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"Let the waves carry you where the light can not"

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"Let the waves carry you where the light can not"


The world is a place where too many magical beings live in, and within the human world the mortals know not of the creatures that live in the world. If they would know of the things that hide in the world, they would fight against all that they deem evil, and that battle would be lost by the mortals who have anything supernatural to protect them. All that they have are the weapons that they have created themselves. Yet, they fail to see in what kind of a world they truly do live in. With only the four elements to protect them.

The four brothers that keep the human world as well as every other world standing, and they keep anything from harming the humans. What none of them had realized is how their own sister would be the biggest threat the humans have ever faced. Their mortal lives never stood a change, and she nearly destroyed the human race. By the time that they banished her away into her prison, they were able to save them all just in time. When she was banished, her kingdom or rather the Queendom went into ruin. Now, it is a wasteland of nothing.

But, as Isolde asks the sandy ground of this land, towards a castle that she had spotted. It didn't appear to be a wasteland. It appeared to be a world that has gotten lost on the way. Her eyes, those pale green eyes, look around herself. As if she had to be wary of the things, and her body is prepared to fight anything that would come her way to harm her. And yet she has seen nothing of the sort that would want to harm her in any way. How long she had been there remains unknown to her.

The girl does not care how long she has been there, she will stay there for as long as it takes for the man that she loves with her whole heart to find her. Wherever she is, she knows he must be a part of it, and he will bring her back, and her memories as well. Isolde however will do what it takes to get herself out of this place, which she does not know which is just yet. When she does find out, she will do more harm to him than she had planned done before. There are colorful things that she will do to him.

None of those will end up with him without any sort of wound, either physical or emotionally, she will hurt him. And then she will sit on his throne and rule his kingdom while he heals. Even when she is ruling as the Queen, she will let him rule beside her as her King. She does love him, Isolde loves that man more than she can say or even express in words. The feelings within her are something that she doesn't understand, all that she knows within her heart is the love that she feels.

Of course, she does care about him, and she doesn't want him hurt. Only she can hurt him when he deserves it, and he does deserve it when he has sent her to a place that she does not even know. The darkness has never been her friend, if she were in the ocean and in the dark, she knows that she would always have been all right. She would have him by her side. Even if she were somewhere far away from him, in the ocean, the water is him. She feels him around her, and she knows that he would protect her from all harm.

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