🌊 LXII 🌊

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"Happiness comes in waves"

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"Happiness comes in waves"


Poseidon can only glare at the woman that smirks on the throne. And for the first time in a very long time, someone meets her eyes and is not turned to stone. For it will take a lot more than to make him turn into stone, if she can for that matter do just that. Medusa lets out a laugh when he walks inside. "Finally we are together at last, and I had to go through so many years alone just to enjoy this moment at last. Such a shame the deaths had to be so many" She says with a tone that says she does not regret all those that have lost their lives.

His anger rises within him with such rage that it takes all his self-control to not attack her and end her life at this very moment, and he does all he can to not act on his anger, not yet. There will be time for that later. "You have slaughtered my subjects, kidnapped my Queen and nearly destroyed the ocean. For your crimes, you shall be punished. Even death is far too kind to you and not worthy of you. My brother's punishments for you will never be enough. No, you shall suffer in life!" He speaks.

His voice filled with anger and venom that is only directed at her. The deaths of each and every one of his subjects that she has caused, he has felt and he will never be able to undo those feelings that he felt when their life left them. They were taken too soon from the world and then moved on to the next one, and yet they deserved to be in this one. The world within the ocean. And he will avenge those that she took from him, took from the world.

Not only will he avenge the deaths of his subjects, but also the death of his Queen. She may be alive now, he can feel her life force somewhere and he will find her as soon as he has defeated the evil that threatens not only him but the world. From Poseidon's words, Medusa can only let out a dark chuckle. She stands up from her throne. She removes her cloak to reveal her armor. The armor fashioned out of old armor she has found and made new with snake scales that bind it and create a color.

Around her waist is a sword that is crafted purely out of snake skin and is a strong force that she has bound dark magic to in order to create a weapon that can slice through flesh and bones with the sharp tip. She smirks as she raises her sword. "Shall we test how well you remember our courting?" She asks with an evil glint on her face. The two of then indeed have a past and they used to spar with each other during those times as a way of bonding. Medusa not only was beautiful but she knew how to use a weapon.

Poseidon's grits his teeth then he smirks. Holding the Trident in his hands, it begins to change shape. Where it once had been fork shaped with three arrow shaped spikes, it changes into a sword. A sharp sword that has a stone near the handle, the same stone that powers the Trident and just like that the Trident becomes the sword he needs to fight her. When once they had been sparring with each other in the past, this time they will fight until one of them is defeated and the world is at stake as well as the crown to the ocean.

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