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"The ocean keeps secrets you cannot understand"

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"The ocean keeps secrets you cannot understand"


An ocean nymph is a creature that Isolde has never heard about but still that creature is standing right in front of her. Though despite her telling the Princess that her life is in danger she just rolls her eyes and smirks at the light blue girl in front of her. "My life has forever been in grave danger. It is what I hear every single day of my life. Your words do not mean much to me" She tells her. However, even when she tries to put up this brave face there is still a lot of fear inside her body.

Isolde doesn't know if she is trapped in a dream that she wishes she could escape from or if she is starting to lose her own mind, yet she feels as if all of this is real. Something is stirring inside her that she can't seem to understand, but she has these feelings that she can't shake away from her even when she tries. "Please listen to me, it is not safe for you here. They are coming and they will kill you. It is my birthright to protect my King and Queen, and I will do what I was meant to live for" Ahmeya speaks.

Each time she talks it sounds almost magical yet the Princess knows that when one deals with creatures beyond this world then they would be magical and horrible as magic is evil. Witches are evil and they are burned for their sins and these creatures will soon fall to the same fate. "If one wants to kill me then let them come, I am trained with swords and bows, I can protect myself" Isolde speaks, not mentioning the fact that she has neither a sword nor a bow anywhere, and she doesn't have one back at Agatha's house.

When she had been a child she was expected to behave like a woman and a young girl did but Isolde being the person that she is refused to take her normal woman lessons without a sword so she was allowed to take her lessons and then afterwards train with a sword. Even when all said and believed it was disastrous she wanted to be able to protect herself if she needed. Though she should've taken a sword or a weapon with her and she curses herself for that mistake that she made for she could've used one now.

"Forgive me to assume you could not" The creatures speaks, she looks like she has no clue what is going on with the Princess but most people don't know either way. "What is happening here? Why do feel so cold?" Isolde asks, breaking out of the current conversions, though as much as she would like to discuss how great she is with a sword despite her being a woman and a Princess at that she does wish to know what is happening around her and what it has to do with her. "The world above is a cold place" Ahmeya says to the Princess.

She takes a step closer to her. "Only down in the ocean is where the warmth will find you and you shall find safety but it will not come where it cannot find you" She speaks. As much of a respect that she has for the Princess, she needs her to do as she says. Though Poseidon had told her that Princess Isolde is not a girl that will do whatever people tell her and she is not one that likes to be ordered around and if one is smart, one will never try to command her, or they will suffer the consequences... that Isolde creates herself.

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