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"The ocean carries one of the most intelligent creatures in the world"

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"The ocean carries one of the most intelligent creatures in the world"


The world was peaceful, so silent this morning. On top of the surface, the sun rises and shines on whatever it can. Seagulls fly in search of food from the sea. The world is so silent and free this morning that one might suspect it were a paradise. Deep beneath the waves, the fish swim peacefully. Animals of all kind in their natural habitat. Some hunting for food, while others protecting their loved ones and young. This morning is like any other. Except for one thing. While this may be a peaceful morning, it will not be a peaceful day.

Nearing the castle which holds the two Royals of the ocean is a dark force, with the intention of evil, the force does not care who it harms while doing so. The King as well as the future Queen would never suspect anything until it were too late, and they would face their death. They would be bowing before their lives would be taken away from them. The ocean would bow down before someone else, and the King that once controlled it would lose all. The dark force has showed up, and now it will make certain the King and the human girl will fall.

When the King is awake and waiting for Isolde to explore her destiny, something much larger is happening outside. Something that even Poseidon could not prepare for. Poseidon goes out of the star lit room, the memories of being with her still remaining in his mind, and he would not let go of those memories. From the moment that he met that girl, she has been hard on him. Not in the sense that she has been difficult, but rather she has not accepted him. She did not trust him, and she was rather withdrawn.

In the times when they have been together, she has started to soften up. While Isolde still has her charm of tricks and plans, she does not use them as often. She's not as faithful to revenge as she was before. At least not to him anyway. Perhaps to other people. The girl is used to tricking people with her pranks and intelligent thinking and even drive them mad. Poseidon can only chuckle and smirk at the thought of it. The way that she thinks always has him impressed. The King goes towards the Throne room, where he sits down on his Throne.

While he waits for her to join him on the Throne beside him. She will most likely want to eat breakfast with him. If anything, the night that they share, (though not one of passion) has changed things. In what way? He figures that he will have to find out and that road he is waiting with excitement. He sits there and leans back, waiting for his love. As he's relaxed and waiting, a painful feeling runs through his entire body. The feeling unknown to him. Pain is a feeling which is new, and he barely knows.

The feeling not good to him, and he worries this might be something worse. It has nothing to do with his love for he knows with Scylla she is safe for he would protect her. When Isolde had left the star room, he did suspect that she would go own there. How she would release the being which he put there many thousands of years ago, he does not know. When it comes to Isolde there is nothing that one knows about her, always managed to surprise all, and she does not do much to surprise everyone, yet somehow always does.

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