces me to turn the volume down. My webcam turns on, and I tousle my hair. I look up from my mirror and see him. He's actually there. Phil is sitting in front of me. My mouth attempts to find words, failing miserably.
"Dan?" A northern accent asks.
"Ph-Phil." I glance at my mirror, and notice that my face is almost the colour of a tomato.
"Hey!" He smiles. I bite my lip back and wave.
"I've never heard your voice, but you can hear mine all the time, speak!" He laughs, adjusting his green and blue pillow set behind him.
"What do you want me to say?" I mumble.
"Actually speak, silly!"
"I can't!" I say a bit too loud.
"There he goes!"
"My mum might yell at me." I whisper.
"Then you can live with me." He proposes.
"You're mad, Phil. Utterly mad."
"I may be, but, hey, there's a couch. And always room for two in my bed." He winks, gesturing at his bed.
I blush.
"You live so far, Phil. My parents would never let me go to you."
"I'll come to you."
"Yes! We are going to meet, we are going to be able to talk in person. I swear." He holds out two hands, signalling no crossed fingers.
"You're mad." I repeat.
"It's not far, Dan! A few hours long on a train, and I really want to meet you."
"I want to meet you, too, but-"
"I can pay!"
"Still, my family."
"I'll talk to them."
I roll my eyes. "You're absolutely mad."
"Even if I am, we're meeting."
"Mad." I mutter, smiling at the screen.
"Listen, in October, my mum and dad are going to be out. For a week. You could stay with me then."
"My parents, Phil."
"I'll talk to them!"
"They'll think I'm gay, wanting to spend a week with another boy. An older boy at that."
"Well you aren't." He says. "You're bi."
I giggle. "True."
"Anyways, I'll tell them we're friends and that I won't do anything bad."
"They think the internet is just a bunch of rapists and pedophiles."
"I'm not either of those."
"I know." I laugh.
"What's your nearest train station?"
"Huh? Why?"
"I'm seeing how much a trip for you would be."
"You're serious?" He nods. "You're mad, Phil. I love that about you."
"Well, I love everything about you." He says, eyes glazed over as he scrolls through a website. "Still waiting on that station name."
"Um, Phil?"
"That's a strange name." He says, starting to type. "Oh." He realises. "What?"
"What'd you just say?"
"I said I was waiting on the name of the station."
"Before that." I shake my head.
"You were talking."
"No, you sai-" I stop myself. "Nevermind."
"Oh, yeah, I said I loved everything about you." He smiles. "That."
"Yeah, that."
"Station?" I tell him, and he types it in. "That's not much." He says.
"How much is it?"
"Almost 70 pounds is the cheapest."
"You're still mad."
"You're 19, aren't you?" I nod. "Who cares if your parents say no? Just run away. My parents would love you."
"Can we change the subject?"
"Your parents home yet?" He says through bites of a sandwich.
"My mum isn't getting home for thirty minutes, okay? They're at work. I told you."
"I know." He groans. "Stop being so freaking cute."
"I wasn't doing anything!" I say. I was just sitting with my laptop next to me.
"You were still being adorable."
"Literally stop it." I laugh.
"No, you're cute."
"I'm really not." I hear a door click and my eyes dart to the hall. "Mum?" I call. I look down at Phil and mouth "She's home."
"Dan?" She replies. I grab my laptop and proceed downstairs warily, Phil sitting on the opposite side eagerly. I place a finger over my mouth as a gesture to tell him to be quiet.
"Hey, mum, I have a question."
"No." She says jokingly. "What is it?"
"So, um, I have a friend here..."
"What? On your computer?"
"Yeah..." I set the laptop down nervously. Phil still sits there. He waves.
"Who is he?" She stage whispers.
"He's my friend. Phil, say hi."
"Hi!" He smiles, waving again.
"What's your question?"
"Phil is better at explaining."
"Hey, Mrs. Howell." He starts.
"Hello?" She says, confused.
"So, Dan and I met through the internet. Your son is really nice and cool." I look from my mum to Phil anxiously. "And he and I have been talking for a few months. It turns out-"
"Wait." She cuts him off. We both look at her attentively. "Dan, are you dating him?"
"What?" I almost yell. I laugh. "No, no, Phil's my friend, I swear."
"You sure?" She asks.
"Yes." I glance down at Phil, who's now red, as I am surely.
