The Note

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Genre: fluff, kinda angst idk man its cute at the end.
word count: 2006
It was 3 am, according to my iPhone. I could barely see straight, in fact, I couldn't do anything. I was waddling about and I couldn't tell what was happening. I kept having an itching feeling in my stomach and throat. Like I was going to get sick. I did. All over a girl.

I had been living with Phil for three years now. Correction, I had been in love with Phil for three years now. I had known the moment I saw him on my screen when I lived in Berkshire. He was so perfect. I didn't really ever believe in love at first sight, but I guess that that was it. I loved him. And somehow, I got to meet him. And live with him. He hadn't known how Id felt about him. He knew I wasn't straight. He thought I was bi. I knew he was pan. I'd always thought I would have a chance, just maybe.

I slid my finger across the screen, almost unable to do so without shaking my entire hand. I typed In the 4-digit code and the phone opened. I immediately clicked on phone. Nothing I was doing was being controlled by me. It was all the alcohol and my muscles. My hands found Phil's number so I called it. Putting the device to my ear, I hiccuped.

There were three small tones before Phil answered, clearly tired and groggy.

"What do you want, dan?"

Relieved to hear his voice, I replied with a slur. "You. Phil, phil, phil, I want you. Wait- no I don't. I-i-i need you. I need you phil."

Clearly confused, Phil asked where I was. "A bar. I'm in the bathroom." There was a groaning in the stall, and a moaning in another. Puke and sex, I thought. How nice.

"What bar?" He asked. After reassuring myself, I told him. "I'm coming." He said groggily.

"Quick, Phil!" I whined like a 5 year old.

"Hold on, im getting clothes on." I heard the jangle of keys and a door closing. "I'm on my way as soon as I get a cab. I'll be there as soon as I can. Bye."

"Bye." I said back, then added, "I love you." But he'd already hung up when I'd said it. I waited for him at a seat on a barstool. A girl, dressed extremely provocatively, came up to me.

"You looking lonely, there, aren't you?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm waiting for someone."

"Why wait for them when I'm right here?"

"No, no, no. It's- Im not- Im already in love with someone." I didn't know how it came out, but it did and I couldn't stop it. She sat down next to me.

"Oh, really? Who's the lucky lady?"

"Um.... I'm not in love with a girl."

"Ohhhhhh...... So, who's this lucky guy?"

"His name's Phil. He's my roommate. You might have heard of him, he's on YouTube. So about a million girls love him, and I'm pretty sure he only sees me as a friend. It's just- every time I look into his eyes, those pale blue seas of beauty, I get lost. And I want to hug him. Not as a friend. I want to hug him and cuddle him to sleep and give him little kisses in the morning to wake him up and pecks on the lips every day and every thing ever. I love him. I've known since I met him three years ago. And it's so hard. He is my best friend and I don't want to change anything about that but I want so much more." I rambled it all out, and this girl listened. She patted me on the shoulder.

"I was-am-the same way. I only use this sick thing you call a job as an escape." Just as she finished, Phil walked through the door, looking around like a little boy who lost his mother, not knowing what a bar was.

"He's here." I whispered in the girl's ear.

"Good luck." She replied and I wobbled up.

"Phil!" I tried to shout, but even at that time of the night, it was so loud that he couldn't hear. I stumbled over to him and once he took sight of me, he wrapped an arm around me, helping me to walk. "Thanks..." I murmured as he walked me outside to the cab that was waiting. He dragged me in and sat by me.

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