so... Hi

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vi know i said i wouldnt update this anymore but i dont know i feel like since i quit this there are more people reading it.
no, im not writing more phan things. i actually left the phandom a few months back because it was destroying me mentally.
so this is a little me update and it might be boring for 93% of you but hey, the 7% who like this: ur Cool.
so yes hello i am chris if you didnt know that already. uh.. im bi as hell and pronouns r he and him, dunno why thatd matter though. i am a cool kid who likes to read and write and draw. my favourite musical right now is hamilton and i would kill for broadway tickets.
hmm... i love space. i have a moleskine rn that i use for space stuff and physics. id hope to one day be either an astrophysicist / astronaut or a comic book artist (archies or dc - joker, hell yeah.)
you may have noticed i had written a lot of angst in this? i had a lot of emotions and this was where i could vent kinda but i dont need this anymore, i have a therapist kinda and lots better friends and also, im writing a book! a series, actually. there are dragons and elves and some teens and some gays and wow there is a lot.
i am learning swedish and latin; i like to consider myself smart and i also love sherlock holmes. the writings by sir arthur conan doyle, though bbc's is fantastic as well.
oh yeah, the biggest change?
after i left the phandom, a lot of my interests changed. i watch very little youtube, and what i do watch is jon cozart, rob dyke, or science channels (kurzgesagt- in a nutshell!!!! fantastic!!!).
i love my dog, chip the pug.
also hockey.
i love hockey. i really wanna play it, but alas, my parents wont allow me (its too "dangerous"). fav teams are pittsburgh penguins + carolina hurricanes. fav players are sidney crosby and jeff skinner.
so yeah.
ive gotten back into harry potter and some other stuff.
uhh if u have any questions for me about anything, comment them or message me? or hey if you wanna be buddies, if u relate to any of this, u can kik me, im stolensigns.
hasta la vista,

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