"Phil?" She asks him.
"What, you can't trust your own son?"
"I've read your journal. I didn't mean to, it was laying open." Shit. "You said you were bi and that you liked a boy, so..."
"Not him!" My voice cracks.
"Oh yeah," She turns to Phil. "You were saying..."
"So Mrs. Howell," He laughs. "Dan and I were wondering if maybe, you could let him come up to visit me? We both really want to," I nod. "And I could pay the entire way. And food. And for everything. I have a job."
"With who?"
"Just me."
"You want me to let my son visit a man I barely even know by himself?"
Phil nods. "I mean, you could get to know me. I'm not a bad person. I wouldn't hurt him or anything."
"You'd pay the whole way?"
"I don't know."
"Please, mum!" I plead.
"Phil, I need to know who you are."
"What do you want to know? I'm an open book for you, ma'am."
"Where do you live?"
"Manchester, a good part, though. I swear I'm good."
"Is your mother home?"
"Yes, actually."
"Does she know you and Dan have met?"
He nods. "She knows everything. It was a bit awkward to explain, but she does."
"Can I talk to her?"
"Of course!" He turns his head. "Mum?" A faint voice in the background answers. "Can you come here?" He looks back at me. "She's coming up."
"Yeah, Philly?" A sweet northern voice asks. A kind looking woman stands in the corner of the screen. "Are you video chatting with someone?"
"Yes, mum. You know Dan?" His mum nods. "And you know how I said we wanted to meet?" She nods again. "So, I have his mum here and we were actually trying to see if maybe he could come up here the week you and dad are gone in October. She wants to, um, make sure I'm safe, I guess."
"Hello!" Mrs. Lester greets, sitting down as Phil turns the screen to face her. "Mrs. Howell, right?"
"Mhm." My mum nods, lips pursed. "Are you okay with your son having another boy at your house for a week?"
"Of course. I trust my little Philly more than anything."
"Mum!" Phil groans. "I'm twenty three! I'm not little!"
"He wouldn't hurt a fly. And we do have his cell number and can call anytime. If he doesn't pick up, we'd be concerned." His mum continues, Phil surely blushing behind the screen.
"I don't know. Dan's only nineteen, and-"
"We're a safe family, Mrs. Howell."
"I know, I'm not doubting it, it's just-" My mum stops. "He's so young. I'm nervous. He hasn't really been far from the house, and-"
"Mrs. Howell, I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but Dan seems like a nice boy and my son really likes him. I'm completely fine with him staying with us for a week."
"I don't kn-" My mum purses her lips again. "Dan?" She turns to me.
"Mum, please? I wouldn't do anything bad."
She sits back. "This is a lot to take on all at once. I just came home. I-" She stutters. "I guess so, Dan."
I almost scream in excitement. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I LOVE YOU MUM!" I kiss her on the cheek. Phil's mum sits on the other side, smiling like a matchmaker who just saw a couple she matched marry.
"You're welcome!" She says back, exasperated. "You're explaining this to your father, though."
I snatch up the laptop and dash back to my room. By the time I arrive, Phil is now by himself in the shot.
"My mum left to do dishes or something." He smirks. "But-"
"We're meeting!" I whisper, excited.
"I know!" He beams.
"Oh my God, what am I going to bring? What do I bring for a week stay? I'm so happy!"
"And you said we wouldn't meet."
"Shut up."
"So... Who was that boy your mum was talking about?"
I blush. "None of your business." I reply sassily, my hands fiddling with shirts.
"One more day!" Greets me when I wake up and check the time on my phone. I smile and brush my hair out of my face.
"One more day..." I mutter, stretching awake. I lazily text back a ":)" and find an outfit for the day.
After my shower, I feel more energised and ready to finish packing the last few things for my week.
I check my room. A dark blue backpack is stacked on a cardboard box and a suitcase. Cheesy as it is, I bought things for Phil. Well, I had saved those things for months for him. I decided it was time to give them to him, so I packed a box. It sits atop my clothing filled suitcase. I'm bringing two extra pairs of shoes, my trainers the only ones I really need.
I'm bringing a jumper, a few t shirts, and a cardigan, with assorted jeans. I don't know why this would be at all important.
I check my little list on my bedside table. Two things are not checked off. Bed stuff. Electronics. I grab my pillow and strap it to the suitcase. I look at my bedspread and think, then text Phil.
