Hum Hallelujah

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a/n: okay so this one was a rlly quick one so excuse anything bad.
super fluffy thing based off of fall out boy's "hum hallelujah" because it's one of my fav songs rn and yeah i was inspired.
this isnt the one based off of irl yet (thats next chapter)
word count: 1145
"Come on, Dan! Stop being such a buzzkill, jeez!" Louise tugged on his arm, the reluctant boy shaking his head and giggling.
"I won't know anyone at this stupid party. I'm not going."
"Please, Dan. I know someone who you'll love." Then, in an extra sweet and sing-songy voice, "He's gay, you know."
"As if that's what will make me fall for him? Louise, I don't want a hookup. It's fine. You can have fun."
"If you don't go, I'm staying, too."
"Fucking fine." Dan shook his head.
"Yay!" Louise exclaimed giddily. "Get something on, be cute."
About fifteen minutes later, Dan walked out of his room. Louise did a quick look around him.
Dan seriously didn't want to go to this stupid party.
When they got to the door, a girl Dan didn't know pulled Louise into a hug and soon, she was whisked away by a bunch of friends. Dan found a seat and a beer, and prepped himself for the next few hours of trying to ignore everything.
He was just getting into his seat and his second beer when a boy came over to sit by him. "Who're you?" He asked, rather judgey, but probably not on purpose. This caught Dan off guard, causing him to be more defensive than he should've been.
"Why do you care?"
"Just asking, my name's Phil."
"Dan, sorry." He smiled meekly.
"So, who brought you?"
"Uh, Louise? She knows someone here."
"Ah, probably Zoe. I used to be friends with Zoe's brother."
Dan sat there, not replying.
"Might be a little invasive here, but are you the bi guy I was told of?"
"Are you the gay one?" Dan asked, still staring at the rim of the bottle in his hand.
"Yeah, and may I say, guys like you remind me of why I am."
Dan blushed, smiling at Phil's little flirt. "I told Louise I wasn't here for a hookup, I'm sorry."
"S'fine. Wanna get out of here? It's stuffy, and smells too much like pot." Dan went with it, going out of the drug-drenched air and into fresh, nighttime air.
"Real air, wow." He said, sarcastic. He noticed that Zoe's (at least, that's who he assumed owned the house) street had some construction crews lining it. He thought it might be new pavements. It had to be hell on the engines.
"D'ya wanna walk? There's a park over here."
They walked in silence. "I like to write." Dan broke the extremely awkward silence.
"I wish I could write. I just dream."
"I could write your dreams." He smiled.
"You could probably write it better than I ever felt it."
"You've not even read my writing. For all you know, I could be shit."
Dan saw the park, illuminated by streetlamps and shadowed by trees. He and Phil walked around.
"Dan?" Phil asked.
"I think I love you." He admitted. "I know, it's been like 30 minutes. But, you're super sweet and I'm drunk."
"Phil, I can't say anything. I don't know you. I can't commit." Dan sighed.
"Can I take you somewhere?" Phil proposed.
"Come on." He grabbed the brown haired boy's hand and started speedwalking down the road, paved with good intentions.
A block or two away, was an abandoned parking lot. "This is my... er, place." Phil said. "I come here a lot. And I wanted to show you. And Dan, I do think I love you."
"You can't."
"What, do you not believe in love at first sight?"
"No." Dan replied tersely.
"Here. Since you 'can't commit', can we do this? A little vow. You know, there's that saying 'Til death do us part?' You don't want that. So, til tonight do us part?"
Dan smiled at the stupid joke. "Sure. Til tonight do us part."
"You know how they seal vows at weddings, right? A kiss."
"You're asking me to kiss you." Dan smirked.
"I mean, it's a vow, right?" Phil giggled a little.
"I guess." Phil put out a hand, which Dan took. Phil leaned in and kissed Dan quickly. He looked at him after, smiling slightly.
"Til tonight do us part." He chuckled. "You're easy, Dan."
"Shut up, you're the one who just kissed me and is still blushing."
Phil felt his cheek, and realised it was burning up.
"Fuck you."
"I'm not a hookup." Dan reminded.
"I want to kiss you again." Phil said.
"You can."
"Can we sit?"
They sat on the black concrete, still warm from the sun that day. Phil leaned over to Dan and kissed him again, except Dan had time now to kiss back.
Phil soon pushed the slightly shorter boy over, and was sat on top of him.
"I love you." Phil said, again.
"No, you don't."
"Yes, I do."
"Just fucking kiss me, I don't care." Dan pulled Phil back down to his face by the shirt.
In between kisses, Phil spoke. "You sure you don't want to be a hookup?"
"I don't care, honestly. I just want you. I want to remember this night. I want to get nostalgic over you."
"Y'know, this is a recipe for disaster?"
"Then one day, I can get nostalgic for disaster. And if it'll make you shut up and kiss me, I love you in the same way."
That was enough to make Phil shut up.

After about an hour of teenage vows in a parking lot, Phil got off of Dan. "Now you get to show me something."
"Uh, there's a chapel in this hospital nearby. I like it. I dunno."
"I want to see your bedroom."
"Why not?"
"There's er, stuff in there."
"Sex toys?" Phil raised an eyebrow.
"God, no. I have bad stuff."
"Oh." Phil looked down. "I see."
"Yeah... I'd rather not talk about it."
"I take pills. A lotta drugs in 'em. Sometimes, we take chances. Sometimes, we take pills. Tonight, I won't need the latter. I already did the first." Phil said, changing the mood.
"I don't want you to take pills. You can take chances with me."
"Thanks." Phil smiled, grabbing Dan's hand and squeezing it softly.
"Should we get back to that party?"
"Can I stay at yours?"
"What's wrong with your place?"
"If I'm honest, I don't really have one. I roomed with Joe, but some stuff happened."
"Of course you can stay."

At his apartment, Dan turned on the lights and Phil looked at him for the first time in real light.
"I thought I loved you."
"It was just how you looked in the light. At the park."
"What do you mean?" A lump was forming in Dan's throat.
"I don't think I love you."
"I know I love you."
Dan sighed, relieved. "It's past 'tonight', when are you 'parting'?"
"If it's okay with you, I'd rather not part anytime soon."

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