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a/n: this is a really quick drabble, i just felt rlly inspired so yeah.
word count/// 627
He was giggling, and he looked like a boy from a movie from my angle. Behind him, the sun was setting as he spoke to our friends. Dan laughed again and saw I wasn't.
"Something wrong?" He asked, turning his attention.
"No, nothing."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. Absolutely." I smiled. He smiled. He was so happy.
I sat with my legs criss-crossed, trying to stop all of the butterflies in my stomach and my heart flipping over and over.
"Right, Phil?" Dan elbowed my leg, almost pushing me over.
"Huh?" I noticed everyone was staring at me. "Oh, uh, yeah." They all smiled and chattered again.
After a while, chatter ceased. Dan stood up, and started pacing across the rooftop we were all on. I tried to talk to Peej, but I wasn't listening as he babbled. He stopped and smiled slyly, looking behind and above me. I turned as fast as I could, but two hands stopped me.
I knew who it was, Dan, of course. He put one hand over my mouth, but it was enough that I could breathe. He pulled me onto his lap, my back leaning against him.
I didn't really know where it came from, but I just relaxed after he let me go.
Dan and his friends kept talking, and I just leaned into his chest. He started running his fingers through my hair, not on purpose, just because they found their way there.
I smiled and leaned back into him. I looked up to see Dan looking so adorable and happy and he just kept running his fingers through my hair. Pj started talking to the others about something and Dan whispered to me.
"Why didn't you get up?"
"You're... comfy..." I was dazed, I could fall asleep on him right there.
"But, still-"
"Shhh." I smiled, putting a hand on the side of his face. He pushed it off, giggling. Then he kissed my head and kept running his fingers through it.
I don't even know what they were all talking about, I was just too happy being in his arms, even if they were just at his side.
"My arms are losing blood, get uuuupppp." I didn't budge. He picked up his arms, while asking "I wonder if this'd be better?" It apparently was. "I'm not just going to-" He stopped. He'd clearly come up with an idea. He wrapped his arms around my torso and rested his hands on my stomach.
"Dan!" I stuttered.
"What, Phil? What's wrong?" He joked.
"Nothing, ah, nothing is wrong." I smiled and put my hands near his. He kept talking.
"Shit, man, I gotta go. See you all later!" One boy said, jumping off of the roof onto our safe landing spot. Another followed, hitching a ride.
Now it was just Peej and us.
"I can leave, if you want..." He said, glancing at Dan and I.
"You don't have to, it's fine." Dan smiled.
"I think I actually do have to go." Peej lied, jumping off and running away. He yelled a goodbye, and just like that, it was just the two of us.
Silence. Complete, happy, silence. Dan whispered in my ear, though there was no one who could've heard a thing.
"I like you sitting there."
I turned up to try to talk to him, but my eyes just locked with his as he turned back to his position. I looked down at his lips and didn't think. I'm glad I didn't, because if I would have, we wouldn't have kissed.
I repositioned myself so I could actually kiss him and hug at the same time.
I leaned on his shoulder, he put his chin on my head. He whispered again in my ear-
"I love you."

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