"Do I need blankets?"
Two seconds later, he replies. "Probably not, unless you're uncomfortable with using other people's."
"Ok, thx."
I throw the blankets back on my bed haphazardly. I can just share a blanket with Phil. We'll probably sleep in the same bed. I'd like that. I haven't slept in the same bed as anyone in years. Not romantically, at least.
The train he booked leaves at 6. I'm going to arrive early in the morning, but Phil says he'll be at the station.
Time is slow today. As it has been everyday since we actually officiated the trip. 4 turns to 5 in time, and I have my mum get the car when 5:15 rolls around.
"Excited?" She asks from the front seat as I put the last of my supplies in the trunk. I slam the door and come around to the passenger.
"Yes." I nod solemnly.
"What are you and Phil going go do all week?" She asks, turning a corner as I put my seatbelt buckle in.
"I don't know. Talk, eat. Friend things."
The car ride is awkwardly silent, so I adjust the radio. I find the station I listen to most, one that's alternative, and turn up the volume. I giggle a little when I realise what song is playing.
Starlight by Muse.
Muse is Phil's favourite band. I can't help but to think of him when they play. Phil actually sneaks into my mind a lot lately. It doesn't matter what I was thinking about before, Phil crawls into my thoughts. He's just so unforgettable.
"I can't believe I'm meeting him." I mutter aloud dreamily.
"You're excited, aren't you?" I nod.
I sing along to the blaring music, this part being my favourite, though my voice is nothing compared to Matt Bellamy's.
Several more songs play before the station catches my eye. I gulp down a lump forming in my throat.
"You need help getting to the platform?" My mum asks as she turns the car off.
"No, but you can come." She gets out and opens the trunk, me trailing close behind.
I grab my backpack and sling it around my shoulder, then the cardboard box. She retrieves the suitcase.
"What's in there?" She asks, shutting the door and pocketing her keys.
"Just some... stuff for Phil." I say. "The ticket says that I'm going from Platform 3." She takes lead, snaking her way through a small crowd. A man in a booth takes my ticket and shows me a map. He tells me when I get off and that the people at my train will explain where I sit. Also to have a good trip.
The platform itself is less dense in population. Not many are going far North. I assume the London platform is filled.
"Bye, Dan." My mum says, setting down my suitcase next to a wall. She holds her arms out for a hug, which I accept awkwardly. She kisses me on the cheek. "Have fun. Be safe. Call me when you get there."
"I will, mum." She looks at me as a train slowly pulls up. "I love you. See you in a week."
"Love you, too." She smiles and hugs me again. I grab my suitcase and pull it with me, balancing the box in one arm.
Hundreds of people around me clamour into the train, giving tickets and being pointed to cars.
I hand my ticket to a nice looking woman, who points me towards the front. At the actual car, I'm told where I sit. I get a window seat. Phil knows I like those best. Phil. I'm meeting him soon.
A busty woman rolls around with a cart of tea and snacks. "Where are you headed?" She asks, her voice coated in a thick Welsh accent.
"Manchester." I say sheepishly.
"Yes, please."
"That's far." She says, as she pours a small cup of tea. "What for?"
"Sugar." I say, and she puts a teaspoon in. "I'm meeting my friend."
"That's still pretty far, even for a friend."
"Well, he's... it's hard to explain." She stirs the tea and it turns a paler colour.
"Anything to eat?" I select a few snacks from the cart and set them on the small table provided. The tea steams. "Well, good luck with your boyfriend!" She smiles and struts away cheerfully, stopping at the next person to service them.
"Boyfriend." I mutter, ripping open a package of cookies. "She thinks he's my boyfriend."
After a short nap, a loud man yells into the car that we're almost to the station. I wrap my earbuds around my iPod and stuff it into my backpack. I glance out the window, and the fields that greeted me earlier have grown dark and are beginning to become more like civilised land.
My neighbours start collecting books and papers, some stretching themselves out. I get my suitcase, which I carried with me, and the box.
The station is soon in view, bright orange lights flickering into our carriage. Phil is out there.
A voice tells us we are to exit in an orderly fashion, though I doubt anyone is awake enough not to, aside from me. I am wide awake, I don't want to be tired when I meet Phil for the first time.
Soon, we are told to leave, and a line is formed haphazardly. Children murmur to their parents, tugging on sleeves and coats.
