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"The ocean is the breath of the world"

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"The ocean is the breath of the world"


Medusa's body falls limp on the ground, and her head rolls over the place until it stops near the King. He stares at her head with shock written on his face, then his eyes look up at the girl who is responsible for the death of the woman that he once had a past with. And as this proud look comes across his face for he can truly see that Isolde was always meant to become the Queen of the ocean and she showed this day that she will do anything to protect the ocean, even if that means she has to commit a dark deed for the sake of the whole ocean and the world.

Slowly he walks past the head and towards the girl carrying the sword. She's breathing heavily as she holds the sword, still in slight shock of what she had done herself. Queen Isolde does not look at the man she loves. Rather, she stares at the dead body of the woman that caused her and so many others pain and has killed so many. The girl does feel guilty for what she has done, and she does regret it. But at the same time she knows within herself that she had to do it.

Then her eyes lift up to meet the man that she loves and her look softens. Slowly she walks over to him and they meet in the middle. After all that time and after so much pain and death, they finally are able to hold each other. Isolde sighs as his arms wrap around her. She drops the sword and she is quick to wrap her arms around him and hug him. "I have missed you" She speaks to him, she truly has. These words are the purest truth that comes from her.

Believing that she was dead and actually seeing her dead body has made him want to hold her forever, and keep her close to him at all times. But after seeing her defeat the enemy that even he could not defeat, he realizes that perhaps she is the one that needs to keep him safe instead of the other way around. "I have missed you more than you can ever imagine, my love" He speaks to her, the words were spoken in a low tone and it was only meant for her to hear and her ears alone.

"Shall we go home?" She asks him with a smile as she looks up to meet his ocean eyes which she truly has missed. Queen Isolde has been longing to be home from the moment that she had woken up in that place, the darkness all around her and then she missed it even more when she woke up in that white light place with the girl, and then she craved to go home when she had woken up inside this place which still does give her the creeps. Wanting nothing more than to get as far away from this place and that woman as she can.

He sighs as he breaks the hug. "Of course, my love. Let us leave this place and never look back" He says to her. Poseidon eyes her to see if she is injured. He cannot help it. He wishes more than anything that she is safe and that she is never harmed. As they were about to walk out of that throne room, Isolde stops. "Wait, there is one thing we need to do first" She tells him. Then she heads back towards Medusa's body and then towards the head that still lies there.

"What ever are you doing?" He asks her confused. The dark browned haired Isolde does not answer him as she bends down and takes Medusa's head in her hands. A disgusting look comes across her face when she sees the head in her hands, finding it very wrong but at the same time, she does have an idea of what she needs to do. The snakes appear to be dead, yet Isolde can somehow sense that they are still alive and that did make her idea even stronger. "She might not be alive any longer, yet it is her curse that will live on forever" She only says as she looks at him.

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