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word count: 2140
He bit back his lip subconsciously, scrolling through endless pages of his Tumblr dashboard. We had very different tastes, and even so, I found myself staring at him and his fingers that scrolled steadily. Every so often, he'd crack a smile and poke out his tongue, and then he would reblog the post, sometimes showing it to me. I yawned. I wasn't tired, but it was getting late.
"Are you tired already?" He asked, lowering the screen of his sticker covered Macbook. I nodded and yawned again, stretching. "Guess we'll have to watch Dexter early tonight, huh?" He smiled.
"Sounds good." I groggily agreed. He retrieved the remote and a warm blanket. We would watch the show together under a blanket for ultimate comfort and warmth.
That night was my turn to be on the inside, so Phil leaned back and I leaned into his arm. I nuzzled up against his shoulder as he tightened his arm around me.
He was watching the show, eyes glued to the screen, whereas my eyes were glued to him.
He had worn glasses that night and had damp hair from an earlier shower. His breathing was steady, save for when the show got intense. The same went for his heartbeat, just barely audible with where my head lied on his chest. He rested his chin on the top of my head. I was happy, truly happy.
"I might fall asleep before the end of this episode." I warned, and I felt Phil move, and the remote click off the show. I began to get up, but Phil pulled me back down and held me there.
"You're tired, sleep out here. I'll stay in here so you don't have to move."
"Thanks, Phil." I snuggled closer to Phil as he pulled up the blanket.
"Good morning-er, afternoon, Dan!" Phil said, pulling the blue and green comforter off of me. His cheery face beamed at me.
"It's too bright." I groaned, shielding my eyes from the sun glaring through the curtains.
"Get up!" He insisted, and I stood up slowly. I sniffed.
"What's that?" I asked.
"I made you breakfast!" I could smell bacon fresh off the stove.
"Thanks, Phil." I smiled and walked towards the kitchen.
He made us both plates of food and set them on the dining table.
"I dont want you to start your day out without food." He said between bites.
"Yeah." I continued eating.
"What are we doing today?"
"I'm not doing anything." I set my fork down and took a drink of tea.
"There's that new film at that cinema downtown." He hinted.
"You already have the tickets, don't you?"
"Yep!" He smiled. "Wanna go?"
"Sure." I finished the plate and scraped off what was left before putting it in the sink.
"6 o' clock."
After a half hour shower, I dried my hair and found clothes. I looked for my straightener, and couldn't find it in my room.
"Phil?" I called.
"Yeah, Dan?" I left my room and went towards the faint voice.
"Where's my straightener?" I asked. He looked at me and stared for a minute. "Phil?" I snapped my fingers.
"Sorry." He said, looking up at my hair. "Leave it."
"Where is my straightener, Phil?"
"Your hobbit hair looks better." He avoided answering.
"I may have broken it..." He said shyly.
"Damn it, Phil." I said, looking down.
"Sorry!" He said. "I like your curly hair better anyways."
"I don't." I insisted.
He rolled his eyes.
"Just get your jacket on, we have to leave." He said, pulling on the galaxy print one he had bought a year earlier.
"Fine." I said.
I didn't pay much attention to the film, I preferred Phil. He smiled at parts of it and frowned at others. I didn't make it obvious I was looking, but I snuck a peek at him every few seconds.
After it was finished, Phil and I were back outside, where it was now dark. "How'd you like it?" He asked.
"It was good." I smiled. I reached for his hand, but he shoved it into his pocket. It wasn't that he was blowing me off, though I wasn't sure if he would even like me, it was that he didn't notice.
"So," He breathed, his warm air blowing a cloud into the crisp cold. "I'm glad you kept your hair like that." He glanced at me as we walked towards the streets. "I think you should keep it."
"Nah." I laughed.
Phil called a taxi, which quickly came, as it was becoming late, so less people were outside.
"Do you want to stop somewhere?" He asked, opening the door for me as I climbed in. "For dinner, I mean."
"Yeah, sure!" I smiled. We decided on the diner a few blocks away.
"Thanks!" Phil cheerily waved the driver away after paying him.
He was too happy for the world. His personality was too sweet. He opened the door again for me, brushing my side when he went in after me.
"Seats for two, I presume?" The hostess greeted in a thick Northern accent, reaching for two menus.
Phil and I nodded as she led us to a small table. Two seats sat across from each other in cushioned chairs. "Thanks." I smiled as she put the menus on the table with silverware.
"I'm Hazel, I'll be your hostess tonight, your server will be out in a minute." She spoke, probably for the hundredth time that day.
In a few minutes, a thin man came out with a pen and notepad. "Good evening, can I get you two anything to drink?" He asked.
"I think I'll just have a water." I said. He turned to Phil, who skimmed the options, before telling him he wanted a tea.
Our drinks came out, and we ordered a large meal that we decided to share. I ate most of the chips, while Phil ate more of the actual entree.
Our check came out, with the man, who had told us his name was Jon, carrying another group's meals. The balance was about £15, and Phil offered to pay for it all.
"Come on, you just bought the film tickets, I'll pay for this." I said, digging through my wallet and getting out the bills. Phil finished his tea as I got up to pay, then joined me at the front of the sort of busy diner.
"So, did you two have a good date?" Hazel asked us as I signed a receipt. My face filled with colour and blush.