I text Phil. "I'm here :)"
"I'm at the platform. Tall kid w black hair."
"I know what u look like"
":)" I tuck my phone back in my pocket and step off into the platform. Families greet each other with hugs and kisses. Couples kiss passionately. I search the top of the crowd for Phil.
In the back stands a mop of black hair. I smile. I find my way through the crowd, which slowly disperses, to the back.
When there's finally a clear path, I can see all of him. And he takes my breath away. Phil is still looking around. He's real. He's real and he's standing ten feet away from me. He isn't just a face on a screen, or pieces of text. He's a human being, who's standing so close to me. The person who stayed up with me until 3 am, telling me that he loves me. The one who told me that he wanted to hug me when we met. He's right there.
"Phil?" I ask, though it sounds more like "Phiw".
He looks over at me quickly. His face lights up. "Dan." He says. He readjusts the straps on his backpack, then walks towards me.
I meet him in the middle. He starts the hug, embracing me warmly. I wrap my arms around him, tears brimming my eyes.
"You're real." I whisper, just so he can hear as I dig my face into him.
"And you said we'd never meet." He laughs, pulling me away. "You ready?" He asks, and I nod. "I'll take something, if you want." I offer him the suitcase. He takes it in his left hand, leaving his right free. My left is now open as well, so I reach for his hand. He grabs mine back and squeezes as we leave the platform, entering the busily unenthusiastic station building. He knows the way, leading me out with my hand tight in his. When we finally make it into the outside, with dark skies and small stars twinkling, I set my stuff down and sit.
I lean against the building, and Phil lowers himself next to me. I lean my head on his shoulder and hear him laugh.
"I'm so happy right now." I say, as he takes my hand again.
"I can't believe the boy I'm in love with is next to me."
Phil was always nonchalant about saying those kind of things. He had openly admitted he had a crush on me, but he didn't say anything about wanting to date me. I just accepted it. We flirted all the time through the internet.
"I can't believe the boy who says he's in love with me is next to me right now."
"I love you, you know." He says sweetly. "So you know it's not just me saying it because I can through the internet. I love you a lot."
"I love you, too, I guess." He leans over and gives me a kiss on my forehead, probably a platonic one.
"I have a car." He says, which reminds me that we're still outside and not home yet.
"Oh yeah, we're going to your house, right."
"Right." He laughs, getting up. I pull myself up and he grabs my suitcase. He clicks a button on a pair of keys and a red minivan parked nearby beeps and flashes it's headlights. He heads towards it, and I fall behind him. I want to take in all of him. He looks great from the back, too. His shoulders are broad, and the outline of his spine shows through in parts of his flannel. He has thin legs and arms. And a nice ass.
"You can put that box in the back with the suitcase." He says, and I notice he already put my suitcase in the back seat.
The car is messy, I note, as I slide the box in. I get in the front, and he buckles himself. He turns the key in the ignition, the car sputtering to life. Instantly, Muse blasts through the speakers. He turns it down, and I look over at him.
He's smiling. He's dimly lit by the streetlights and he looks beautiful. He doesn't realise that. His hair is perfectly messy. He looks so perfect. And he's all mine for a week.
"Where do you want to sleep?" He asks.
"I don't know. Where can I sleep?"
"My room, or the couch in the lounge."
"I think I'd prefer your room." I giggle.
"Is it okay to sleep in the same bed? Are you fine with that?" He's so considerate.
"Yeah, I don't care really."
"Okay." He smiles, singing along lightly.
He's so perfect.
I step in through the chestnut door, and I smile. It feels like home, even though this is the first time I've even been.
"My room is this way." Phil says, locking the door. He leads me up a set of stairs to a room with a familiar wallpaper. "You can put your stuff over there." He gestures to a corner.
"I love it here." I mutter, putting my suitcase down and sliding my backpack off my shoulder.
"I love you." Phil says.
I turn to him and smile. "You're too sweet." I remember the box in my hands. "Oh yeah," I say, handing it to him. "This is for you. It's just some stuff for you."
"Aw, thanks." He starts opening it, sitting down on his unmade bed. "You didn't have to do thi-" He stops, the box completely open. "Dan." He smiles.
"I love you a lot. Thank you so much."
"For what? You haven't even opened it all the way."
"For existing. For not dying those times you thought you would. For being you. I love you, Howell."
