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"Be calm like the waves"

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"Be calm like the waves"


"The two of you have to be the worst captors that this world has ever had?" Poseidon speaks when he stands behind them. His eyes have found the girl which makes his heart go wilder than it has ever been. Yet, now he knows that she's alive, and she still breathes. He has to hurry to end this and yet knows that this will not end in a short time, and it will take some time to end this war. Dimitri and Hunter turn around to be faced with the King standing there with a smirk on his face, hiding his emotions as well as his pain.

"I would have expected a challenge for me when I arrive, but it would appear all I see is an angry son and even angrier father who appear to have been angered by a woman. A woman who is higher than him, despite her small size. I do wonder how you were ale to let a woman get under your skin so much that all you could do was harm her to love her mouth... I do believe that I taught you better than this" Poseidon speaks when the two creatures look at him in shock as they did not expect to see him there, at least not for some time.

When Hunter had believed that Poseidon could not find them for they were in a forest that marks sure that he would stay out, yet there here he stands. Hunter however doesn't waste any time to attack the King, no matter what he says or mocks him, he attacks him. Using all the anger that he had in his body he attacks Poseidon. Still, Poseidon has the upper hand. He might not be as tall or creature looking as Hunter, but he does have his mall size which he can use, not to mention he is the King of the ocean and the Deep Blue.

Each time that Hunter tries to attack him and hit him his fists goes through Poseidon's body which takes the shimmer of water as soon as he touches him. This makes the King smirk as all he does is stand there. This he uses often. He stands there, but it is not him there at all but a version of himself. As he has done so many other times he can use water to create an image of himself, when the sun shines it can be seen as water but in the thick forest it cannot be seen.

Because the water is him, and he is the water, he can control it and act as if it were truly him in person. He often does this to his younger brother which he even as this takes place he is down in the Underworld with his brother, using one of his images there. It works the same as his own person and what happens somewhere else, he can see and feel. He can know things without being present. Water is a powerful tool, and he is the one that controls it. He is water itself.

Each punch that Hunter lands on it does the same thing, which does frustrate the creature terribly. "You know, I had believed your silly little gang had grown larger than this, but it would appear that there are only the two of you. Such a shame, truly it is" Poseidon speaks with mock tone in his voice. Dimitri has now finally understood why the two of them belong together, why Isolde and Poseidon are meant for each other. He can see it more clearly than he should.

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