🌊 XXII 🌊

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"The wave does not need to die to become water

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"The wave does not need to die to become water. She is already water"


Terra, the King of the earth itself but also life. He smirks when he looks at his brother whose look has hardened. "Where is she then?" He asks him, not in the mood for his brother's games. Not only is Isolde missing but she's also away from him and when he doesn't have her by his side, he tends to get angry and when he is angry, the waves become deadly and one does not wish to be on the ocean or near any water of any sort. Terra can only chuckle as he walks around his study.

"In due time, brother. In due time" He speaks to his brother. Ahmeya looks between the two brothers with a strange look on her face as never has she seen the two of them. She stands there and it is as if neither of them notice her, but it can also be because she is just a ocean nymph while she is in the presence of two Kings who are amongst the most powerful beings in all the worlds that exists. "Though what I can tell you is how she fights with all that she has" Terra speaks to him with a smirk on his face.

"Her wild nature is indeed what keeps her alive and yet is the very thing that strikes her down" He speaks to them. In his hand a flower appears along with an air bubble that forms around it. He lets it go and it floats in the waves, moving softly back and forth. Poseidon forces the air from the small circular bubble that is around the flower until the flower itself touches the water. Slowly it falls to the floor where it has drowned. "Such a shame the same cannot be said about your petty flowers. Now, tell me where she is, or an island will go down" Poseidon threatens his brother.

He will do what he threatened and will do with a smile on his face. Watching the plant life die under his palms and seeing how it all bows before him in the end. Terra's face does change even when he tries to hide it. Ahmeya is not certain if Poseidon has seen the Chang in his brother but she saw it. He's afraid of it. The King of nature is affected by his words for he cares far too much of the nature itself.

"Careful brother, do not forget that your petty ocean touches land. One does not wish to know what happens when it wishes to break free from the ocean" Terra speaks, even when he only buries himself deeper. The fact that booth brothers are aware of is that both of them need one another to keep the world alive, to keep all beings and matter breathing and living. For the ocean cannot live without the plantation or animals, and all plants and animals need water in order to survive. Yet the two brothers lose sights of it in their disagreement.

Poseidon can only chuckle, hiding the slight fear that he does feel. For not only does he need to take care of all the animals of the ocean, to make ensure that they live and life goes on, but he also has a duty to the girl that he loves. However, nothing and no one, not even his brother will be able to stop him from getting the girl that he loves back and often he has to do unspeakable things in order to get back what rightfully belongs to him, and there is nothing he would not do to get her back.

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