"I love you, too." I say awkwardly. "Lester." I throw in, even more awkwardly.
He laughs. And hugs me. "I really do."
"I like hugging you." I whisper, wrapping my arms around his torso.
"I like you."
"I don't think I'll be able to make it through this week."
He pulls away. "Why not?" He pouts.
"I mean, I-" I don't know how to say it. "I don't know. I have a crush on you I guess. This week is going to be so hard."
"You have a crush on me?" I nod. "Why?" He laughs, poking his tongue out.
"Because, because you're adorable and beautiful and kind and a really great person? You're also really nice to hug and I like holding your hand and I like talking to you and I like you a lot and I really like you I don't know."
"I really like you, too."
"I know." I blush.
We sit in silence, just looking at each other. He's absolutely stunning, every bit of him. I love him. He chuckles to himself, then opens the rest of the box. He takes out the small trinkets and hugs me afterwards.
"It's getting late." He says, his head resting on my shoulder.
"I know."
"We should sleep."
"I know."
"Do you need to change into pyjamas or anything?" He asks, stopping the hug.
I get up and stretch. "Yeah." I yawn. I change into a pair of warm pants and no shirt. "Is this okay?" I ask, pointing to my bare chest.
"Sure, I don't sleep with a shirt, either." He says, pulling his off.
I nod and sit down on his bed.
"Do you really have a crush on me?" I ask, staring at my hands.
"Yes. Do you?"
I look up. He's blushing like mad.
"Can I, um, can I kiss you? Would that be alright? I mean-" He says, turning a bright red.
"Of course it would." I say.
He puts his hand on my neck and I shudder. "Sorry." He quickly says, moving it.
"It's fine."
He puts his hand back on my neck and I put mine on his shoulder. He pulls himself closer, and I finish the space between us.
Our lips crash together smoothly, his being as soft and amazing as I pictured them being. I smile, wrapping my arms around his waist. He puts his other hand in my hair, running his fingers through it. He pushes me onto the bed playfully.
Phil pins my wrists down, gaining passion with each kiss. He slides his tongue in, and I let him. I let him lead the kiss, obviously he is more experienced than I. He stops with his tongue and nibbles lightly on my bottom lip, then bites it. I let out a small moan of satisfaction.
This obviously energises him, as he starts kissing my neck and jawline. He kisses down my whole neck, stopping at my collarbones. He begins kissing them, then sucking on them lightly. I gasp, letting Phil know he's doing good. I can tell he's determined to leave a hickey, and by the way he stops sucking and moves back up my neck, he has. He stops again on a part of my neck where I happen to be very sensitive.
"Ph-Ph-Phil." I try to let out. "That's r-really g-good. Don't stop."
He smiles and sucks a little harder than before. He moves again to my lips, kissing me for a while before stopping completely.
His hair's a mess, and he looks amazing. "I need to repay you for that." I say, almost silent, Phil sitting on top of me. He rolls off of me and gets up.
"You have all week." He winks, stretching.
"I have all week." I whisper, sitting up. "All week with Phil Lester. I can do so much in one week."
He looks at my collarbone and neck and smiles with satisfaction. "You can do whatever you want."
"Whatever I want?"
"I'd prefer you in charge, honestly."
He raises an eyebrow. "Me?" I nod. "Okay." He smiles slyly.
"We, um, we should probably get to bed."
"Big spoon or little?" He asks, turning to grab a blanket.
"Big, please."
He lays down, and gets me under the covers with him. We end up cuddling face to face, which I like probably more than being big spoon. I fall asleep to his heart beat hammering next to mine.
"Good morning, beautiful." He smiles, stretching. Light from the window gleams in my eyes, making me shield them.
"Good morning." I yawn.
He kisses me on the forehead.
"What do you want to do today?"
"You." I wink.
He shoves me and laughs. "No, seriously."
"I don't care, honestly. I get to spend it with you."
"What about a video? We can do something together."
"I-I guess. I'm still new to YouTube, you know. Can it be on your channel?"
"Of course." He smiles and kisses me on the nose. I blush. "Want something to eat?" I nod, and he gets up, hinting at me to do the same. I follow him through the house to the kitchen.
He gets a bunch of ingredients for pancakes out, as we both love them. He lights the stove and starts to get the pan ready. I hug him from behind and kiss his neck. He makes a small noise of satisfaction, telling me to do more.
