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"Only Hellfire can survive the wrath of the ocean"

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"Only Hellfire can survive the wrath of the ocean"


Poseidon's chest is warm when he stares at the girl as he always is. "After we have eaten" He suggests to her. The thought of spending an entire evening, just the two of them together, eating together does excite him. Isolde nods to are with it. "I suggest you leave my chambers now, I will have to change for the evening, unless you want to watch..." Isolde trials off with a smirk on her face which makes the look on his face fall right off. Something that she had wanted all along, this reaction from him which doe make her smirk even wilder than it was.

He pales and without a word has left her room. Isolde can only chuckle. He should have known better and known her better for that matter. Not only does Isolde never change her attire when special events are taking place such as suppers or anything in between that. Her parents as well as her scholars used to scold her for that. She did not listen. The girl has never truly listened when it came to any sort of lessons. Did not care much for it and simply did not want to learn anything about it.

Still with a smile on her face, Isolde goes out of the bed and allows the water to take her to the floor of the room. In the past she has done it a couple of times. Never truly paid much attention to what makes the ocean want to take her places. It knows where she wants to go before she has already made the action of going. The ocean knows that somehow. This time Isolde is coming at this from a different angle, another vision which she has seen. The one where the ocean does it because he is responding to her being a magical being.

It had not passed her mind to even think of herself as someone who possessed such abilities, did not believe that it were even possible. Isolde has never known much about magic in general, but she can figure out that magic simply does not come out of nowhere and without warning. Magic is what has lived inside that being their entire life. Isolde's entire life. Nothing else about it made sense. Though, in a couple of hours she will know the truth and hopefully the questions that she has will be answered.

When the time had come for the supper to begin, Isolde walks out of her chambers and towards his chambers. She has not been there directly but has gotten directions some days ago. Somehow it had come up between her only friend there; Ahmeya that Isolde thought that the King did not sleep at all. This the ocean nymph had denied and showed her to his chambers. They did not go inside, only looked slightly to see that Poseidon was asleep on the bed. If he was asleep for that matter. Isolde still doubted that he slept and still now believes that he doesn't.

She walks the hallways. Wondering why there is always silence when she walks them. This castle does have a staff hand it does have those who work there, only she barely even sees them at all. It confuses her but she never asked about it. Isolde has not changed her attire nor done anything to make herself be more presentable. She is the way that she was when he came to talk to her before. If anyone were to tell her that she needed to be more presentable, she will do something to them, doesn't know what that is, but it will be worth hearing that insult.

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