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"Looking at the ocean waves brings comfort as well as calmness"

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"Looking at the ocean waves brings comfort as well as calmness"


Quiet. That is the word that Isolde would describe the morning that she woke up to, and a smile on her face (never would she say that) can be spotted if looked closely. For some minutes the girl stays in the bed, with the warm embrace of the covers that she has wrapped around her body which is in off angles all over the place as she does move around a lot in her sleep. Her eyes stare up at the ceiling and at the little lights that float around the room in peace and calm, as if nothing has happened and nothing will happen to her.

In this time there are no thoughts in her mind about what have happened and what pain and suffering she has had to endure. For this small minutes that she has Isolde is oblivious to the rest of the world. As if the world does not even exist any more other than her right now and these lights that are enough to comfort her and bring her peace and almost happiness. It does not even seem to bother her that the silence is thick, and she's all alone in there, nothing seems to bother her.

Thoughts about the war that had taken place or death or blood or even the massive wave does not seem to be crashing to her until some time later when she cannot avoid it any longer, and she finds herself thinking over what did happen. In that moment the quiet was disrupted, only to be met with distress. Sitting up her eyes run across her body, where once was blood there is her normal fair skin color that is unharmed in any shape or form. Touching her stomach where the (open) arrow wound had been, bleeding and perhaps even killing her in the process.

There is no pain nor any wound that her fingers can feel. Her bare stomach looks as if she has not even been hurt at all. Like it never even took place in the first place. All of this worries her as she looks around herself. It truly does feel like she has woken up from the worst of dreams and yet Isolde knows deep within her that what she went through was no dream, but it was true, and she did go through all of it. She did suffer, and she did feel pain but at the same time she did not. She did things that others might say is impossible, she might even say it is impossible.

And not to mention the connection that she still feels with the ocean, it is within her heart, and it is present as ever. Isolde can feel it as she moves around, and she can feel how the ocean is there for her. As if it were a friend that is staying by her side and comforting her in time of need. The feelings that run through her body as indescribable where she does not have words for them.

While the emerald green-eyed girl has connected with the ocean she is still as wise as she has always been, though she does think that it would have been good for her to know to have the knowledge of how and why. Isolde decides that since she does not have the knowledge she will have to get it herself by asking the very man that is in the center of it all. Thomas. While Isolde has not ruled out that he's a Demon, yet she does know that he has the answers that she wants and needs.

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