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"I'm addicted to the ocean"

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"I'm addicted to the ocean"


The tears fall down her cheeks and land somewhere on the ground, she does not care much for it. She does not care for anything anymore. They refuse to stop leaking down her face. Somehow they make her feel horrible and yet much better at the same time. The pale green-eyed girl sits there on the ground and finally lets everything that has bottled up inside her out. It is finally free and out in the world. She cannot stop, even if she wanted to, the tears will not stop. The sobs are leaving her lips, and she hiccups uncontrollably.

The world becomes even darker as she cries there. All her feelings are in the open, and she lets them all go. Isolde does not know how she can live with all of this now. She's trapped somewhere, and she does not know how to get back. The darkness is slowly taking her away, and it frightens her. Isolde is not the strong one that she always tries to show others, she can break. She may be a celestial being, but she can break, and she can cry, and she can hurt like the mortals, she was raised as a human, and she is much more human than she is whoever she is supposed to be.

She does not even want to know who she is, none of it. She does not want any part of that life, the only celestial that she ever wants to know anything about is the man that she loves. She cries harder for his love, for all she wants is to be in his arms. To hold him and to love him, and to have him near her. For he is the only one that can make her feel better, for he is the only one that can make her feel protected and safe.

If minutes or hours have passed by, Isolde does not know. She barely notices the world around her, except for the darkness and the echoing sobs that travel the hallways. Creating the illusion that there is someone there with her, and yet she knows that she is all alone there. That fact alone makes her cry harder. The Queen that she is supposed to be is not how she feels, she is not a Queen now, not even a Princess but rather a girl that is scared and afraid.

With the back of her hands, she rubs her eyes and gets rid of the tears. She takes a couple of deep breaths to clam herself down. The heart within her chest refuses to stop pounding, and it is as if it is inside her head, for the ache has begun to bother her mind. Her breathing is quick and uneven as she sits there on the ground. Her eyes try to see something in the darkness, even when she knows that there is nothing there. This nagging feeling within her that she may not be alone after all is still rising, and she cannot explain any of it.

How long she was at calming herself down, Isolde does not know. The girl has let it all out of her system and something changed within her. The heaviness on her heart is not as heavy, it has been lifted off her, and she feels better somehow. Perhaps it had been the work of her crying, or maybe it had been something else. For what reason it had been, it will remain a mystery to her, and she will not dwell on any of it for now, there are much more dire things she has to worry about.

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