Heart-Eyes Howell

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word count: 1042
He starts setting up the tripod nervously. "Are you sure?" I ask.
"Of course." He replies, and turns on the camera. Phil sits right beside me and looks straight into the camera. I look at him. I can't stop. He's so beautiful. His eyes that are three different colours at once-yellow, blue, and green-enchant me. He starts talking to the "audience".
"Hey, guys! So, um, this'll be a more serious video. It's all one take, and I'm not editing any of it." He paused. "So, a lot of you know about this guy sitting right next to me."
I wave. "Hey." I say sheepishly.
"That's Dan, I'll leave the link to his channel in the description. Anyways, Dan and I have been friends for a while. We live together, work together, we do almost everything together." He glances at me, and squeezes my hand, which is in his. The camera can't see it, though. This is my cue to step in.
"A lot of you, and I mean a lot, 'ship' us. Normally, we try to ignore that. You guys are so persistant, though." I chuckle. "Back to the topic, well," Phil and I show the camera our hands.
"We're dating." He says.
"I love you." I say, and he returns with a short kiss.
"Love you too."
"Some of you might think that this is 'wrong', but we are happy. A lot of you are probably wondering how long we've been together. Since we first met in real life. He asked me out and I said yes, and am so happy I did." I say, then look over at Phil.
"I can't believe how cute you are." He says, and I blush. We kiss a second time, and say goodbye. Phil turns off the camera.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm posting it." He says, taking the camera off the tripod. "We can be a lot closer in our videos now."
~~ next day, video uploaded ~~
I open my laptop for my normal browsing. Phil is still asleep, in my bed. I forget about the video until I open tumblr. My inbox is full of asks saying "is this a joke?" or things of the sort. I go to the video itself and look at the comments.
"HOLY SHIT PHAN IS REAL I KNEW IT" is practically what every comment says. The video has over 4,000,000 views. I smile as I read Tyler's comment, which is rated as top.
"There was a reason I said I shipped Phan. I'm so proud of you guys."
More YouTubers comment things, and it's amazing. I really do love him.
~~ year 2021 ~~
I'm nervous. So nervous. We're at VidCon, and today's Disney day. Pj is coming with us, and videoing the entire day. It's not just another Disney. This year is special. I check my bag for everything before I walk out the door. Pj greets me in the hall with the camera.
"Hey, Peej."
"No, hello internet." He corrects. I roll my eyes.
"Wait, guys!" Phil says, running to catch up with us.
"I thought you were already down there, babe."
"No, I had to get some sunscreen." I kiss him, and we make our way downstairs. Pj doesn't get any of the way there.
We enter the gates and Phil's face lights up. "Cutie." I say, grabbing his hand.
We walk through the park, and get some food for lunch. A few fans see us and say hi, get hugs, talk.
After lunch, Phil sees a game he wants to play.
"Can we can we can we?" He says, as giddy as a five year old.
"Fine." I say, rolling my eyes.
"Love you!" He says, then takes my hand and practically drags me over. I win him a small stuffed bear.
"Do you want to see the fountain?" I ask, hoping he'll say yes. He nods and we walk towards it. It's huge and beautiful.
Pj is still filming, as I had requested. He knows what's about to happen. When we get in front of the fountain, I sit my bag down, and he starts to do the same.
"Wait." I say, fumbling around for the little box. I grab it and get down on one knee.
"Oh my God." He says, and I start talking.
"Over ten years ago, I met you. I fell in love with you instantly. I still am in love with you. Sure, some of those fights when I get drunk might say otherwise, but I love you so much. I don't care that you steal my cereal, or that you leave socks everywhere. That just makes you you. And I love you." Phil's hands are over his mouth, in a gasp.
"You aren't about to- But we said we'd never- Oh my God, Dan."
"Phil, you are the most amazing person I have ever met." By now a small group has gathered, some of which know us from our channels. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to always have you be with me. I love you, Phil."
"Yes." He says, before I get my words out.
"I haven't finished saying it-"
"I don't care. Yes."
"Philip Michael Lester, will you marry me?"
"Yes." He repeats, and I get up to hug him, slipping the ring on his finger. The crowd cheers, pictures are being taken.
I turn to our little audience. "Don't tell anyone yet. We'll release the video tonight, until then, tell no one. Okay?"
They nod.
Phil groans as the crowd clears.
"What's wrong?"
"What am I going to do with this now?" He asks, pulling out a velvet purple box, with a gold and silver ring inside.
"Yes." I say, and he puts the ring on my finger.
"I wanted to do it tonight. But you beat me."
I kiss him again, and Pj cuts the camera.

They called me Heart-Eyes Howell. And boy, did I live up to that name, from 2009 to Phil's death last month. I still love him. How could I stop? I miss those days when we were young and clueless about everything but ourselves. I'm still clueless. All I know is that I love him, and will never stop.

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