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"On land is where I belong, but why do I long for the ocean?"

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"On land is where I belong, but why do I long for the ocean?"


The land of the Forgotten or the Queendom of Shadows, as it was called, used to be the Queendom of all darkness. With Queen Luna on the throne and she reigned the darkness. Once it used to marvel in glory and was a Queendom that none would face. The shadows were her servants and she was the one that ruled there as well as created the shadows of the human world and all the other world. It was with her that evil began, and it was with her that spells were used. Witches, warlocks and other forces were created through her magic.

Luna has always been powerful, and the evil found her heart. And that Queen that ruled that marvelous Queendom fell into that evil so darkly that the world suffered. The human died by her hands and if it had not been for the four brothers that she had, the four elements, she would've killed all that lived in the world. They stopped her. Imprisoned her far away where she could do no harm and her magic, the power inside her, could not escape to infect the world once more with evil like the girl had done. Behind her violet eyes, there remains this evil wickedness that took control over her.

It is not the dead that come to her, but rather the lost shadows of the world. The darkness does hold much greater power, and it is Luna that controls all that power. But, it is also her power that can be told as the most unstable. Darkness cannot grasp into one master, but rather it goes where it wants. For that Queen, controlling it has been a challenge. She owns the darkness, she is the darkness, but even then it does often have a mind of its own, and it does not follow any laws.

Finding the one that has the best potential to win against goodness is what the darkness clings to. Light and dark have always been enemies and will remains for until the end of time, and even then they battle it out once more. Luna, however, ruled that Queendom on her own. Until, she was taken away, and she could no longer rule. Trapped in that prison, her once Shadow Queendom became forgotten. Ruined and lost. Known only as the Land of the Forgotten. Where the shadows would hide and be forgotten by all.

A wasteland of nothing but endless darkness was left. Those that dared to go there would never return, those that entered and stepped upon the ground would never be seen or heard from again. With time, they, too, would become forgotten. Only those of Luna's bloodline have been able to find their way back, and only they can survive there. But, what will happen to those that are not from Luna's bloodline and have been banished there? To be forgotten by the world and all that live there? What happens to those that wake up in a wasteland, with only the darkness and silence?

Pale green eyes wake up to the endless darkness in every single direction, the pain all around her body, and the silence so haunting that her own heartbeat is loud in her ears. Letting out a breath, she sits up. The ground beneath her is simply just sandy. As if she were walking on the beach, but this sand is much softer and yet darker. Her eyes search everywhere, trying to understand this darkness which she has woken up in, and if she can see just about anything other than the darkness that is everywhere.

Nothing else she can see and nothing else she can hear. The silence makes her want to stab someone, and yell at a certain King. The pale green-eyed girl stands up, but falls back down. And let's out a gasp as she grasps her stomach. Pain flows through her like never before. The pain confuses her, but then she feels the pain lessen. With her hand there on her stomach, within the bleeding wound on her stomach, it becomes to close. Slowly and silently, the wound closes up. Once she has taken her hand away, the pain is gone and the wound has become nothing.

As if it had never been there at all. The girl stands up and is able to this time. Her feet are bare, and she wears a gown, a light gown that does not feel restricted to her. It confuses her, as her memory cannot fathom where she is or how she got there. In fact, the girl cannot seem to be able to remember anything that happened. The last she can remember is being with the one that she has fallen for, and what happened after that is the mystery. It has something to do with him, and when she finds him, he will wish he never knew her.

She will hurt him so badly that he would be unable to walk for weeks, and she would rule his kingdom as its rightful Queen. The girl begins to walk around in the darkness. The sand under her feet almost grabs her and wants to hold her down. She refuses to fall and she is headstrong. Taking one step at a time, towards what? That she doesn't know just yet. With the anger inside her is what leads her on, she will find him and when she has found him she will kiss him and then hurt him.

Punish him for what he has done to her, though she has to feel his touch on her body before she can do that. The girl walks endlessly in the darkness. Hunger does not exist, thirst does not either. She walks and walks and walks. Landing on nothing. With only the sand and nothing else ahead of her. Until she does see something in the midst of the darkness. And in that darkness, the smallest of smiles comes to her face once her eyes have caught it, and that is where she is headed. A castle of darkness stands there, proud and tall.

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