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"When it rains, the sky is crying for the world

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"When it rains, the sky is crying for the world. When I'm crying, the world only sees a smile"


The dark figure enters the castle of the ocean, with a grinning face. The hallways dark and gloomy and empty as all the subjects of the ocean have gone to their home, some with their families and other families that are mourning their fallen sisters. The night is over the world, and the darkness within the ocean is even darker without the presence of the King as well as their Queen. The figure smirks when he walks the hallways, waiting for something to happen, something exciting. Dimitri walks into a room that he has been waiting to enter for some time.

Seeing the throne in all its glory does make him laugh. The sound so cruel and so cold and so evil. He walks over to the throne, touches it. Then he does what no one but the King (and Isolde) has done, and he sits down on it. "I thought this would be much more pleasant, but even King's have terrible taste in chairs. I suppose I will have to decorate once I take the crown" He speaks to himself as he lets out a loud dark chuckle, and the thoughts of evil intentions are brewing inside Dimitri's mind.

This familiar feeling rushes through her when she wakes up. The emerald eyed girl wakes up, but she chooses to heed the warning she had been given. Yet, all that her memory can recall is how she is supposed to keep her eyes closed and not open them. Which she does. The feeling of water all around her is everything that she needs anyway. Now that she's in water, in the ocean, she can feel the world around her in ways like nothing ever before. The ocean shows her the way, and it tells the girl everything she needs to know.

The feeling that she gets when she's in the ocean is strange, with the only way to describe it as home. It feels safe and comforting and like home. It's where she belongs Isolde knows that she is home and that she is where she belongs, but there is something different within this part of the ocean. As she sits up, she tries to figure out what it is. Until she realizes that someone is in this room she's in. Isolde is sitting on something hard, but the ocean makes it soft for her, it does aid her like that.

"Who are you?" Isolde asks. She knows someone is there, someone who has not made their presence known to her. Isolde keeps her eyes closed as tightly as she can, and makes certain to not open them. The world she sees is dark, which is not new to her as she has been in the dark before, the pitch-black world which she had been in before. A dark woman's laugh meets her ears. She gasps as she turns around, but her eyes remain closed. There is this feeling of temptation, but a warning in the back of her mind reminds her to keep them closed until she knows that she is safe.

"The stories lie. A legend of the great Queen who has the temper of a King and the wits of one. The one that tamed the great Beasts of the world. Such a shame really, I thought I would meet that Queen, but perhaps she does not exist. The one in front of me is only a little child that does not know better" A voice speaks. It's a woman. Her voice is slightly hoarse but still feminine and somehow, if it weren't so cold, it would be pleasant to listen to.

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