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"The water sings if you know how to listen"

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"The water sings if you know how to listen"


The kiss that they share does not last long for Isolde's mind gets dragged back into reality and she with all her force pushes him away from her. He is much stronger than her (and she did not know the water was helping him stand) so she ends up nearly falling backwards but she is able to hold her legs standing in the water for the strangest reason, as if she is being held up by something but there is nothing and no one holding her at all. There is anger rising within the girl and it is directed at him.

She narrows her eyes at him in pure anger and glares at him, if her glare had actual daggers then they would be deep within his skull and she would be grinning. Isolde's first kiss has been taken from her by a man and she will not allow that to happen. Though deep down she knew she had it coming for her because of all the pranks and tricks that she plays on others. Thomas smirks at her while she is glaring at him and she wonders if he is amused by this as she was mused by the bee nest falling on his head.

"I will end your miserable existence if you ever try that again!" She speaks, her voice low and angry. One can hear the threat and if knowing her she will live up to it. Isolde is not one to make empty threats. She ones cuts of the hair of her friend for betraying her (of course after threatening her about it). Needless to say the two of them were never friends after that again. Thomas however doesn't move as he is still amused by this and it only makes her anger even worse than it is.

To make matters worse she is also soaking wet, her dress is soaking up the water in the ocean and whole she has always liked the water she recently bathed and she does not have another dress to change out of. "If I were to fall the world will fall with me. It is I who gives life to the world. Sure enough I do not grow the plantation yet I am what gives them water that comes from the sky and the oceans and lakes that scatter the world is all created by me and my existence. Killing me would doom the whole world to extinction" He calmly speaks.

The anger is only rising within her with every second that passes, he doesn't laugh at her nor does he taunt her with his words but the way that he looks at her, it is a mixture of amusement and pleasure. She hates it. She walks past him in the water, back to the shore where the sand will greet her. Leaving him alone there. She is not even sure what she was doing in the ocean. When thinking about it, all she sees in her mind's eye is the kiss that she wishes could leave her mind alone.

It haunts her like a ghost that wants nothing more than to tear her apart from the inside out but Isolde is much stronger than a ghost or a kiss that she did not even like or that is what she is trying to tell her. While the kiss itself might not have lasted for a long time she found herself enjoying it and perhaps it was the maiden in her but she found herself wanting more and wanting to never end. The Princess despises herself for thinking that and tries her hardest to ignore those thoughts.

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