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"The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination and brings eternal joy to the soul"

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"The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination and brings eternal joy to the soul"


The look of disgust is not difficult to see on the Princess as she has been presented the food. A young girl, perhaps a year or two older than Isolde herself yet she cannot be certain of it. The girl is not what captures Isolde's attention, despite her having a tail and her appearance is stranger than what she has known, but what holds her attention captive is the tray that was put on her lap or rather the thing that is on top of the tray. "If he wanted to poison me, he certainly will succeed if I were to eat this" She speaks.

The girl lets out a quiet giggle but she does not allow Isolde to know that she found her words amusing which can only add the longer she watches the disgust on the Princess' face. Pushing the tray further from her, Isolde feels as if she is going to throw up at any second now. Right in front of her is brown mush which reminds her of when she crushed her potatoes as a child for she did not like the taste. It has square bits of what appears to be something black that appears squishy.

The smell hits her hard and it smells like as if this bowl which it is in has been left out in the burning sun for two weeks and it has begun to rotten. It only needs the mold to appear deadly to her. "Never shall that touch my mouth" She speaks as she tries to push it further away from her and for the first time she takes a good look at the girl and nearly gasps when she sees her appearance which Isolde had ignored before and she cannot believe her emerald green eyes when she sees her.

The girl does not appear to be tall and yet she is taller than anyone that she has ever seen, now that she can see her fully. Her skin is pale and almost white but there is some color to it. Her face is normal but her eyes are larger than any eyes that she has seen. The girl's two eyes are from the middle of her nose to the middle of her forehead and the eye color is pure blue. Her irises have no other color but deep light blue which truly stands out as her hair is white.

The hair is long and flows around the girl but what shocks Isolde the most is a tail that begins from the hips and it flows down and then bends upwards as the fins on the end are going jump and down which keep her almost floating. The tail is shimmer when the lights from around the room hit it and she cannot be certain of the color of the tail or if it has a color to begin with. Isolde's mouth drops open as she stares at the girl who only has a kind smile on her face.

Isolde doesn't speak and neither is she able to for the shock is too much. She has seen many creatures in a short period of time and yet this one shocks her more than anything as she has heard stories of this creature. A siren. A blood-thirsty monster that drives sailors to their doom to never be seen again. Their song lures them to their deaths where they are eaten. The legends speak of how the sirens are beautiful and yet they are as ugly as ugly can get but all that Isolde can see is beauty as the girl in front of her is beautiful.

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