Nothing Happened

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a/n: im trash and i have a million ideas for oneshots so expect a ton soon. this one is mildly long? mostly fluff w some implied stuff.
words: 2484
"Dinner was great, Dan. Thanks for cooking." I said, getting up to clear my plate. "You don't have to, you know. You're at my flat, I should cook for you, you're my guest."
"Nah, the least I could do is make you food." He stood up, walking over and cleaning his plate off then putting it in the sink. "Sorry again. For coming up on such short notice."
"It's fine, Dan. You're welcome any time."
"Shit." I muttered. "Sorry, language. I just realised... Dan, you'll either have to sleep on that chair or in my bed. I'll sleep on the chair, take my bed." I offered.
"You don't need to-"
"I want to. You're staying here, my guest."
"Dan." I stopped him.
"You're the best." He said.
"I try."
"Thank you for letting me stay. Just- my family- I couldn't anymore."
"I know, Dan."
"Yeah. Sorry."
I walked into the lounge, Dan behind me.
"Stop apologising." I stood still.
"I- uh- Sorry?"
I giggled. "Seriously? Dan, don't apologise for something you can't control."
"But I can control-"
"Shhhhhh." I pushed my finger into his lips, making him shut up. "Wanna watch a film? Or something?" I crouched next to the television. Dan sat in the chair rather awkwardly, adjusting his hair.
"Uh... Avatar?"
I looked over at him. It'd been at least a year since we had gone to that in theatres, at least a year since we kissed in those 3-D glasses. Only a few months since he said he needed to "take a break".
He giggled. "Oh yeah, memories. Sorry. I never really saw the film, your face was kinda in the way."
"Shut up." I blushed, turning to find the DVD.
He laughed, and I remembered how cute that laugh was.
He broke up with you. He doesn't want you.
I put the film in and sat on the other chair, watching the screen in silence through all the previews.
I glanced over at Dan, who kept looking from the screen to his hands, biting his lip. Why was he so perfect?
I closed my eyes, trying to get the thoughts out of my head.
It was an hour into the film, and the plot made more sense than the first time. Dan took the remote and paused it.
"Fuck this." He said, standing up. I looked up at him, startled. "Language, yeah, whatever. Phil, we can't do this."
"Do what?" I asked.
"Pretend nothing happened."
"Nothing happened." I said.
"No. Something did happen, Phil."
"Nothing happened." I repeated, standing up to face him. I was about his height.
"Shut. Up." He looked down at his hand, a clenched fist.
"Fine. I'll shut up." I said. After a minute of looking at each other, he hit play.
The film ended soon, and he stood up. "I'll do the dishes."
"Thanks." I smiled as he walked out.
I never liked being alone, especially not alone with me. My thoughts loved to wander.
Do something. Do something. You miss him too much. You need to do something.
"I can't! He hates me." I said, too loud, meant to be a murmur, but actually a yell.
Dan walked out with soapy hands. "Phil? Who hates you?" He moved his hair back.
"You. You hate me."
"Yes. You hate me, and I'm sorry."
"'Don't say sorry for things you can't control.' And Phil, I don't hate you. Would I be here if I hated you?"
I didn't respond.
"You're my best friend."
"You're mine, too."
He finished the dishes, and came back out.
"I think I'm gonna head to bed. Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed, I guess."
"Yeah." I smiled.
"I'm gonna get changed."
He walked towards the bathroom, and I heard a door close, so I went to my bedroom to get my pyjamas. I opened the door and Dan was standing in the middle of my room, boxers only, back to me.
"Oops, sorry, I thought you were in the bathroom-" I said, going to my clothes and grabbing the outfit I needed. My hands were shaking, and Dan turned around.
"It's fine, Phil. Nothing you haven't seen before." He pulled an oversized shirt on.
Here's your chance. Do something. Flirt. Go kiss him. Do it.
"I need a blanket." I said, changing the topic.
"Don't you have extras?"
"No? Did you bring a blanket?"
"No, I didn't. I thought you'd-" He stopped, and just started giggling.
"What's so funny?"
"I almost just said something that would be absolutely stupid."
"Say it." I said. He was blushing.
"I was going to suggest us both sleeping in your bed." He stopped giggling and looked at me, almost as though for approval.
"I, uh-" I gulped. "I don't think it's that stupid of an idea."
Good job.
"It makes sense, really." Dan said.
"I'm gonna get changed." I said, walking out quickly.
Oh God. Are we gonna cuddle? Kiss? Fuck. No, no fucking.
I walked back in in a pair of bottoms and no shirt, with glasses on instead of my contacts. "So, uh..." Dan said.
"Night." I said, climbing in bed after turning the lamp off.
I felt him get in next to me.
I flipped myself over to face him. "Hey." He whispered, though there was no need to.
"Hey." I whispered back.
"The last time we did this, we were dating." Dan said. "Wait, no we weren't. Because 'nothing happened', right?" He joked.
"Shut up." I smiled.
"Nope." He teased.
"I missed this." I said. "I missed falling asleep smiling because of you."
"Me too." He said. "I miss falling asleep with you more, though."
"I miss that."
"You know what I miss most?" He asked, his voice soft and smooth.
"I miss you. I miss holding your hand. And hugging you for a little longer than I need to. And cuddling. And kissing you. I miss it all."
"I do, too."
"I'm gonna be here for a while, you know."
He tried for a topic, but I just liked looking at him in the light from my window.
"Wait." He said, out of his soft voice. "You missed us?"
I nodded.
"What the fuck are we doing?"
"I'm tired." I spoke.
"I missed cuddling until we fell asleep."
I brought myself close to him, my head on his chest, breathing in his scent.
I was asleep faster than it took me usually.

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