🌊 XIV 🌊

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"Some people feel the rain while others just get wet"

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"Some people feel the rain while others just get wet"


One would be insane to call the two of them getting along as Isolde pushes him away from her and lifts her hand up to slap him. The stinging pain in her hand is nothing compared to the anger inside her small body. The feelings that she can't seem to understand are growing ever so slightly inside her and all because she is around him. It annoys and angers the Princess. "Do not touch me. Now, you either tell me all that you know or I swear that I will do something that I shall regret" She speaks to him with her eyes glaring at him or what feels the like hundredth time this hour.

The whales and all the wonders she has lost all interest in and all she wishes to know are the answers to the questions that she has. The Demon hides things from her and she wishes to know all or she will leave. Isolde might not know how to get back to the shore but she can definitely try or at least die trying, though it would be for a worthy cause. Getting away from him and his riddles which she is starting to hate.

"Thomas The-I-am-not-a-Demon, you shall answer me right this second!" She speaks in anger when she watches him look at her in amusement as if this is funny but she does not find this amusing nor enjoyable. "The I am not a Demon?" He asks her with a mocking tone and a light chuckle at the end of his sentence. Isolde's heavy sigh can be heard by everyone and the anger flames are nearly so visible that even the birds in the sky would be able to see it soon. "I do not need to explain myself to you" She says.

Her arms crossed over her chest as she finds herself nearing the bottom. It is not until the sand as welcomed her feet that she finds odd that she had gone to the bottom. The sand is so warm and comfortable but at the same time it tickles her bare toes as she has lost her shoes somewhere but that does not interest her in the slightest. Thomas also floats down to the bottom where she stands and smiles down at her. As she turns to look at him she notices that his face has changed, now it has shifted into one of anger or perhaps fear, she doesn't know.

Then it hits her. Literally. A sharp but agonizing pain in her stomach cuts off her air supply as each time she breathes the pain becomes much worse and it increases. Her eyes were about to look down when she sees red float all around her. Looking down all she sees is red and it takes her some time to realize that it's blood and even longer to figure out that it's her that is bleeding. Down by her stomach is sticking an arrowhead covered in her crimson red blood.

A loud ear-piercing scream erupts from her throat burning even her own eardrums. Yet the pain is more intense than it has to be and she falls down to the sandy bottom of the ocean. She lies on her sides with salty tears mixing with the ocean waves and forever getting lost. With her eyes blurry she looks for Thomas to see that he is nowhere in sight, all she sees is the colorful reef and the ocean itself and the blue that is all around and it stretches on for miles and miles with no end.

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