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"Do not tempt the rage of the waves"

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"Do not tempt the rage of the waves"


Dusk has taken over the world and the Princess who had spent the day in the town, unrecognizable and dirty yet the smile on her face never seemed to have disappeared and the happiness inside her light green eyes did not want to fade away and neither should it for Isolde was doing what she wanted to do with no one teller her she could not do(though who would want to try?) even when she always has done what she has wanted to do. Agatha had returned back to her house after the Princess had ordered her, telling her that she would find her way there once the sun set.

Once the day was over Isolde tried to find her way back but ended up getting lost in the forest yet she did not mind that much for her mind is focusing on her memories and what she had gone through. She did realize that people are much meaner when they have no clue that she is of Royal blood and some even curse at her while others completely ignore her, yet she did not seem to care for the town was beautiful in her eyes and she got to see stores and alcohol sales everywhere and she even went into the only tavern there.

A horrible place which she hopes to never step foot into again. She will now never be able to forget the horrid and foul stench of not only vomit but blood and other body fluids which she would rather not say, and also the drunken men with the wenches that are there. Her face turns to one of disgust when she thinks of the tavern and she wonders how people can actually enjoy a place like that but then she has to remind herself that not everyone grew up with luxuries as she did, though she is a Princess.

Walking through the forest trying to find her way she suddenly sees a light ahead which does make her interested in what it is as she does not think that there are any houses or people around this forest except the town. Agatha is the only one that loves outside the town itself as strange as that is, though Isolde does not care much for where people live or how houses are built far from things or anything like that. Somehow she feels her body being pulled to that light without knowing why.

Isolde's body starts to move there and it is as if her own body has no control over itself yet does at the same time and while it confuses her she has no time to think of that for her eyes are trying to see the light. She can see it clearly yet she can't tell where it comes from nor how it is so bright that it cuts through trees almost as if unearthly and perhaps it is, she doesn't know. The Princess is learning new things about the world that she had no clue about and perhaps even more than she has done in her life in the castle.

The cold in the air doesn't seem to touch her not does it bother her for her body doesn't want to think much of it, and Agatha had given her a blanket to wrap around her body before she went back to her house and the blanket is still so warm and it keeps her body heat safe and near her. The brown haired Princess just continues to walk on and not caring about the world around her, all sounds seem to disappear as if they were never there at all and the world is just her and that light which still pulls her towards itself.

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