I begin sucking on his neck, him now backed away from the stove, which is now clicked off, as he did so once I put my arms around him. He turns me around and pushes me into the wall behind us. He starts kissing me passionately, and I can feel his fingers run through my hair. I kiss back, and it's almost as though our mouths are in a fight. He pulls away, satisfied with what he's done, and what he's done is given me a boner.
"So, Howell," He teases, turning back around. "You thought you'd win that one?" I laugh.
"There was a winner?"
He shakes his head and laughs, continuing the pancakes.
"That was the most fun I've ever had." I speak in a monotone voice, though the words spilling out were very true.
I look over at Phil, and before I know what's happening, he's tackling me to the ground. I make a small noise before he grabs my hands and kisses me passionately. He releases my hands, letting me roam anywhere. I run my fingers through his hair, but he leads.
"Phil-" I try to whisper, but he cuts me off with his lips, soft and smooth. I can't resist kissing back.
He bites my lip again, forcing another moan out. I kiss him deeper, harder.
"Dan." He says, his face now a few centimetres away from mine.
"Yeah?" I ask, sitting up slightly, resting back on my elbows.
"Camera." He whispers, pointing behind him.
"Fuck-" I breathe. "You can edit that out, right?"
"Mmhmm." He nods. I kiss him on the cheek. He grazes mine, before whispering in my ear. "You didn't have to be that hot through the entire filming."
"Hot? Me?" I laugh. "That was you."
He bites his lip. "Whatever." He blushes a little. I kiss him again on the cheek. He turns to the camera and looks at me.
"Bye!" We say together, him sounding dazed. I giggle.
"That was so cheesy." He laughs, scratching the back of his head.
"It's supposed to be cheesy." I smile, leaning towards the camera.
"Bye everybody."
"Goodbye!" Phil licks the air, like the adorable idiot he is, and I lean towards the camera and lick the lens.
He turns the camera off, kissing my forehead after he does. I look up at him from where I sit on the ground. His cat whiskers are smudged.
"Daaan." He groans, picking up the camera.
"You licked the lens-" He smiles. "Gah, that'll be so hard to clean up."
"I hate you." He says, but it's in a tone that says I love you. I look up at him and pout. "You know I'm joking, I love you."
"I know." I smile, standing up and hugging him.
"I like cuddles more than kissing sometimes." He says.
"That's surprising, with the way you kissed me."
"Cuddles are warmer and closer and yeah."
"You want to cuddle?" I ask, leaning my head on his shoulder. He nods and takes my hand, leading me out of the room.
We go to the lounge, where a television sits, with a VCR and DVD player connected. "Want to watch a film?" He goes to see which ones are in the small bin under the stand. "We have, um, The Matrix, Harry Potter, Lion King, um..."
"The Matrix sounds good." I say, walking over and kneeling next to him. I lean my head on his shoulder and he giggles.
"Okay-" He says, sliding the tape out and putting it in the player. "I might need to rewind it, sorry."
"It's fine." I say, kissing his cheek.
He sets it to rewind to the beginning and stands up. "Do you want to get some snacks or something?" I nod. He leads into the kitchen and skims the cupboards. "We have popcorn, crisps, I think we have Pizza Rolls in the freezer, you can check." I open the door awkwardly and look in. I nod. "So, what do you want?" He jumps up on the counter.
"Well, you, but I think some Pizza Rolls and crisps would be fine, too." He hops back down, his socked feet landing with a thud on the shiny tiles. He slips a little.
He walks towards the freezer, but stops at me, kissing me quickly then getting the food.
When we're about three-quarters of the way through the film, neither of us are really paying attention. We ended up getting into a cuddling position, with a warm blanket on top of us. My fingers are laced through his, on both hands.
Every so often, he'll lean over and kiss me, sometimes on the lips, sometimes on the cheek, sometimes he'll kiss the sensitive part of my neck. All the times, it's wonderful. And I wish I could repay him for all of them.
He yawns dramatically. "I'm getting kinda tired." He grabs the remote and clicks the pause button.
"Me too." I cuddle closer into him, but have to get up seconds later to head to his room. I walk in and plop on the bed immediately, face first. It smells like him, and I like it.
