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"I wish to be reborn as a spirit of the ocean"

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"I wish to be reborn as a spirit of the ocean"


A long time ago, there had been a woman. She was considered to be the most beautiful one in the world, and men all over the world desired to have her. She was a true beauty. Her pale skin and prefect complex as well as her charming green eyes captured the attention of anyone that were to walk past her. The woman had thick black hair that was like silk when a hand ran through it, the softness and the beauty in it was the envy of many as well was the enchanting beauty within her heart as she possessed kindness beyond anything anyone's ever seen.

The woman had even captured the attention of one of the most powerful celestial beings in the world, and the King of the ocean. He appeared to her as a human, and the two of them began courting. And when the woman felt great love for him, he was only with her for the rush of pleasure and the beauty that only he could get. He was able to charm any woman that he wanted, and he liked to play with their hearts and their feelings and then throw them away when he became bored of them.

The King of the ocean used to play with many women and has broken hearts left and right wherever he went. The woman did not mind that at all. She was the most beautiful of them all and her love for him ran deep. She captured him, and she had him, then she did not care for how many others he had. She was his and when she learned of his power and who he truly was, she knew she was going to become the Queen of the ocean and then soon after Queen of the entire world.

The woman over time became obsessed to become the Queen and having a crown, and her love for him only deepened. He had granted her the ability to breathe under the surface, but it was limited and there were times that the ocean played mean tricks on her. Take away that ability and show the true power of the ocean and what it is capable of doing. The ocean did not like this woman nor her hunger for power. She put up with all of that if it meant she had all the riches in the world by her feet.

No matter how hard she tried, the woman was unable to get that crown. The King of the ocean never promised her that crown nor the throne, and she was nothing more than a plaything for him. Her beauty however, she used to seduce him, use that to get what she wanted. That manipulation did not go unnoticed by someone that would soon become the center of the story. The King's younger sister, the Queen of all darkness, soon found out of the woman. With her sickness and her evil intention, she did the unthinkable. She cursed the woman.

The woman that was once the most beautiful in the world was cursed to become the most hideous creature. And while her beauty still remained, it was her black silky hair that turned into poisonous slithering snakes that. Her eyes became even more vibrant, and the eyes that once captured the attention of all men soon became what turned anyone that looked into them to stone. The King's sister had cursed her to remain trapped on an island, but anything under that island as well as the ocean and the earth was hers to command as well, and there she would stay for the rest of her immortal life.

For the curse was designed to keep her life immortal, to make her suffer. There she was cursed to stay until the end of time or until she gains the crown of the ocean and when she becomes Queen of the ocean, she will be able to go wherever she wishes, and she will have power beyond anything. The King of the ocean did not want a creature that cannot even look at anyone without turning them to stone, which is he left her, abandoned her on that island to be forever alone.

Through time, the woman became hateful and swore vengeance against those that had done her this. Not only to the King for having left her, but his sister for cursing her. The thoughts of revenge kept swirling and with the isolation except for the poor creatures, human and otherwise that she turned to stone, the woman walked a clear road towards madness. It had taken over her, slowly, but it had consumed her whole to the point where she does not think anything else but the evil doings she will do to those that had done this to her, and she gains the throne of the ocean and the crown.

She will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. With time, she became obsessed with the crown. She used the things that were brought to her by not only the waves of the ocean, but also from the ones that came to her island. She gained a force of creatures to do her bidding and did all they could to destroy the ocean. For what good things can become successful if they are not torn down and rebuilt into the better version of what it once had been?

The darkness that the woman felt within her heart only darkened with the centuries that passed by the world, and the more hateful she became, the darker her plots of evil became. When she had one day heard of how the King's destined girl had entered the ocean, and she was supposed to be the Queen of the ocean, and she will be the one that takes away that from the woman. Her anger only deepened, and it was time to put all her plans into action, which began with a man with a bow and arrow that had pierced the new Queen in hopes of killing her. The plans only became darker after that, and that was only the beginning.

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