The New Kid

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words: 6,432
September, Year Two of Middle School.
"Did you hear about that new kid?" Pj asked, turning the lock on his locker and opening it.
"There's a ton of 'em. More specific, Peej." Phil leaned against the neighbour's locker.
"Dan Howell. He came in wearing skinny jeans. Skinny jeans, Phil."
"You wear skinny jeans, though."
"Yeah, but- it's just- it's different seeing a new kid wearing them. I don't know." He shut the door.
"What's so special about him, besides the whole skinny jeans thing?"
"He won't talk to anyone."
Just then, as the two were walking around a corner, a brown haired boy turned the same corner, and almost ran into them. "Sorry."
"It's fine." Phil said, smiling. The boy looked up from behind the hair and smiled back. "Are you new?" He asked, having never seen the boy.
"Yes, I am."
"Well, hi, welcome to our lovely building." Phil said, twirling around, arms out. "It's actually pretty great. My name's Phil, you?"
"I'm Dan."
Phil glanced down, trying to be inconspicuous, and sure enough, he was wearing skinny jeans.
"And this is Pj-" Phil started, turning to where Pj was, but had disappeared at some point. "What the hell?"
Dan giggled. "He walked away as you were spinning."
"I hate him, but he's my best friend, I guess." Phil shook his head. "Let's walk." They walked down the corridor, the opposite direction of where Phil had intended to go. "I'm sure someone's given you the tour?" Dan nodded. "So, not much to say, but school's fun, sometimes." Phil and Dan kept walking. "Do you want to leave? Nothing else happens at orientation."
"Please, get me out of this awkward hell."
"Here, come on." Phil grabbed Dan's hand.
Touchy, Dan thought.
Phil led the other out of the building, and to the parking lot. "Wanna see my favourite place?"
"You're not going to axe murder me, are you?"
Phil laughed. "Nope."
"Then sure."
"Here, one sec." Phil pulled his phone out, and texted Pj.
I'm taking the new kid to the woods. Meet us there if u want.
"Just had to tell Peej where I was."
Phil led Dan to the entrance of a wood area.
"There's this massive clearing back here, and it takes you like ten minutes, but it's so worth it."
Phil climbed in through some twigs and Dan followed carefully.
It was ten awkward minutes of silence, with Phil sometimes saying "Don't walk there." But it was worth it.
"Oh my God." Dan said, seeing the massive area of grass and wildflowers. "There must be kilometres of the stuff."
"Cool, innit?"
"Very." Dan nodded.
"The centre is gorgeous. Peej and I built this little seat thing a few years back."

When they got there, and sat down, Dan looked around. "This is amazing."
"Anyways, Dan. It's more private here. That's why I wanted to take you here."
"Huh?" Dan asked, nervous. He was only 12, Phil wouldn't be coming on to him, would he? Or was up north differently?
"I like talking here." Phil said.
"Ah." Phew.
"Tell me about you."
"Uhh... Where do I start?"
"Random things."
"Like? Tell me what you'd say."
"This is my 'place'. I want to have my first kiss here. I'm pretty sure I'm bisexual. I want a dog, but my family doesn't. I want to live in London when I'm older."
"Wait- you haven't had your first kiss?"
"No, you have?"
"Well, no." Dan said. "I don't know, you just seem like you would have."
"Okay, anyways. I just moved here from way south. I'm a huge nerd for Harry Potter, I used to have a dog, but we gave it away when we moved. I haven't ever had a best friend, and... I don't know anything else?" Dan looked over for approval.
"I'll be your best friend."
"You've got Peej."
"I'd rather have you. You seem interesting. And fun." Phil smiled, patting Dan's back.
"Thanks." Dan said, moving his hair. "So, you're bi?"
"I think so, at least. Are you?"
"No, I don't think so. I've never met a guy who I've been interested in."
"I can change that." Phil winked.
"Fuck you."
"Buy me dinner first."
"Oh my God."
"Sorry." Phil smiled. "I won't come on to you, not without consent."
"Thanks." Dan said, not knowing what else to.
There was a rustling, and Phil jerked his head to the noise.
"Peej!" He ran over and hugged him.
He didn't want to be your best friend, really. You'll never be that with him.
Dan had actually gotten his hopes up. He'd thought he could have a best friend.
"So this is Dan?" Pj asked, sitting next to him.
"Yep." Dan muttered.
"You wear skinny jeans." Pj blurted out.
"I do."
"Sorry, just- never met anyone besides me and Phil who do that."
"Now you have." Dan

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