"Get changed." He laughs. "You're wearing jeans, you can't sleep in those." I groan, then pull myself up. I change quickly into my pyjamas and go back to the bed, immediately covering myself up. "Let me get in!" He laughs, and I lift up the blanket. He covers up, and moves close to me. "You said you were big spoon, right?" He asks, in a small, sleepy voice.
"Mmhmm." I respond.
"Perfect." He positions himself into the little spoon, and I wrap my arms tight around him. I nestle my chin into his neck, giving him small kisses along it.
"Goodnight, lion." I whisper.
"Goodnight, bear." He replies, using the old nickname I told him about. I smile, and drift into dreamland.
He rolls over and hugs me. I snicker, and hug him back. "I don't want you to leave." He groans.
"I don't want to leave."
He kisses me. "Dan," He starts.
"Yeah, Phil?" I smile. He's so beautiful, even in the early morning.
"Are we, uh, are we-" I look at him patiently, as he tries to find words. "Are we dating?" He stutters out quickly.
"Do you want to be?" I ask. He nods, in the cutest manner possible. "Then we are." He hugs me.
"Yay!" He says, using a kid voice. I smile, and hug him back tightly. His hair is messy and amazing.
We kiss again. "I need to shower..." I say.
"I showed you the bathroom. I'll get you a towel." He stands up and messes with his hair. God, he's beautiful. My boyfriend is beautiful.
"Thanks." I shuffle through my bag and find an outfit and a pair of boxers to wear. He returns with a towel, and throws it at me.
"Don't be too long, or I'll have to go in there and join you." He winks. I blush and head to the bathroom.
Before turning the faucet on, I wrap a towel around my waist and call for Phil. He runs in, and looks me up and down.
"Wh-What's the problem?"
"One, stop staring at me, two, what should I use?"
"Oh, um, my stuff is here." He stumbles over and picks up body wash. "And the hair stuff is up there. The straightener's in my room, you know that." I nod, and he starts to leave. "Wait."
"I love you. You look really good right now."
"Shut up, go away." I push him out and close the door. I get in the shower and turn the water to lukewarm, and use his body wash. It smells like him. Like love. I check the brand and try to mark it in my mind. I like it.
"I was thinking we could maybe go out into Manchester today?" Phil says, chewing his cereal as I walk out.
"That sounds fun, your straightener's in your room right?" He nods and I go and find it. It's not as good of a straightener as mine is at home, but it works and I'm happy.
"You look so cute." Phil walks in as I'm going over a section. I jump up and almost burn my hand.
"Jesus christ, Phil." I laugh. "You scared me."
He giggles and apologises. I finish and unplug it. "You do look cute, though."
"Thanks." I smile, as he puts his arms around my waist, inching closer. "You too." He smiles and kisses me.
Manchester was fun. We held hands and went on the ferris wheel, which I was terrified of. He kissed me on it. But it was different. Something about it made my heart go fluttery. We ate lunch and dinner out. By the time we came home, Phil fell asleep almost immediately. He's so cute when he's sleepy. I carried him up to his room, despite him being much bigger than me.
"I love you." He whispers through his sleep. I shake it off, clearly he's just dreaming. "Dan?" He asks. "I love you a lot. I'm worried about you. I don't want you to be sad anymore and I don't know how I can do that but I love you and I hate hearing that you have scars and I hate hearing you threw up an entire meal because you were so fat. I love you."
He's sleeping. He is just talking in his dream. But it's still so heartfelt.
***major time skip***
"Do you remember that Skype call in 2009?" Phil asks, lifting the box.
"The first one?" He nods. "Yeah, why?"
"You told me I was mad. You said that we would never be able to even meet. And look at us now." He laughs, stepping towards the stairs. He hands the box off to our friend, who lugs it upstairs. "We're moving in together."
I hand my box to another friend, and she follows upstairs. Phil touches my chin, pulling it up for me to look at him before kissing it softly. He checks his phone time.
"I'd say it's lunch break time." He announces, going up the stairs two at a time. "Hey, guys, you hungry?" He asks, entering the room of five people.
Nods and assorted yes's agree. We decide on pizza, it's easy and can be ordered.
I look over at Phil as he sits down on the couch.
I remember seeing that face come on my screen for the first time, and hearing it say my name. I remember seeing his face in the orange light of the station and hearing his voice unfiltered by a computer. I remember hearing him moan my name when I stayed with him all week. And it's all mine. He's not just mine for a week. He's mine all the time. And I am grateful.

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