🌊 XVII 🌊

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"The ocean can make quiet things heard"

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"The ocean can make quiet things heard"


The calm and soft underwater waves move her dark hair in motion as she lies there on bed with covers over her body. Her fingers slightly twitch as she begins to stir in what looks like her peaceful slumber when in truth she did not sleep soundly. Memories which the girl would've rather had forgotten plague her mind and terrorize her in ways that none but herself can know. Her emerald green eyes softy open with confusion. What meets the eye are shimmering stars which she has never laid eyes upon before in her life and her memories are all over so she cannot understand what5 might possibly be happening.

Isolde's eyes do however begin to see clearly when staring up to see that it's a dark blue, darker than royal blue ceiling with what looks to be stars at first but are glowing jewels. When her body begins to move and she sits up she's met with a surprise of a lifetime. The Princess had been convinced for a small second that all that had taken place, from her running away to meeting Thomas had been nothing but a dream or rather a nightmare which she cannot throw from her mind.

She's in the oddest shaped bed that her eyes have her been witness to. Upon looking closer she notices that it's shaped like a seashell and her back is against the top. Fear rises within her that the shell could close at any second and her body would be defenseless. Isolde's body is weak without knowing why, lifting her hand up is even harder than she would've guessed and her stomach is in so much pain that even breathing is painful and it sends spikes of agony up her entire body which she has to bite down on her own tongue to stop herself from screaming out in pure pain.

Her body is under warm covers which are the oddest ones as they seem to made out of seaweed and yet they are the warmest thing that she has ever been under. Her eyes are looking around herself to see walls which are in this lovely shade of turquoise with the same blue as the ceiling patterns which look like waves yet she cannot be certain of it nor anything for that matter. Her mind is confused and the fear is settling inside her which doesn't seem to wish to leave her alone.

There is nothing else that her eyes sees but something floating around her. Other than her hair notices that there is something floating around her body, something glowing and something that resembles the diamonds on the ceiling at yet they are not the same. The glow is dimmer but and sadder for a reason she can't explain. Isolde stares at it for some time and yet she cannot make sense out of it. With a sigh escaping past her lips she moves on the bed but as she is sitting up the pain is almost too much to even be able to handle it for the girl.

Lying back down which is the only position that she can be without the ever pounding pain that is like hundreds of rocks are crushing her body. Breathing is hard for her but at the same time the air seems to have a mind on its own and welcomes itself into her lungs. The emerald eyed Princess can't seem to remember what had happened to her but still she can remember meeting all sorts of things such as an ocean nymph as well as Thomas and she walked into the ocean.

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