"We're n-" I started.
"It was good." Phil grinned.
"You two lovebirds have a nice night!" She said as we turned to leave. I waved her goodbye, and Phil grabbed my hand.
As soon as we got outside, I turned to Phil. "What the fuck, Phil? What the actual fucking fuck?" I whispered.
"We aren't dating!" I exclaimed.
"I don't know, I just wanted to play along." He looked down shyly.
"Whatever." I said, calling a taxi. I liked Phil, but hearing him say we were dating, saying we had a good date, made me anxious. Did he like me back? Or was he just joking for laughs?
We got in the vehicle and I told the driver our address.
"Sorry, I didn't realise it was such a big deal to you." He murmured.
"It's fine, I overreacted. We're almost home, we can talk there."
"Okay." He smiled and reached for my hand. I held his right hand in my left. I could feel the blush on my cheeks, and I was so glad it was dark enough for him not to see.

I unlocked the door to our flat, and let him in. He stood awkwardly as I closed the door behind me. I turned to find him face-to face with me.
"God, Phil, you scared me." I switched on the lights and plopped myself onto the couch.
"Oops." He said, sounding like a five year old who dropped his toy.
"Why did you tell that lady we were dating?"
"I wanted to see her reaction." He changed his story. "And yours." He added, smiling with his tongue out through his teeth slightly. "You still held my hand."
"Well, I, I mean, what else would I have done? Pushed you away? She thought we were dating, why would your boyfriend not hold your hand?"
"My boyfriend?" He sneered.
"Generally, I mean." I tried, my coverup withering.
"Why are you so quick to question me?"
"I, it's my-" I stopped. "Fuck." My thought process stopped completely. Next to me sat Phil, in a plain shirt, looking at me with a sly grin spread across his face.
I locked eyes with him, staring into his blue-y, green-y, yellow-y irises. His eyebrows had a high and defined arch, which often made fans accuse him of trimming or shaping them. His black fringe was messy and soft appearing.
"You're so fucking hot." I whispered breathily. Phil's pale skin turned red, and his eyebrows raised themselves in surprise.
"I, um, Dan?" Now Phil was at a loss for words. "Excuse me?" He asked.
"You're so fucking hot." I repeated.
"Me? Phil? AmazingPhil on YouTube? Philip Michael Lester?" He asked, trying to think of different names that he was called.
"Yes, you, Phil-AmazingPhil-on-YouTube-Philip-Michael-Lester. You are so hot."
"You too, I guess?" He tried. "I'm not really, but okay..."
"You are, holy shit." I looked at his lips, moving, attempting to find words. They looked so soft, so smooth, so... kissable.
"I, um, I'm-"
"Maybe what you told that hostess in the diner today wouldn't have to be a lie." I winked.
"Are you-Are you asking me to be your boyfriend?"
"What if I said I was?"
"Then I'd say yes, probably." He replied nervously.
"Good thing I am, then." I smiled. "Will you be my boyfriend, Phil-AmazingPhil-on-YouTube-Phili-"
"Yes." He laughed.
I woke up in my own bed, another person lying beside me. I knew it was Phil with the dark hair and pale skin. He was so at peace, and I was cuddled near his bare chest. It rose and fell at a slow and steady pace with each breath he took. I sat up and woke him up in the process.
"Sorry." I croaked, my voice hoarse.
"It's fine." He replied groggily, sliding his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He hugged me and planted a small kiss on my cheek. "I'm happy you're my boyfriend." He smiled.
I got up and went to the kitchen to prepare myself a bowl of cereal. Phil came in, with a shirt on now, and grinned.
"Do you want to go out again tonight?" He offered, brewing a quick cup of tea.
"Depends." I said, eating a large spoonful of the cereal. Phil cocked his head as if to ask, "huh?" I smiled and swallowed the chewed up food. "Do I get to kiss my attractive boyfriend at any point?"
"Depends." He replied, in an equally flirty tone. "Do you want to?" I nodded. "Good." He got up with the tea and headed towards the lounge, kissing me
on the forehead as he walked past.
I finished the bowl and joined him in there, where he sat on his laptop, sipping tea and scrolling through Tumblr. I rested my head on his shoulder, hugging him. I looked up at him, recalling how just 24 hours earlier, I longed for this exact position. He had a faint smile on his face as he set the mug down, now empty. I couldn't believe how beautiful he looked.
He looked down at me and caught my eyes. His pupils grew larger when he looked at me.
"Can I kiss my cute boyfriend right now?" I asked, sitting up straighter.
He moved the laptop off of his lap and looked at me. His eyes were warm and looked like home. Our faces inched closer, mine turning to the left a little. The moment our lips crashed together was shocking. Butterflies fluttered around my stomach as I closed my eyes slowly. I leaned more into him, and he did the same to me.
Our noses hit, and we laughed. I smiled into him, both of us leading.
He broke it apart. His hair was messed up from sleeping still and his face looked shocked, in a good way.
"Yes." He answered, replying to my original question.
"My hot boyfriend just got a hundred times hotter." I whispered.
"My hot boyfriend is a great kisser." He said.
"Mine is, too."
He pecked me on the lips again, then hugged me and looked into my eyes.
I could only imagine how huge my pupils had to have been as I smiled at him.

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