🌊 XLIX 🌊

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"If the ocean is a raging storm, pain or anger is the cause"

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"If the ocean is a raging storm, pain or anger is the cause"


The creature is no more, a single one amongst millions of them. Still, it is the start of victory. Thousands upon thousands of the Mermaid soldiers have fallen in battle, their lives sacrificed for the greater good and fighting for their King and Queen. Isolde sharply exhales as she stares at the very spot where she has slain the dark creature. Until her eyes catch something far worse than anything which her eyes have seen in her entire life. Her face falls as she drops the sword in her hands and runs towards Ahmeya as she lies on the ground.

The tears in her emerald green eyes have begun to sting her eyes. For the single moment, nothing in the world is more important than her friend. The war seems to be the furthest thing around her. Running past bodies as well as creatures, she kneels down beside Ahmeya. A pang forms in her heart, so painful that even her entire body has begun to feel agony. The pain where she has been struck from the war is neither important nor can Isolde feel it. "No, no, no, no, no" Isolde chants to herself as she looks for any sort of sign that her friend lives.

Searching and searching and still unable to find anything. Not even a single heartbeat from her. Even the ocean can feel that her life has left her. A sob escapes past Isolde's lips as she holds her friend against her chest. The rage inside her rises with each passing second. The sorrow is strong and it is true. Nothing like it has the girl ever felt in her life, nothing like this has she felt, and she swears to herself that never again will she have to endure this pain ever again in her life.

The pain so deep and so true that it becomes even difficult to breathe. The world spins around her, and the war which happens around her is not even there at all. Her eyes close as tears run down her cheeks. Rocking back and forth, Isolde holds Ahmeya close to her. Wishing that she does not have to let go of her ever again. "It cannot be" Her whispering voice speaks, breaking and cracking while she speaks. The tone so sorrowful that even the ocean could feel it, and it carries it towards the King who fights with all his might.

The world is unfair and it is cruel. It is horrible, and it is nothing but a tragedy. The world is wicked and evil. Still, it is the world she were born into. Isolde has seen the darker side of the world, she has seen death, and she has seen cruelty. At the same time, the young Queen has seen kindness and the bright joy of the world. The ocean is hers and despite how it has been through much, the ocean has taught her something. The ocean is the happiness and sorrow at the same time. The ocean has seen death and seen births.

And now it has seen the death of a very dear friend of the Queen. With each and every tear that runs down her cheeks, the ocean grows stronger. The emotions that live inside Isolde are coming out. The rage, the sorrow, the happiness, the memories. Everything is coming out. Water holds much and as the world is her witness. She is letting all her feelings out of her body. Queen Isolde is about to show the world that she can be broken down, and she can be hurt, and still she will rise, and she will stand tall with her head high and rule.

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